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I own none of this. All of this is thanks to Chris for making an awesome story, and this is my tribute: to pick up where he left off. Hope you enjoy!


"Why have you come for me, wise one?"

"Not now alfakyn, you question the wrong person," she said.

Confusion flowed through Blodhgarm, as Angela was not one to answer to a higher power.

He was granted no time to think, however, as they rushed into room after room, concealed by darkness. If a soldier were to simply turn around or look up at the wrong time, more than likely Blodhgarm would have been ribbons.

After an excruciatingly long wait for a soldier to leave, the pair quietly padded around the perimeter of the room. It was until the creature shut the door, did Blodhgarm realize where he was. He was not in the strange palace the bonded him, rather, he was walking through the halls of Ilirea.

"Far seer, what is this? Deception? A trap?" he asked.

"No, and do not ask me to do it again. Working magic like that is far to dangerous and difficult." Which is when the blue furred elf realize she was pale and stricken, and bent at the waist, hands on the wall.

"How have you done this?" bewilderment evident in his voice.

The ancient woman faced him, face white and gaunt. "What does traveling distance take the most of?"

"Time?" answered Blodhgarm after contemplation.

"Correct," she nodded, "and what is time but energy, and what is energy but heat? When you understand this, you will know what I speak of and how to accomplish the spell." Curls bouncing, she walked off, blending into the shadows of the stone halls.

Blodhgarm shook his head, blue mane rippling. He had wished to avoid this place, for his last visit was one of imprisonment. That appears to be my motto, get captured to kill the capturer.

The stone walls eventually lead to the marble construction, and from it, the throne room. Upon the throne, Nasuada sat, after ten years, untarnished by time. The crown upon her head, she appeared regal, and fuming. "Wake alfakyn, we haven't time."

A strange tug and Blodhgarm was pulled back into his body, which was slumped against the wall, beside the door where the guard had been, well, a time ago.

"Angela..." he whispered.

"I'm here elf. Come," came the terse reply.

Together they travelled from room to room, corridor to corridor, until they happened upon a group of the green soldiers in a room. Stopped cold in his tracks, Blodhgarm's mane rippled and his ears flicked from irritation. He and Angela crept amongst the shadows. The horde was unawares to their location, as his pelt joined the colors of the cool stone behind, and Angela, well her dark attire did enough.

That was, of course, Blodhgarm's perception.

It was the reason that he stumbled when he realized that every pair of eyes was turned in his direction. The nervous pit appeared, ready to consume his and ruin his mentality with its everlasting hunger. It was strange, to be so old and so wise, yet still feel the nervous effects grasp him.

That was until a strange sensation took hold of him, and he heard the words of his premonition: What is time but energy, and what is energy but heat? Blodhgarm's mouth nearly hit the floor, and was why the first spear thrown nearly impaled him. Calling upon the powers within him, Blodhgarm used every ounce of energy left in his body, and worded a spell that had been lost to civilization for centuries.

Once again, Angela proves to be more than she speaks of. A one so wise as to control one of the Seven Deadly Spells, I must speak with her at once.

When the incantation finished, the energy drop within Blodhgarm's body was on a magnitude he hadn't felt since being a young elf, but it worked. Time had slowed significantly, and sound was muffled and dampened in this alternate dimension. Moving through this strange time lapse, he maneuvered around Angela and to the soldiers. None of them gave any indication they noticed him.

Withba spear pulled from the hands of a soldier, he stabbed upward through the bottom of each soldiers jaw. No soldier had a chance to fight, and all twenty of them were standing with a spear-shaped hole going through their heads. On the plus side, his hands didn't get bloody. This pleased him.

Unexpected side effects came with the spell, such as a rush of sound so garbled and confusing Blodhgarm nearly had to cover his ears. It was only momentary until Angela, with a look of smug awe, came to realize what he had done.

"But the Alfakyn did away with such spells centuries ago, before the Dragon Wars. How do you know these spells elf?"

Unable to place what had happened, all he could muster was, "You."

Angela had no response to his statement.


I'd like to apologize for the major lapse in chapter releases, as I got very busy and my will to write this story. I'm working on my own story and I have the main characters and everything planned out. BUT I LOVE ERAGON SO I HAD TO COME BACK TO YALL!!! I LOVE YOU!

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