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I wake up to a scratching noise and the sun hitting my face, I sit up to see I'm in my parents room, then I remember last night and quickly get up to take the record off the player and put it back in its place.

I close the drawer and look at myself in the mirror, my brown short curly hair is a mess right now. I'm dressed in shorts and a tank top with converse on my feet since I didn't take them off last night. I sigh and walk to the door, I open it and step out then close it behind me lightly.

I look down the hall and its quiet, very quiet, I walk and slowly open the door to Jason's room to see them bed is made and its empty making me furrow my eyebrows and close the door. I walk to the balcony and look down into the living room, then I hear a car pull up and I stay where I am as the engine is turned off and doors open and close.

Then I hear voices and I recognize one as Jason's, the door opens and in walks Jason and behind him a guy with a buz cut and both arms covered in tattoos, I walk down the stairs and the two guys look up at me

"Morning" I say, my eyes land on the stranger
"You must be Miley" He says, I nod
"I'm Miley, you are?" I ask, he extends his hand
"Zaul, but everyone calls me Z" He says, I nod shaking his hand
"Nice to meet you, so you're the guy that gives them their disguises and stuff" I say, he nods
"Correct, and I will be turning you into a different looking girl" He say, I smile nodding
"That'll be last" I say with a wink and walk into the kitchen, they go somewhere and I start cooking scrambled eggs with ham.

After an hour everyone is awake and eating
"So, who's first with Z? The flight is later today at 6, its noon" Jason says and Za stands up
"Let's go Z" He says, those two disappear behind a curtain, I run my hand through my hair and make a face at how oily it feels
"I'm going to shower" I say and rush up stairs, I go into Jason's room and get clothes then rush to my parents room and lock the door.

I place my stuff on the bed then go in the bathroom and turn the shower on, I come back into the room and take a record out and place it on the player. I make my way back to the bathroom and hop in the shower after stripping down as the voice of The Beadles fill the room as I shower.

Its 4pm and Z is done with all the guys, all he did was cut their hair then put fake facial hair on them and Za asked for a fake nose so he got one. I am dressed in jean shorts, combat boots, and a black oversized knitted sweater. I sit on the chair in front of Z and be smiles at me after closing the curtains

"What will it be?" He asks, I lick my lips
"Dye my hair blonde, all of it, then" I say and bring him closer as I whisper the rest to him, he steps back and looks at me with hesitate eyes
"Are you sure?" He asks, I nod
"Please" I say, he sighs
"Fine" He says and I smile, he starts dying my hair blonde and after an hour it's all done and dyed, he dries it then I tie it up in a bun.

"Are you sure about this? You're a princess and when they get you back wont this be all over the news?" He asks and I sigh
"Z just do it, I've always wanted to do something crazy, this is it" I say, he shrugs getting the scissors
"Okay, as you wish" He says and my eyes land on my bun as he holds it up and brings the scissors to where it's tied.

I let a breathe out and he cuts my bun off, he hands it to me and I giggle as my hair is now as short as a guys
"Shave the sides a bit, like a fade" I say, he nods and does as told, by the end of it, my hair is cut and shaved and I actually really like it
"It actually looks good on you" Z says, I smile
"Thank you Z" I say and toss my bun in the bag with the rest of the trash

"We have half an hour, are you done?" I hear Jason, I step out of the curtain in the view of the guys
"What do you think?" I ask, their eyes widen as they stare at my new look
"Holy shit" Khalil says, I grin
"Thats a wig right ?" Fredo asks, I shake my head
"Not a wig" I say

"It doesn't look bad on you" Ryan says and I smile, he never speaks to me
"Thank you" I say, he nods
"We should get going" He says, Jason snaps out of his daze and nods

"Let's go" He says, he goes to Z as the rest of us leave the house and into the van
"I like it" Za says, I smile
"Thank you Za, I like your nose" I say as I poke it
"Stop poking my nose" He says, I laugh as Jason steps in the van and Z drives off in his car
"To the jet" Khalil yells and Fredo starts to drive out of the driveway.

Its 6pm, right on the dot and we are all in the jet in the air. I'm sitting with Fredo as he sleeps and I look out the window, the others are drinking and talking. Jason hasn't spoken to me and I don't plan on speaking to him yet. We are flying out to Ireland to pick up someone that called Jason in the car, then to Liverpool and Manchester.

I look away from the window and grip the arm rests as I remember the last time I was in a jet, when the crash happened. I take deep breathes and try to calm myself
"Miley you okay?" I hear Ryan asks and I nod with my eyes closed
"Just trying to calm down" I say and open my eyes to feel the plane falling making my eyes widen

"What the" Fredo says as he wakes up to the plane falling
"No no" I say as I feel the same feeling from that day
"Jason go to the pilot" Ryan says and Jason checks it out, I look out the window to see a wing burning

"Guys we were flying close to land because we were about to land so the crash wont be so bad just strap on" Jason yells, thats what we do but out of nowhere the jet breaks in half, the front half where Jason, Ryan and Khalil are flies off the half where I am with Fredo and Za

"Jason!!" I yell as I hear my name but I black out as we hit something with a splash

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