See Shep Shred Part II

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See Shep Shred Part II

By the time I turned my head, they were already midfield and coming quickly towards us. Alice was by my side, and she pulled my hood up, arranging my hair around my face. Rosalie snorted and Alice shot her a glare. "Don't speak, okay? I'm not going to let anything happen to you," she whispered in a tone that I couldn't help but believe. I nodded, feeling Esme come to my left side with Emmett came at my right. They were standing kind of next to me but more so in front of me. Carlisle was in front of everyone and though these newcomers wouldn't know it, he looked a bit nervous. These new three were very clearly vampires, but there was nothing about them that I liked. They were deathly pale and even from a distance I could see that their eyes were a deep red. They looked like real death and acted like it too. The one in the front was blonde, shirtless and had a cocky look on his face that made me want to cringe. There was an African American man to his left with long dred locks and a sort of uneasy expression that appeared permanent on his face. On the other side was a redhead. I couldn't bring myself to look at her for too long.

"It sounded like you guys were having fun," the blonde said as he approached us. "I was wondering if we could join you?"

"We were just finishing up," Carlisle said perhaps a bit too quickly. However the field is at your bidding. Please, enjoy yourselves." He waved his arm across the field and the man nodded.

"We were just looking for something to eat," he said casually and Carlisle's eyelids flickered.

"Would you mind terribly heading a few miles up to do your hunting? We have a permanent residence here, and would not like to be found out." The doctor said, more than polite. The man looked intrigued and he glanced between his two partners.

"Permanently? How to do you manage-

He stopped then, his eyes falling on Alice. The redhead looked back and forth between him and Alice then took a step forward, as if she was going to protect him. His eyes raked over Alice's face, then her body, and her face again. All the while his grin grew more and more sinister. "Hello, Alice," he said finally, her name sounding foreign on his tongue. "It's been so long. Who would have thought that I would see you again? The only one that ever got away." Emmett snarled, protective of his sister, and I watched as Rosalie sought out his hand, which seemed to calm him instantly. Alice's eyes narrowed as she distanced herself from us, taking a step closer to him.

"Have we met?" she asked, her eyes darting to the redhead, smirking at her, daring her to make a move. It was a look that made my stomach fall and I felt myself wavering between running and collapsing to the floor. Deciding not to draw attention, I subtly leaned against Esme, who stood strong against me, supporting me. The foreigner chuckled, opening his arms as if he expected her to fall into them.

"Don't you remember? The asylum? I was the one that woke you from your sleep almost every night. I was the one that snuck into your room, whispering terrible things to encourage the nightmares." He smirked again and my throat became dry as the pieces of the puzzle were falling together. Alice, much more practiced that I was, didn't change her expression at all.

"Who are you?" she asked, her hands clenching and unclenching. The man bowed, looking up at her as he did so.

"James, at your service. And this is Victoria, my mate and Laurent, an old friend." He gestured to the other two. Neither of them looking very satisfied with the situation.

"And it was you that was at the asylum. What did you want with me?" she asked, her eyes darting to Edward. He made no motion that I saw, but she seemed satisfied and looked back at James. He scoffed as if she'd asked the most ridiculous question in the world and reached out to stroke her cheek. Alice allowed him to do so and I felt a fire burning somewhere in my core.

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