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"Is it possible to loose your memory like that?" I ask Jack as we watch a movie where a girl lost her memory and all she did was fall down a flight of stairs, but the fall was pretty bad, not going to lie

"Yeah, she hit her head pretty hard. You can loose it by a hit on the head but it has the be in a certain spot on the head and with some certain strength to end up having amnesia" Jack says, my mouth forms an 'o' as I nod then I stuff popcorn into my mouth

"Then if they have amnesia does that mean they don't know how to write, read, eat, use the bathroom, drive, draw, shower, walk?" I list off, Jack laughs
"I'm pretty sure they don't forget all that just their memories, like their name, first day of school, first crush, first kiss, first trophy, etc. stuff like that" He says, I nod
"Oh okay, I get it now" I say, he chuckles

"Good now watch the movie, you're almost 15 I thought you'd learn these things in school" He says tossing popcorn on me making me toss some back and it ends up in a war


Miley's POV

Its black, very black. I hear voices but I can't make out what they're saying and if its men or women speaking. Where am I? What happened? I see nothing, feel nothing, and can barley hear anything. I

don't know how long it's been but I start to feel pain in my head, a huge pain I can't stand it. It feels like someone is hitting me with a hammer over and over again. I want it to stop, its unbearable, I try to move any part of my body to see if that helps and manage to move my finger

"Guys! She moved her finger!" A voice close to me yells making the pain in my head maximize then it slowly fades as I hear footsteps fade away far from me. I try to open my eyes but they don't budge so I stay in the darkness for a while as I hear someone speaking.

I try again and manage to slowly open my eyes, the brightness in the room makes me squint them
"She's awake" Someone whispers
"No shit dipshit" Some else says and then theirs a smack. I look around and see blue walls with some posters, I start to panic then see boys standing around me

"Hi, are you okay?" One asks, the one closest to me with green eyes and messy light brown hair
"Dude she's panicking" A different voice says, I look at each of them
"Calm down" The one right in front of the bed says, he has an accent to his voice

"Someone call pops up" A guy in the back calls out and I feel a pain in my head making me touch it and feel something wrapped around it getting me more confused and scared
"W-w-what h-happened?" I stutter out asking any of these strangers
"Don't be scared, we wont hurt you" Someone says

"We found you" The one with green eyes says
"On the beach passed out with blood on you" The one across from me says, I furrow my eyebrows, beach, blood, passed out? The word blood makes me freak out even more
"Idiot, why did you have to mention the blood? You freaked her out even more dumb fuck" The green eyed boy says and the boy next to the guy across from me smacks him upside the head

"Excuse me" I hear a voice, I look up to see a man, old but not very old, if that makes sense, walk in between some of the guys
"Hello sweetheart" He says and smiles making wrinkles appear at the edges of his eyes as he stands beside the guy across from me

"Hi" I say still confused
"My names Dan, everyone here calls me Pops, you may as well" He says and I gulp but stay silent
"Whats you're name?" He asks as he makes his way to the opposite side of the bed from the green eyed boy.

I furrow my eyebrows, my name? I have a name? What is my name? Who am I?
"I...don't..know" I slowly say making some eyes widen
"I knew it" Pops says, sighing and looking at the green eyed boy
"Knew what?" I ask, he looks at me

"You lost your memory from the hit, you have amnesia" He says with a sad look


A/N: Yup, you read right. THE END. *wipes tear* Thank you for reading my story, it means a lot that yall took the time to read it and give it a vote.

Thank you to those who have left comments, they always made me smile knowing someone liked it so much to comment.

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