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"Jason McCann?" I ask, he nods as I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, last time anyone heard of his location was Spain
"What's got you so confused?" He asks but I stay quiet so he slaps me, "Answer me!!" His voice booms in the can, I try to hold in the tears as my cheek stings
"How did you get from Spain to London so fast" I say, he chuckles turning towards his friends and they chuckle too as he looks back at me

"Connections princess. I was never in Spain, I've been here for a good, what, month" He says, I look away then the car stops and they all get down I thought they were going to leave me in here but then the door by me opens and I see a guy with curly hair, he looks like a nice guy but well looks are deceiving since he is in this gang
"Who are you?" I ask, he looks at me then behind him then back at me

"Alfredo, I'm sorry for doing all this" He says then tosses me over his shoulder making me let out a small squeal
"Thanks for the warning" I mumble, he lets out a chuckle, I look around to see we are outside of the city, I look further into the distance to see Big Ben shining so bright making me miss home already, from my window I could see Big Ben, a perfect view of it actually.

"Sit her right here" I hear someone says and then I'm on a chair, before I could blink two guys are tying me down to the chair
"Can I at least know everyones names" I say, I see Jason walking down the steps
"I'm Za" The guy tying my hands together says
"Khalil" The one tying my feet says
"Ryan" The one standing by Alfredo says, I nod
"So, Ryan, Alfredo, Za, Khalil and Jason" I say nodding to myself, I try to kick my heels off but cant

"What are you doing?" Jason asks, I sigh
"Trying to taking these heels off" I say then Khalil takes them off for me
"Thank you" I say as I look around
"You're not like most girls we've-" Za says then Jason cuts him off by bumping into his shoulder
"Kidnapped? I know, I bet you're all wondering why I told Jason to pull the trigger earlier, am I right?" I ask

"Shut up" Jason shouts and his voice makes me jump. I turn my head to see my reflection on their fridge and my eyes widen at the redness of my cheek
"Oh my god" I whisper, I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I have a flashback to when I was 16

-"Shut up you little brat!" He yells and slaps me, my cheek is numb from all the slaps I've received in less than an hour, the tears don't stop rolling down my cheeks and my wrists hurt from all the pulling I've done trying to slip free from the rope. He has ripped everything off my body and is now on top of me unbuckling his jeans
"You'll enjoy this" he says laughing as I keep pleading him to stop then I feel a huge pain as he grunts-

I shake my head as tears stream down my cheeks trying to forget that day, that horrible day I got raped

"Yo whats wrong with her?" Za asks
"I don't know" Khalil answers, I struggle against the rope around my wrists and the pain from that day is the same as now
"Please let me go. Please" I plead them, I see Alfredo looks upset and concerned for some unknown reason
"Shut up" Jason groans, then I feel another sting on my other cheek making me bite my lip
"Here this will shut her up" Jason says and then darkness consumes me.

I feel like I'm laying down on something soft and I could hear two voices. I open my eyes slowly to see Alfredo and Jason talking at the end of, a bed.
"Dude, she went through something that she hasn't recovered from, take it easy on her" Alfredo says and before Jason can speak I make a noise so they know I'm awake. I open my eyes fully to see I'm in a room

"Where am I?" I ask then notice my hands cuffed to the bed making me sigh as I stare up at the two guys
"My room" Jason says, I nod
"Miley, what was that down there?" Alfredo asks, then I remember what happened downstairs, that horrible memory, I shake my head looking away from them
"None of your concerns" I say then they just simply walk out, I look around Jason's room to see he's not messy like Jack used to be. The door opens and it's Za with a tray

"Food, you've been out for a day you know" He says, my eyes widen
"What" I say and he nods
"Jason knocked you out to hard" He says, I look down at the tray to see two sandwiches and a water bottle
"Thank you" I say as he un cuffs one hand
"No problem now I'll be back in 15 or someone else so eat up" He says and walks out, I eat everything and finish the water as Jason walks in

"Shit you were hungry" He says, I nod then bite my lip
"Umm I need to pee and can I maybe shower as well?" I ask making him look at me, he nods
"Alright, the bathrooms in there and I'll send Ryan and Alfredo to buy you some clothes to change into" He says then walks out after un cuffing me.

I go into the bathroom turning the shower on and strip down then step in. I let out a sigh as the cool water goes down my body, I look down at my wrists to see the dry blood from the struggling with the rope yesterday. I shampoo my hair then scrub my body down with soap, every inch of my body and I keep my eyes closed as I let myself relax under the water. I wash down the soap then turn the water off and reach out for a towel, I wrap it around myself then step out and I get another towel and dry my hair with it then my legs.

I look in the mirror to see my cheek is a bit bruised making me sigh. I touch it with the tip of my fingers and winch at the pain from the pressure I put. I open the door to the room and see Jason walk in with bags making my grip on the towel tighten

"These are for you" He says without looking at me and leaves after setting them on the bed, I let out a breathe and walk towards the bags and look inside them to find, cute clothes. I put on the shorts with studs on the pockets and a black muscle tank top that has the sleeve holes huge so they can see my bra and sides, I don't see any shoes so I stay bare foot, I brush my hair then towel dry it once more.

I start to walk around Jason's room and I walk towards the window to see he has a perfect view of London, the buildings, London eye, Big Ben, and I bet when the sunsets it looks magical. I look down at my locket and open it to see the pictures of my parents and Jack and I.

I sigh seeing the smiles on our faces.
"What're you looking at?" I jump and turn around to see Alfredo
"You scared me" I say, he chuckles then sees my tight grip on my chest
"What do you have there?" He asks, I take my necklace off and walk towards him
"My locket. It has a picture of my parents on one side and a picture of my brother and I on the other" I say showing him, I dont know why but I do
"Where are they? I didn't see them" He says, I keep my eyes on my palm, on the pictures

"They're dead" I say as clear as possible and he stays silent, I feel his stare on me but I stay looking at the pictures
"I'm sorry. I-We didn't know that" He says, I look up at him
"It's ok, it wasn't your fault" I say
"How?" He asks and that's the question I didn't want to answer, then Jason walks in and I thank god for that

"What's going on here?" He asks as he sees how close we are, making Alfredo walk over to him
"Nothing" He says then looks at me before walking out, I put my necklace back on and rub my eyes
"You want to come downstairs" Jason says, I shrug then he walks away, I follow. We go downstairs to the living room where I see Za and Khalil rolling a blunt while Ryan plays ps3, I see Alfredo walk in from the kitchen and we make eye contact

"What was going on between you two up there?" Khalil asks looking between us
"Nothing" I say, Alfredo sighs
"She told me something and I just, it's just" He says but cant finish the sentence as he runs his hands down his face
"What did you tell him?" Ryan asks but I look away
"What the fuck you tell him?!" Jason yells, I look at him, tears forming

"That my parents and brother are dead!! Thats what!" I yell making his face go from anger to shocked and the room is silent as my tears start to run down my face. I lean back on the wall covering my mouth from letting out loud sobs
"Shit" Jason whispers, I slide down the wall to the floor silently crying remembering that day
"How?" Ryan asks, I look up at them

"It was 2 years ago, we were flying back from Vegas in our jet. It was my parents, Joe, Jack and I, then out of nowhere as I was cuddling with Jack about to take a nap the plane starts to fall. My parents started looking for the para shoots but only found one, they got Joe to strap it on and jump out with me. They were crying and telling me they love me and will always be there, Jack was hugging me and telling me he loves me and would be everywhere I go. I was crying, I didn't want to leave them, but Joe got me and we jumped. I saw the plane crash and explode, its engraved in my memory" I say wiping my tears but they keep coming

"How didn't we know that?" Ryan asks
"I don't know" Jason says
"I may be a fucking princess and smiling everywhere I go but that doesn't mean my life is fucking perfect, that doesn't mean I'm happy" I say cussing for the first time in forever and letting the truth out for once

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