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My fingers drummed angrily against the wall behind me as I stared up at my ceiling. It was almost ten now and I had yet to leave my bed. A part of me was being lazy while another part of me was fearful that if I put my feet on the ground a vampire would attack my heels from under the bed. Vampire. Yes, the word was rolling off of my thoughts easily now. The dream had been so real and while it was just a figment of my imagination, it had confirmed what I'd wanted to believe all along. Alice was a vampire.

Show me the way to the loony bin. "Urgh," I groaned aloud, throwing myself upright so quickly that it made me dizzy. I knew it was stupid. I knew it was farfetched. But it was the only thing that was making sense, the only thing that was connecting all of the tricky dots Alice possessed. My mind had been swirling between encounters with the girl and Jacob's legend trying to make sure that I wasn't forgetting anything. Of course, Jacob had given me the abridged version of the legend so I didn't have much to go on except my vague memory of the Underworld films. I closed my eyes for a moment, listening downstairs for any movement. There was none which led me to believe that Charlie had already left for the Reservation. For a brief moment I contemplated heading down there as well and asking for more information on these 'cold ones.' But soon after that I disregarded it. That seemed a little bit too forward for me after just having been there last night.

Well, no matter what I decided to do I was going to have to get out of bed sooner or later. Childish as it was, I threw my upper half over the side of the bed and cautiously lifted up the dust ruffle. There was nothing there. Of course there wasn't. Alice was too cool to hide under a bed. She was more the type to hide right behind me. The idea sent chills down my back. As quickly as I could muster I turned around. She wasn't there either. I glanced at the closed closet door for just a brief moment before looking away and shaking my head. I groaned. I was getting pretty tired of these games. Most likely Alice was not here but back in her coffin sleeping.

I grimaced at that joke and took it back in my mind. Even though she had some stalker issues, I was getting a little rude. I chuckled. She could stalk me, but I couldn't make jokes about her. Looney bin again, I ask? It's not like it mattered all that much. Nothing made much sense these days. Briefly I thought of my home in Phoenix. Things seemed so much easier there in that big, hot city. Everything moved at its own pace and just flowed together well. I never really recalled worrying much about things. Now, in this lonely little town I didn't know fiction from non and friends from bloodsuckers. My back was getting stiff from lying in bed so I sat up and dared my feet to touch the carpet. Nothing happened just as I predicted. After stretching a bit I stood and walked around, feeling the bones in my feet pop as they were worked out.

I wanted to dig some dirt today. Not literally of course but I wanted to find more information on vampires and the legends of the Quileute's. I glanced over at the decrepit computer in the corner of my room. Charlie had mentioned having one a long time ago but by the looks of the thing I didn't have too much faith in it. Being a generation Y teen, I didn't think I could handle the dial-up internet so I threw that plan out the window. If it was Saturday then the local library was probably open. Yes, the library! And they must have at least one computer. Finally, a plan that might work. Smiling to myself I headed for the door. As I passed the closet I gave it one final look.

"If you're in there, Alice, come down and join me for breakfast," I half joked. Then I headed down the steps without waiting for a response from the door. Breakfast was plain again but also nice. It felt good to sit in the silent kitchen and just mull things over for a bit. I thought about the group of friends that I'd blown off over the course of the week. It was pretty rude of me. I wasn't really in a position to lose the new and only friends I had. I'd come up with an excuse for Monday and hope they believed me. I thought about Rosalie and the strange expression she held while talking about Alice. Being an only child, I obviously knew nothing about having a sister. But the look she possessed didn't seem all that much like sisterly concern. It was just...I couldn't place it. And what the hell was with that Edward guy? I did absolutely nothing to him. I reminisced of the rude way he grabbed my arms and suddenly became angry. I wouldn't call myself a feminist but I wasn't going to be an ignorant moron. In fact, I wasn't going to waste my time thinking about him.

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