Sleeping Beauty

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Sleeping Beauty

I didn't think it was possible for the temperature to actually get colder, but that was happening. I was stinging everywhere. My body was literally screaming at me as I clutched to Rosalie, hoping that she would provide some warmth. That was moronic, of course, but I couldn't help it. Thankfully though, the wind had died down and I could actually hear myself think. Not so thankfully, I could tell that Rosalie was growing annoyed with my chattering teeth. But I couldn't help it, and she knew that so she stayed quiet about it. As we walked I kept hearing Edward's words in my ear, seeing his actions...trying to read his expressions. What was he getting at? Surely he didn't want me dead. I mean, how many people actually wish death on someone. It's just not right. There had to be something there. Cautiously I looked to Rosalie and opened my mouth in an attempt to keep my teeth from chattering.

"W-w-what's Edward's d-deal?" I asked, trying desperately to keep from stuttering but failing entirely. Rosalie looked down at me and for a moment it looked as if she was proud. But that didn't seem to make any sense at all.

"Edward is very old fashioned. He believes in chivalry and kissing a girl only on the cheek until they're wed. He's also a very determined rule follower. As we've all said many times, vampires are not to consort with humans unless they're feeding. Imagine his surprise to find that his dear sister was not only attracted to a human, but a female human at that." Rosalie smirked to herself, then nodded thoughtfully.

"This is not to say that vampires aren't attracted to humans. Because we are, very much. Lust feeds on our thirst as well. It sounds terrible to say but most vampires were beautiful and in shape before they were turned. We were once human after all." She grimaced again and I pursed my lips together, trying desperately not to think about the story she'd told me, her story.

"But before you came along, it was ridiculous to fall in love with a human and keep them human. But here you are." She looked down at me and I thought for a moment that she was almost smiling. I returned what I thought I saw and Rosalie brought her arm, and subsequently me, closer to her.

"But I don't get it. It's none of his business."

"Oh but it is, Bella, just as it is mine. We are a coven, a family. It's our job to protect each other, to keep us strong enough to carry on all of these years. One slip of the tongue, sun or a pesky heartbeat can easily ruin what has been decades in the making. I don't blame him."

"Really? Then why did you come to my aid?"

"I already told you. I consider you family. If Alice wants you in the family, there's nothing much I can do but accept it."

"Oh, so you're only going along with it because of Alice?" I asked slowly. Rosalie stopped walking and I looked down to the hardened ground. At first it didn't seem plausible. I mean, Rosalie had gone through so much for me, but maybe she was just a practical person. Maybe I was just some kind of toy she liked to play with and use to piss of her family.

"I used to," Rosalie answered slowly, breaking me from my thoughts. For a moment, I thought she'd read my mind. Then she shrugged and looked down. "But now I guess I could see maybe where Alice is coming from. But that scent of yours is rather distracting."

"So, it would be okay if you changed me? It would be okay with Edward?"

Rosalie sighed, shaking her head. "I'm not going to get into that discussion with you again. Edward is complicated and spoiled and all around not worth your wasted effort."

I smiled up at her. "That's what they said about you." In spite of her best efforts, Rosalie couldn't stop the grin that snuck onto her face. She looked down rather proudly at me again and shrugged.

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