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I woke up long before I opened my eyes. For some reason, I just couldn't bring myself to wake up. It was like a part of me wanted to go back to sleep for about ten more days. At least until this whole ordeal had blown over. My head was throbbing. It wasn't really painful but it was annoying all the same. However, at the time I welcomed it. It distracted me from what was really going on. Like the fact that Alice Cullen had just gotten crushed between two cars. And the fact that it was my fault. My eyes started to sing and I sat up in bed quickly, welcoming the painful rush it brought to my head. The sobs came instantly and while it hurt to heave as I did, I didn't care. Was she dead? Had I killed her? Was I going to be charged? No, that was stupid. I wasn't driving. Who was driving? I tried to find the name but none came to me. Maybe I didn't know it. Everything was so confusing. Everything was so shitty. And, like always, it was all my fault.

Someone placed their hand tentatively on my head and I jerked away instinctively, looking up. Charlie had taken a step back and was looking at me worriedly. I sighed, more than relieved that it was him and relaxed, drying my tears. Charlie appeared relieved as well and he sat on the edge of my bed, putting his hand back on my head. "How are you feeling, Bells?" I groaned, stretching. It seemed like I'd been in the same position for hours. Looking around, I realized that I wasn't in a hospital like I thought, but in my room. My head, which I remembered was hurting, started to throb again and I leaned back against my pillows.

"I'm okay, I guess. What happened?"

"Some punk couldn't drive. Slipped on some ice and, uh, crashed into your truck."

I watched as his eyes filled with sorrow and instantly my chest felt heavy. The words came out quietly and I was relieved that Charlie was listening intently so I wouldn't have to try harder. "I-Is she alright?" Charlie shrugged, sharing the same expression that I held.

"I don't know, Bella. Carlisle, her dad, came to pick her up personally in the ambulance. From what I hear he won't let anyone else touch her. For now, everyone seems to be letting him take care of her but I don't know how long that'll last. They want to help, you know?" I nodded, mildly relieved that she was at least alive. Although it didn't help as much as I'd hoped. Charlie sighed and patted my knee and I smiled at him. "I'm glad you're okay, Bella. You gave me one hell of a scare."

I leaned over, taking the initiative and wrapping my arms around his neck. Charlie sighed, sinking into me just a little as he hugged me. I patted him on the back a few times and he stood, sniffing loudly and resting his hands on his gun holster. "Well, uh, I'm gonna make you something. Are you hungry, thirsty?"

"Some water would be great please."

"Okay, great." He smiled at me and left quickly. I grinned after him and listened to him head down the stairs. Even though I felt badly for him, I was sort of glad that Charlie was crying. He might have been a little embarrassed by it, but it showed me that he cared. And that really meant something. It was probably because I hadn't seen him in so long. Or maybe it was a resulting effect of the accident. The accident. I sighed again, swinging my legs off of the side of the bed. I had to get to the hospital, had to see Alice and make sure that she was okay. Though I was just a bit dizzy as a result of my fainting spell, I started to feel better as she leaned down and began to lace up my tennis shoes. Just as I finished the first, Charlie could be heard coming back up the stairs. He opened the door not a moment later and stood staring at me from the doorway, the glass of ice water gripped firmly in his hand.

"Bella, what are you doing? You need your rest and this is coming strictly from Dr. Cullen."

"Yeah, I'm sure he doesn't want me interfering," I muttered under her breath before looking up at her father. "Dad, I have to get to the hospital. Alice...Alice was hurt right in front of me, pinned between my truck and another. I just...I feel guilty." I let my head fall and heard Charlie step further into the room. He set the glass down next to me and I grabbed for it, feeling my extreme thirst return. He watched me as I downed it and then took the cup from me, holding it in his lap.

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