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My thoughts had slowed by the time I turned onto my block. However that didn't mean that they were any less jumbled than before. Alice's kiss was awesome and I rather enjoyed replaying that in my mind, though Edward's voice over began just as our lips met...every time. I kept trying to remind myself that I didn't care about what he said. Whatever he was trying to be cryptic about wasn't getting to me. While it had taken some persuasion, Alice had been extremely honest to me. It wouldn't be fair to doubt her over a brooding and, not to be conceited but, jealous brother. Was it really conceited if it was true? I shrugged absently in my seat, pulling the groaning truck into the driveway. I had to stop short, however, as there was another truck in my way. It looked vaguely familiar, this beaten down thing, but I couldn't quite place it. As I looked down to undo my seatbelt I heard the screen door slam and looked up to see Charlie bounding towards me. He must have read the strange expression I held for he smiled and opened my door for me.

"I came home for lunch to check on you. Hadn't even gotten halfway up the stairs before I heard your truck in the drive. Feeling dizzy or anything?"

"No," I answered, grabbing the sack of food and extending it to him. "I went to Alice's. She's at home now, healing, and her mom made us some lunch. I hope you haven't eaten yet."

Charlie looked in the bag and shifted the Tupperware around a little, gaining a better look at their contents. Then he nodded approvingly and offered a free hand to help me down, which I took. "Well, I doubt this will be as good as your cooking but it certainly can't be bad. The Black's are here, too, Bella. They heard about the car accident and they came to check up on you. Are you feeling well enough to see them?"

"Of course, dad. Seriously, I'm not hurt. It's all fine." Charlie nodded though I could tell he wasn't convinced and lead the way into the house. Jacob and his father, Billy, were sitting on the couch as I entered and Jacob stood before the door had even closed behind me. He smiled, looking me over as if he expected me to look terrible. Then he stepped forward almost awkwardly, extending his arms. I accepted his hug with equal awkwardness, feeling the warmth of his chest beneath his shirt.

"I heard about the accident, Bella. I'm really glad you're okay," he said as he pulled away, nodding in assurance as he did so. I gave a light chuckle, pushing my hair behind my ears.

"Yeah, I was pretty lucky, I guess."

"Yeah, it's a shame about the Cullen girl though."

Out of an almost instinctual manner my eyes shot to Jacob's father, studying the expression he held. He wasn't focusing on me but was rather focusing on his son. His eyes were narrow, like a wary skepticism and I didn't like them so I looked away. "She's doing well. She's lucky." Jacob's father snorted and his son turned to glare at him. It seemed like a private moment so I pretended not to notice it. Charlie's voice then called us to the dining room. When all of us entered, Jacob behind me as he pushed his father over the divides in the floor, I noticed that Charlie had opened all of the Tupperware and placed it along the counter. Plates were at the beginning of the line resulting in a buffet. I smiled as the smell of the Cullen's spaghetti wafted warmly through the kitchen and stepped aside to allow the guests a meal first. Jacob smiled nervously after he grabbed a plate for his father and I returned it. Awkwardness seemed to follow me around but I couldn't really tell what was up with Jacob. Though he was nervous during our prior meeting it seemed to dissipate as the night wore on. This bout of nerves didn't seem to be going anywhere so I thought it best to ignore him until he could relax.

We all sat in the dining room, which was rarely used but Charlie and Billy could both see the game from their chairs so it didn't seem to bother them any. However, their placement to see the TV had also forced Jacob and me to sit together. It didn't seem too out of the ordinary and yet he was still giving me that strange look. Strange looks seemed to follow me and I was growing to hate them. So I slurped up my last bite of spaghetti and wiped my face before I turned to him. "Jacob, is there something wrong?" He looked at me quickly, as if my question caught him off guard, then sat up to wipe his mouth.

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