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I'm dressed in ripped black skinny jeans, a white crop top, black combat boots, and my short hair straight. It's now noon and Jason left with Ryan, Fredo and Taner to handle 'business' leaving me here with Za, Khalil and little Sammy. We're all currently in the living room watching Spy Kids 3 Game Over.

I am itching for a cigarette so I stand up
"Where you going?" Za asks making the other two look at me
"Bathroom" I say, they nod as I rush up stairs, I go into the room looking around for Jason's cigarette pack and lighter, I look in drawers until I find them in the nightstand.

I take one and light it going towards the window, I blow out the smoke and open the window then sit in it with one leg out and the other bent in front of me. I run my hand through my hair moving it to the side then bring the cigarette to my lips inhaling and exhaling the smoke through my nose.

"Miley?" I turn my head to see Sammy looking at my hand holding the cigarette
"Sammy, why are you up here?" I ask placing the cigarette in the ash tray Jason has on the dresser next to the window
"Whats that?" She asks walking to me
"A death stick" I say without thinking and she looks at me scared
"Why were you using it? Do you want to die?" She asks, I sigh and get out of the window then sit with her on the bed

"I don't want to die, it's just a way for me to relax a bit" I say, she looks into my eyes
"It can still kill you, why don't you find something else to relax you?" She asks, that makes me stop and think, I've never thought of that, but what?
"Like what?" I ask, she smiles

"Jason" She says, I furrow my eyebrows and let out a laugh
"How will he help me relax?" I ask, she keeps smiling
"You like him, I may be a kid but I'm not blind. When he's around, you seem more happy" She says
"Sammy, thats insane" I say shaking my head at the smart 5 year old in front of me

"Miley? Sammy?" I get up and go open the door to see Za and smile
"Hey, sorry we were just chilling" I say, he nods
"Jason is on his way back" He says, I nod then turn to Sammy
"C'mon" I say, she walks out the room as we follow her down the stairs as the front door opens

"Taner!!" She squeals and jumps on him, I feel myself smile as I see Jason but quickly hide it by biting my lip, I walk past them to the kitchen. I get an apple and bite into it as footsteps walk in
"You okay?" I turn to see Jason leaning against the wall, I nod

"I'm okay, just noticed its almost a month after tomorrow" I say, he nods walking forward
"Thats what this business stuff is about, we are taking measure for if your grandma decides on either we'll be ready and extra measures if it ends bad" He says, I furrow my brows
"Ends bad how?" I ask, he sighs
"Like a trap, something like that" He says

"You promise you wont hurt anyone of them?" I say, he looks me in the eyes nodding
"I promise" He says and I believe him.

It's nearly 11pm, we decided to go to a club and let loose a bit. I apply the last of my makeup and step back examining my choice of dress, its a black tight dress that shows my curves, its bareback and reaches up to mid-thigh, with the dress I wear some black heels and re-straighten my hair.

I nod at myself then step out of the room to see Jason walking up the stairs dressed in a white tshirt, his chains around his neck, jeans, shades in hand, a rolex on his wrist and his hair done to perfection. He looks up at me and smiles making me smile

"You look great" We both say at the same time and let out a laugh
"Thank you" I say, he nods
"Ready?" He asks, I nod walking forward, he takes my hand and helps me down the stairs as we meet the guys, all but Fredo, who will stay to watch over Sammy.

"Damn Miley, you look hot" Za says, I smile at him
"Thank you, yall look great" I say, they all smile
"Well let's go" Taner says, we all walk out and into the van, Jason driving and I'm seated front seat.

We make it to the known club in London and I see the line to get in is long
"Don't worry, we wont be waiting" Jason says, I look at him confused as he winks at me, he parks then we all get out, Taner offers a hand and I take it stepping down
"Thank you" I say
"You look beautiful" He says, I smile
"Thank you Taner" I say then Jason walks over giving him a look

"Come with me" Jason says to me taking my hand in his as we walk in front of the group, we reach the guard at the door and I see girls giving Jason lustful looks making me grip his hand in mine and step closer as I also notice guys look at me with lustful looks

"Back of the line" The guard says then Jason slides his shades down a bit
"Really?" He asks, the guys eyes get wide in recognition
"Sorry, come on in" He says letting us through, the smell of alcohol and sweat hit me as the music burst my ear drums, Za and Khalil take Taner and Ryan with them to the bar as Jason turns to me holding me by the waist now
"Stay in view okay?" He says over the music, I nod then he pulls away to walk away
"Where are you going?" I ask
"To talk to the club manager up there" He says nodding up to the box near the DJ up on the ceiling, I nod as he disappears in the crowd.

I breathe and go to the bar
"What can I get you sexy?" The young bartender asks
"Vodka" I say, he nods then gets to work and slides it over, it looks blue and smells strong
"Whats your name?" He asks, I take a huge sip
"Miley, you?" I ask and keep drinking it, its good
"Dj" He says, I nod and finish my drink

"Another one" I say, he chuckles making me another. I drink four of them talking to Dj then I go dance, I'm alone just moving my body to the rhythm then feel a body get closer to mine from behind. The persons hands go on my waist and dances close to me up to the point where I can feel his dick on my ass.

I turn around to see its Dj so I keep dancing with him, I see a person walk over with a tray of vodka shots on it so I snatch two and down them in seconds.
"Want to get some air?" Dj whispers in my ear, I shake my head as I get a bad vibe from that question
"Cmon Miley" He says pulling me with him

"Nooo noo stop" I slur my words but he doesn't stop, we end up outside in an alley then I'm pushed against the wall
"Dj stop, let's go back inside" I say
"Shut up, it'll be easier and faster" He says in frustration, I start to fight his grip around me

"Stop Stop" I yell, he holds my hands above my head, this feels strangely familiar, like its happened before but a bit differently
"Stop please stop" I yell as tears start to roll down my cheeks as he kisses my neck and with one hand holding my arms and the other goes to my leg going under my dress and gripping my ass
"You're so fine" He whispers, I start to cry
"Stop please not again please just stop" I cry, the buzz I was feeling earlier gone from the cold air, but he doesn't listen, he starts to unzip my dress

"She said to stop!" A voice booms making us jump, he looks towards the voice, I look too, and see it's Jason.

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