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The lightning and thunder stopped through out the night. Its morning now and it's just raining. I'm on the floor with my arms around my legs, Jason's words from last night haven't stopped replaying in my head, I feel so bad that I'm whining and bringing up my family when he cant even see his own.

I hear footsteps downstairs then faint voices but I can't make out who's or what is being said. I ignore it and stare out the window, then the door to the room opens and I hear footsteps coming up
"Miley? Are you awake? Hungry?" Fredo asks then he sees me on the floor
"Miley, you okay?" He asks coming closer but I don't look at him, I ignore him.
"Miley" He says cautiously but I don't move nor speak, I cant, I want to say I'm okay and that I'm not hungry but its like my voice is gone and my body is frozen.

"Jason!!" Fredo yells, a minute later footsteps come up
"He's sleeping, whats up?" Ryan asks walking over, Fredo looks at him
"I dont know what is wrong with Miley she doesn't move nor speak" He says then Ryan tries to talk with me, then Za and Khalil come up and they take a shot. Za tries to make me laugh but I just stare out the window, I want to be alone, I want to die, I want to not have been born at this point.

"Jason, what did you guys talk about last night?" Fredo asks Jason who has just gotten out the shower and up here
"The family shit. About us not being able to see them or be free" He says and I lick my lips
"I want to be alone" I whisper making them all look at me
"You finally spoke" Za says
"You have to eat" Fredo says
"I want to be alone" I repeat myself and hesitantly they each walk out, Jason and Fredo last. I hear the door shut and I stand up then rush to behind the staircase, I get on my knees and crawl in a hole I seen last night.

I make it to the very end to see a hole, I look through it as I hear voices
"Dude, what happened last night?" Fredo asks Jason as they walk into the room and Jason shrugs
"We talked, thats all" Jason says and Fredo shakes his head
"Thats not all" Fredo says and Jason sighs
"Fine, I kind of blew up on her" He admits rubbing his neck and Fredo punches his shoulder, hard

"What the fuck man!" Fredo yells and starts pacing
"Yo, dont fucking punch me like that, I'm your fucking boss!" Jason yells, I see them face each other, tension rises and I have a feeling this wont end well, I pull the lever and drop down in between them

"Stop both of you" I say looking at both of them as they go from angry to shocked, they look up and back at me
"How?" Fredo asks
"None of your business. Now I wasn't going to lay there and watch both of you go at it because I wanted to be alone" I pause, I look from Fredo to Jason, "What you said last night kept replaying in my head but what you said was true and I'm sorry" I say then I look at Fredo and crack a smile, he returns the gesture before they could speak I walk towards the door then turn the handle but then I freeze

"You should close that" I say pointing to the vent then I walk out closing the door behind me, I stand in the hallway and look towards the door to my room then the staircase. I go to the staircase, I was about to step down when I'm lifted up and I let out a scream of surprise

"I'll save you!" Za yells as I see I'm on Khalil's shoulder, I cant help but laugh then Khalil runs down the stairs with me and Za runs after us, I decide to play along
"Za save me!" I yell as Khalil runs into the kitchen
"I'll save you!!" Za yells again and Khalil tricks him then runs into the living room as Fredo and Jason walk down

"Help!" I yell, Za tackles Khalil making us fall on the couch, I start laughing
"Owe" I say rubbing my arm
"Are you guys ok?" Jason asks, I giggle then look up at him and I cant help but smile and not look away from his eyes, they look so bright
"I'm fine" I say then look away and Za helps me to my feet. Ryan comes in turning the TV on
"Guys check this out" He says, we all look at the big screen

"This just in that the queen, herself, has ordered a search party and it's not just the police force but the british army" The female reported says as images of the army moving into the city and trucks of them, making me let out a huge sigh, "Our queen has also sent out another plea of help towards all citizens, if you see the princess call the number on your screen" She says then Ryan shuts the TV off.

Its silent and I sit down on the couch
"We have to stay in lock down" Jason says, I hold my head in both hands looking down with my eyes closed as they talk, I ignore their conversation and stand up running up stairs hearing them call my name.

I slam the door and walk up the stairs but halfway up I fall and just sit on the step, I punch the wall and let all my angry out on it until I cant feel the pain, I look at my knuckles and see them bruised and bloody. I hate this, I hate my life, why me?

Why did it have to be me in this situation, why? I let tears fall, I'm in shock, I cant move or speak but the tears roll down my cheeks.
"Miley?" I hear Jason's voice then the door opens slowly letting the hallways light shine in on me


"Miley?" I say and open the door slowly then look up the steps to see her as the light shines on her. She's crying and not moving so I step closer and my eyes land on her hand that is bruised and bloody making my eyes widen a bit
"Miley what happened?!" I ask shocked as I sit across her but she doesn't speak, I'm guessing she's in shock. I pick her up and carry her out the door and to my room placing her on the bed

"I'll be right back" I say and go into the bathroom then come back with the first aid kit, I clean her hand then wrap it slowly
"Thank you" She whispers making my head shot up and I see her looking at her hand in mine as I wrap it
"You're welcome" I whisper finishing the wrap and she licks her lips, I have no idea why I'm starring at her lips but I cant help it, I think I want to kiss her.

"Why are you staring at me" She says and that snaps me back into reality as I stare at her eyes
"Because you're," I pause and lick my lips, "you're beautiful" I say, she looks away then I clear my throat standing up
"I'm going to shower, you can go or stay" I say stuttering a bit then go to the bathroom and look into the mirror after closing the door

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" I whispers to myself then shake my head, I strip down and step in the shower

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