S (making the bare minimum, the basis)

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unending text on the screen. i'm reading it.

i don't really know what it means,

because it's in some alien language.

i don't understand.

it's in cyrillic script.

considering every online translator is horrible,

i guess i'll never know what it means.


there is one thing.

one thing i can respect about it all.

the two are gone from the server

and i'm.


and i'm just reading o'er it, out of curiosity

and i'm still doing it

not sure what it really means

but i keep doing it

and i still don't know what it means

i keep going back

they've been having this conversation for two years

on and off

fragments of it begin to make sense to me

but it seems they've bid farewell

they haven't spoken in two years either

one bit of text after the other

i put together some knowledge of what may have happened

but these conversations,

they didn't amount to anything

they're just


nothing special

exchanges of hellos, how are yous, goodbyes as they both leave

i'm just reading over it to bide my precious time

i was late to the party

and i have nothing better to do

this is, until i see something change

the other one, the one who would always enter first, has come back

they ask me if i'm there in english

i reply, stating that i was present

and they asked me if i was the same person

i reply, no, i'm sorry, but i did see the conversation above

they said i was fine, it's their fault for being such a lonely piece of garbage

i said, no, you're fine too, i understand that you probably had some things come up in your life, even if just for one day

i said that because the last conversation that they had, he didn't get on for one day but they did

and then he came back but they never came back on again

now that i was thinking more about it, i felt horrible for this poor guy, gal, or person

it seemed like these two were very good friends.

i couldn't imagine how it pained them to lose such an amazing spectacle in their life by just not showing up for one day. one. day.

i only inferred that they were going through this rough patch when they began to monologue about everything that had been going on and how they felt about this huge misunderstanding that they could never even know about.

they said it was an act of karma and they were surprised they still hadn't learned their lesson, seeing as how they continued to commit atrocities despite losing this very important part of their life. they were trying to slowly better themselves, though.

i said, i'm sorry.

they said, you're fine. you had nothing to do this.

i said, well, i'm sorry i couldn't have been here earlier.

they said, you couldn't have known me, or them. you don't have to apologize for something you didn't even have any knowledge of.

i said, i'm sorry anyways.

they said, thank you. really. even if i don't wanna take it.

i said, well, thank you for taking it!

i only said that as a joke because i didn't want them to think about this constantly.

they said, you're welcome.

but then i was just talking to myself.

i looked up, back up to the conversation. it was in english now. perfect english. no grammatical errors, no missing punctuation, perfect spelling, among whatever else could be added to a list to make a sentence or group of sentences perfect.

who am i  

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