Dragons Arising

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I own none of this. All of this is thanks to Chris for making an awesome story, and this is my tribute: to pick up where he left off. Hope you enjoy!


It had been an uneventful week whenever Umaroth contacted me. Blodhgarm hadn't found any traces of the other creatures, and the elves and I were all tired from building and sparring. So, most of us were asleep whenever the important time came.

Eragon, the ancient dragon called, wake the others. Two of the dragon eggs are about to hatch, and for two of the elves. Tall-Elf-Fire-Soul and She-with-Moon-Hair have much to learn.

Instantly, Saphira and I were alert. I roused the others with simple nudges of their mind and we all gathered at the base of the massive vault doors. The doors swung inward, by the egg keeper's command, and we all gathered around the two eggs laid on the floor of lava.

One was similar to Saphira's egg. It was small and oval shaped, with thin veins of white discoloring the midnight black egg. The second, an emerald green egg the size of my right arm, was slightly jagged and had no veins running across the egg.

We waited for mere seconds before the first sounds could be heard. The emerald egg started shaking, and squeaking could be heard from inside. The black egg, remained silent. The shaking became so violent that when the fissures ran across the egg and the dragon spilled out, it came as a relief that the small hatching was ok.

It wobbles around the room, fixing its small eyes upon everything in the room. It took shaky steps a few feet in any direction, until it came to the black egg. It squeaked pitifully, and nudged the smaller egg, as if waking the dragon inside. The midnight black dragon stirred, and after a few minutes, the dragon spilled out and took a similar routine to its emerald sister.

The two dragons raked their eyes across the elves, and lastly, Saphira. The small dragons croaked and jumped back in surprise at the sight of the larger one, but eventually overcame their fear and nuzzled her snout. Lastly, the dragons came back to the elves, and walked to two of them.

The emerald female walked to a raven haired elf who I had spoken to sparsely before, Draxin. The elf had a rough backstory. His whole family died in the war with the dragons, and he had to raise himself in the forest of Du Weldenvarden. He taught himself magic and swordsmanship and, once he mastered his craft, moved to Ellesmera to serve Islanzadi.

The black male turned and leaped into the arms of the silver-haired elf Yaela. She had served me well in the war against Galbatorix, and it did not suprise me that the dragon would have chosen her as its rider. Yaela was a hero, and all hero's needed to be honored.

As the two dragons touched their respected elf, the foursome collectively collapsed into the floor and remained motionless. Saphira bugled in joy, and once again dancing and singing broke out amongst the elves.

"Rejoice! The dragons have returned! The times of despair and fear are gone! No longer shall the shadows haunt us and the darkness consume our souls, for the dragons have returned and the time for fear is gone!" Invidia cried out, tears of joy rolling down her sculpted face.

Other such pleasantries flow from the moths of the elves, and the old dragons eldunari swelled with joy and pride at the sight of the young hatchlings. The celebrations carried on until both elves sat up abruptly, startling their new parters and spilling them onto the floor, squeaking.

The black and emerald dragons cantered over to Saphira on wobbly legs and promptly sat infront of her nose. They squeaked and flapped their wings, trying to make themselves appear larger. Saphira hummed, and snorted a blast of wind directly at the small black dragon, which caught his wings like wind in a sail, and he flipped over onto his backside, squeaking in fear the whole way down.

The emerald dragon hummed as well and lazily rolled onto her side, laughing. The black male returned to his feet and snorted, puffs of black smoke spilling out his nostrils. He started in suprise, then tried to eat it, only to snort from the taste and repeat the cycle.

"Shadeslayer," Draxin's soothing voice pulled me back into the present, "what would you like us to do?"

"Sleep with you dragons for the week, talking to them both mentally and aloud. Whenever a fortnite comes you'll be moved to the dragon keep, and sleeping in the Rider's nest from now on. Teach your small partners as much as you can, for they need to learn. You'll come to me in the morning, to assess the dragon's health," I commanded.

"Yes, Ebrithil." The reply caught me off guard, for I never thought that the elves would call me master. The honorific title dragged me into memories of Oromis, Glaedr, and the Crags of Tal'neir. I missed the ancient elf, he had taught me many things, and I hope he could've been here whenever Galbatorix's reign ended.

It was not to be, Glaedr's voice echoes in my head, our anguish mixing, making my eyes wet. I still mourn the loss of my partner-of-my-heart-and-soul. But, you have done well, youngling. Both of you have been more than any of us could've hoped for. You should be proud of yourselves, the rest of us are.

Yes, Ebrithil, Saphira and I cooed.

The night was calm and still. Nothing stirred in the fortress of stone. I sat on my bed, meditating, as was my tradition before I slept. My mind was open to all, as was the reason I felt an unusual mind wandering the halls.

I stood, and readied Brisingr, uncertain of what doe I may be opposing. I turned the corner with a silent, graceful flip, to land inches infront of the black dragon.

He started, squeaking quietly, then hummed when he saw it was me. He gently prodded my hand with snout, so I crouched and pet him. He turned one fiery red eye, strange since he was a black dragon, towards me. From him a gathered a jumble of emotions. First, he was elated to have Yaela as his rider. He was curious about his surroundings, and wanted to learn more. He was elated to being pet by me, and even more happy that Saphira and I were here. He was happy that we slew the oath-breaker that killed his mother, and would fight for me tooth and claw until his last breath.

I sent him thanks for his praise, and said that I was more than happy to be his and Yaela's trainer. He hummed, and soon, was asleep in my arms. I carried him back to Saphira, and laid him next to her great form. After, all was quiet, and sleep overcame me in seconds.

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