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We'd been driving for ages when Rosalie finally cut the engine. I'd been looking down at my hands for awhile, trying not to fall asleep as it darkened outside. But as soon as the engine was off I shot up, only to see...nothing. I looked to Rosalie, who was still staring straight ahead, and turned my head to the side. "Is something wrong, Rosalie?" I asked. She shook her head and exhaled slowly, reaching into the back of the car for the rest of my clothes.

"We're on the outskirts of Sangvine. We're going to have to walk the rest of the way because the car will draw attention. Put these on." She threw another pair of pants and two undershirts my way. I didn't think I would be able to move with them on but I dfidn't argue. Rosalie didn't seem to be in the mood. When I'd pulled on all of my clothes I was surprised to find that I could still move, but stiffly. Rosalie looked me over and then pulled out a knitted tube looking thing, throwing it over my head. She pulled it off of my face and then back up so it rested just beneath my eyes. Already my breath was hot against the fabric and it caused my lips to sweat but still I didn't say anything. Rosalie's eyes flickered up and down my wardrobe twice more before she nodded, then leaned closer to me.

"It's a bit of a walk, I'm afraid. It will be cold. Colder than you can possibly imagine right now. I want you to try and keep your head as best as you can and hang on to me. We shouldn't see anyone but if we do I need you to stand tall without my support and pay them no mind. This is so very important, Bella. Do you understand?" I nodded, unable to do anything else and Rosalie zipped up her tiny down vest and stepped out of the car. Though the night was clear, the wind was howling. I'd not only heard it in the car but now I could see it as it seemed to try to tear Rosalie's roots from her scalp. However, she looked as if she didn't feel a thing and came around to my side, opening the door.

Wind rushed through me as she helped me down onto the hard snow. It felt like ice underneath me and it probably was but I wasn't going to dare look down. While I had been roasting in the car, I was now freezing. I was certain that the sweat clinging to my body had frozen against me and I kept my head down as the wind fought to bite through. Rosalie's arm was looped through mine and I clung onto for dear life, knowing that I wouldn't have a chance in hell of surviving should I fall behind.

The wind was positively a banshee as it raced through my burning ears and attempted to throw me down several times, screeching all the while. But Rosalie could easily hold her ground and through her I was able to keep walking. After what seemed like an hour I couldn't feel my feet. I tried to tell Rosalie this but didn't have the strength to open my mouth. So I kept up with the motions as best as I could, trying to walk even though I was floating on air.

At one point, when the wind died down I looked up. Tiny little cottages were popping up out of the snow. Lights were on inside of them but no smoke coming from the chimneys. There were a few larger looking buildings and to the very far right of the village that could only be Sangvine there was a massive tower looking building. It hovered over the entire city, covering it shadow and from the top I could see smoke pouring from the roof. It was a strange color. A mixture of black and purple and I didn't like it so I kept my head down again.

Rosalie gave me a gentle tug and I looked up. Suddenly, I was being lifted, objects flying all around me. I thought perhaps I was dying, that hypothermia was taking its toll on me. I tried to remember Rosalie's words of keeping my head, but I didn't know where I'd lost it. And then we were on the ground again, and I was tripping over my feet. Rosalie held me and soon after I was steady, I realized that the wind was no longer howling. Well, it was, but it wasn't affecting me. I looked up at my guardian and noticed that she had crouched down near a pile of wood. The pile of wood just happened to be a cabin. We were standing on the side of it and Rosalie was crouched beneath the window, gently lifting her head to peer through. I assumed she looked and it was too quick for me to see for looked at me and put her finger to her lips. I nodded and she reached for my hand. I had to crawl beneath the window, not nearly as flexible as Rosalie and followed her as we rounded the house. Rosalie took a deep breath, looked down at me, and then opened the door.

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