The Death of Peace

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I own none of this. All of this is thanks to Chris for making an awesome story, and this is my tribute: to pick up where he left off. Hope you enjoy!

Commotion roused me sooner than I would have liked. And I can't blame Yaela, I would've acted the same way.

It was early in New Vroenguard, when my door could've quite literally flew off its hinges and slammed onto the ground if it had any. Yaela, stricken and weary, loped towards where I lay.

"Eragon, it's Islingr, He's MISSING!"

Squeak? Came the reply from beneath Saphira's large sapphire wing.

The midnight black dragon stumbled out of Saphira's wing and rubbed his head affectionately against Yaela's calf. The pent up worry slowly drained out of the female elf, replaced with love and caring for this tiny creature.

"He woke me from my sleep, and I may have given him a start. I had thought he was an enemy, come to kill me, but it was only young Islingr."

She nodded and looked back towards her companion, sprawled out on the floor, tongue hanging out the corner of his jaw. Yaela laughed, scooped him up, and trotted out.

Who would have thought a hatchling could be so troublesome, rumbled Saphira. I gave her a harsh look.


If only you knew how much trouble you caused me, having to hide, feed, and talk with you everyday.

If not for me you would be a farmer, not Alagsesia's most powerful being in its history. She chuckled, a rough sound that reverberated and shook the door.

I smiled, and thought of the task before me. I was going to train elves far older than I in the art of magic, riding a dragon, fighting while on dragon back, and more.

All of the elves knew of the Eldunari, but they did not yet understand their personalities. Each Eldunari had its own unique personality, and their own memories. While flying back from the original Vroengaurd, the group of dragon heart of hearts had given me vast amounts of knowledge, from vague images with deep meaning to spells lost long ago, the combined knowledge of the dragons was overwhelming.

Slowly, I would introduce the dragons to the new riders. Many of them lacked the ability to speak, as they were mainly wild dragons, but Umaroth acted as their mouth.

The morning sun was rising, cast glorious rays of red and orange light across the land. Today was the day Blohdgarm and Invidia were to report about our new found creatures, and I could sense them approaching Domia arund Vandr.

Saphira and I meandered to the Grand Hall, to have breakfast with the elves, per routine. The elves faces were lined with respect and joy, as always. The talk was loud and the food was good, and the company was amazing. After, we all dispersed to do our daily chores and jobs.


"Blodhgarm!" I shouted.

Within moments, the remaining 9 elves and the two hatchlings were surrounding me, asking a mulitiude of questions.

"Saphira's insight was right. They've run into a large group of those new creatures. Link your minds with mine, and we'll get him and Invidia out of the situation."

I sat, and felt the other elves timidly join their minds with mine. I then felt two new minds, the minds of the young dragons, join my concious. I felt their confusion and awe at my memories and partially blocked them out, so they did not get lost inside my mind.

With our combined strength we stretched our being throughout Vroengaurd. For many heart breaking moments, we could not find Blohdgarm and Invidia. That was, until Yaela winced and led us to where she was looking. We felt the presence of the two elves, weak, and huge amounts of partially blocked minds of the green skinned monsters.

I called upon the host a dragons, mingling my mind and accepting their strength, and my mind was once again the most powerful within Alagaesia. The hatchlings squeaked, the elves winced at the flow of power, but accepted that this was the only way.

Feed them energy, I'll kill the others. I ordered.

Once I felt certain the elves were satisfied, I turned my attention to the horde berating Blohdgarm and Invidia. I surrounded them, not attacking until I had probes in each mind.

The monsters froze as my mental attack started, the sheer weight of my concious closing them down and choking them. Grabbing at their heads, I uttered one word, and all fell.

Eragon, they won't live long enough to make it back. Draxin said.

Umaroth, I'm going to ask another impossible feat from you and the dragons. Feed me the energy and the spells to teleport the two back to the fortress.

The felt the multitudes shutter, conversing, and feeding me energy and lost words. I muttered the impossibly long spell, and Blohdgarm and Invidia stood wobbly, bleeding and bruised, in the center of our circle, and promptly collapsed.



Ilirea was getting boring. War councils and speculations were happening to often, and I was getting to bored to focus on the task. Was this new threat worrisome? Maybe. Maybe not.

Du Weldenvarden was where I belonged, with my people. I needed to help the children, of which there were 5 new ones since the end of the war, and they were already strong and healthy.

The council was gathering again, and I sat in the same chair as I had for the last three days. Firnen sat outside, listening through me, and adding input where it was needed. I was proud of Firnen, he has become a powerful dragon, broad shouldered and confident, but he got bored as easily as I did. And he could not stand being cooped up in the castle grounds.

As Grimrr was explaining what the werecats had discovered, a wave of magical energy mingled with my concious. I stood immediately and ran through the castle, leaping onto Firnen and flying back to the elves. I know what that meant, I knew something was happening.

And suddenly... I knew where Eragon was, every elf did. And I also knew, magic that strong hasn't been used in over a year. Something big was happening, and Eragon was our only hope.

I'm so sorry but I suffered a family loss and haven't wrote until now. I'll be back on it. Hope you like the story!

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