Beginning Anew

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I own none of this. All of this is thanks to Chris for making an awesome story, and this is my tribute: to pick up where he left off. Hope you enjoy!


Even weeks after Arya's departure, I missed her company. I missed her eyes, her smile, her laugh, and it didn't help that Saphira felt the same about Firnen. The two of us were grieving heavily, even though we were comforted by each other and the elves.

The land mass that we had reached was interesting, to say the least. It was a mixture between grass plains and forest, with not a cloud in sight. We made camp under the protecting arms of a tree bigger than any of us had seen. It stood thousands of feet in the air and it took 8 of us to circle around its base. The bark was a dark reddish/brown color. Thus, they became redwood trees.

"This land is strange," Blodgharm commented, staring in awe at our surroundings. The other elves merely nodded, basking in new found life, which they now included into their serene circle. As long as they lived, no harm could befall these trees.

The morning came early, but no light punctured the cool canopy of redwood giants. Camp broke silently, everyone too focused on the task ahead to speak. The fate of not only the Riders, but also Alagaesia, once again fell onto my shoulders. If I chose the wrong spot, we could all die, or be forced to kill our neighbors, throwing the Riders into a bad light. But if I found the right spot, the security of Alagaesia would once again rise tenfolds. As it so happened, the next bend in the river took us into the outskirts of a blizzard.

This place is strange, little one. Sephora's sapphire eyes bore into the blizzard, calcuting its appearance and how for until we were out of harm's way.

Do not worry, Saphira, all will be well. I said.

The storm lasted for well over two days, and made our boat ride miserable. Waves leaped out and snatched at us and returned to the river bed just as soon as they had risen. The wind howled and blew precious items overboard, tearing at our clothes. The bone chilling cold that followed was slowly seeping the life from our souls.

But, after those two days of hell, we ended up in a magnificent and plush field, hilly and luscious. Forests of the newly discovered redwood trees grew for miles around. However, the most prominent feature, was the ever constant storm that protecting this area, that was visible from miles away. No normal means of traffic could get through that storm without magical assistance, and I knew that in my heart, this was the place to start again.

We had traversed every last inch of our new found home. The trees were large and full of life. The grass was healthy and growing. The animals were well fed and abundant. We made a temporary camp as the grand hall of the Dragon Riders was under construction, where magic and architecture intertwined smoothly. The palace was coming along magnificently, and was soon to be finished.

The whole palace was set within a mountain, similar to Farthen Dur. The large double doors took a full minute to open, as they were as wide and tall enough for 3 fully grown dragons to enter at the same time. Halls was hundreds of feet high and wide traversed the mountain like an ant hill. Made to confuse enemies that somehow made it paced out now magically enhanced blizzard. And in the center was a dining hall so large it stood 500 feet tall and almost 3,000 feet in length. No walls surrounded our stone haven, as we were confident that no unwanted nonmagical beings would cross the storm.

On the night of the completion, me, the elves, dragon and eldunari alike rested in the dining hall. Blodgharm proposed a toast, to friendship, long lives, and safety. The elves sang songs and danced, and at the end of our festivities, asked, "Argetlam, what shall we call this place?"

I sat and thought for a while, conferring with Saphira. After some time, we agreed upon one.

"The lands surrounding us will be known as Vroengaurd, a way of remember the Riders of old. The palace will be known as the Domia arund Vandr, or the Dominance over Evil, to show our obligation to protect all that is good and choke the veil out of the world."

To that, we sang and danced more, until we could not continue, in which we went our separate ways and slept comfortably for the first time in months.

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