Virgin Sacrifice

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Virgin Sacrifice

I couldn't breathe. My mouth was agape, gasping, but no air was coming in. In an instant my eyes flew open and I sat up, instinctively ripping the sweatshirt off of my soaked body. The air from the open window hit my skin immediately and I welcomed the goosebumps that rippled over my body. I breathed again and this time my lungs were filled with fresh, dry air. Finally coming out of my asphyxiated stupor, I ran a hand through my hair and groaned as it was sticky with sweat. It was at this time that I noticed just how sweaty I was and groaned again. While my torso had dried thanks to the fresh air from the window, my hair felt like I'd just stepped out of the shower and I could feel drops of perspiration dripping down into the crease of my knee. If there was one thing I hated, it was being sweaty. Perhaps that was why I hated physical recreation. However, at the moment I couldn't bring myself to care about physical recreation. All I could focus on was the fact that my legs were still sweating and I tore my sweatpants off also. Finally exposed, drying and cold, my mind was cleared entirely. And then only one thought could occupy it.


Where was she? Given my recent struggle with sheets and covers she was not on my bed and I didn't hear a thud that indicated I had thrown her to the floor. She didn't leave did she? Just before I was about to panic, a voice whispered to me from the corner of the room.

"I'm here, Bella."

I quickly whipped my head to the left and my eyes focused on the shadowy figure resting in my desk chair. The window was opened only a crack now and she looked to have taken her jacket off as well, sitting by the wind in nothing but a tank top. Golden eyes seemed to glow at me and made me a bit nervous. Her skin was painfully pale and I stared at it for a moment, noting that she didn't seem to have a single blemish on her body. It made sense of course, but it was still kind of hard to grasp. I glanced down on my own arm and in about 2 seconds counted seven freckles. They looked so normal; I liked it. Not that I didn't like Alice's skin but it, like her, was simply different.

"Why are you over there?" I asked, leaning over to be closer to her, even if by only a few inches. Her teeth appeared to me in the night as she smiled before speaking.

"I sort of got paranoid and thought you were freezing, so I came over here and closed the window a bit." She paused then and inhaled before giving me a look I couldn't quite decipher in the darkness. "Though, judging by your recent actions I'd say that was a bad idea." Her bright eyes travelled lower and I blushed, pulling the sheets over me out of instinct. Alice grasped the point quickly and looked at me again. "Maybe I should go, for real."

"No, Alice, don't go," I urged, the covers falling as I swung my legs over to the side of the bed. I really shouldn't have been this comfortable half naked and with a vampire/succubus thing but my modesty seemed to be worth sacrificing in order to keep her to stay. Alice's eyes hastily looked me over before she turned away, covering her mouth with her hand in thought. I found my sweatshirt on the floor and pulled it on as I headed over to the shorter girl, crouching by the chair she was sitting in. Saying these next few words without sounding like a total creeper was going to be a difficult task. But Alice looked so forlorn that I didn't know what else to do in the current situation. Honesty always seemed to be the best policy with her, so I let her have it.

"I might have...sort of, put on these hot clothes on the off chance that you would sleep with me tonight. I mean, like, sleep next to. Not like..." I drifted, fuming from head to toe in embarrassment, and ran a hand through my hair. Alice smiled and nodded.

"Truth be told, I was kind of hoping that was a factor but..." she too, drifted and looked down to watch her hands entwine with themselves. I waited for a bit to see if she would continue and when she didn't, I leaned forward and gently rested my head on her thigh, making sure that my hair was between the two. I didn't know if my hair would do anything to deter my body heat but it couldn't hurt. I felt the weight of her hand on my head a few moments later and smiled and how comfortable I was. We sat like that for a few moments in silence before Alice finally removed her hand, causing me to look up at her. When I did I noticed that she was staring at me with hard eyes and a furrowed brow.

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