Chapter 1: Sworn Enemies

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It was the first day of School for Hogwarts witches and wizards. This was Ginny Weasley's first year and she was extremely nervous. As she went through her room once more, she heard her mum holler from the kitchen. "Ginny! It's time to go!" Ginny turned and quickly dashed out her bedroom door. "Coming Mum!" She yelled, trotting down the stairs. The others were already outside. This was the most important day of her life. Ginny would soon find out what Hogwarts was all about. Secretly, she hoped the sorting hat would put her in the same House as her brothers. At least she wouldn't feel alone.
As they reached platform 9 3/4, she gazed around, trying to take everything in at once. "Well, here we are Ginny. Don't forget to owl us as soon as you can, ok?" Molly told her daughter, as she gave her a hug. Ginny could tell that she was just as nervous as her. "I will Mum." She promised. The boys were already aboard the Hogwarts Express. They already knew the routine. Ginny took one more look around, including at her parents, before stepping onto the train. Molly and Arthur waved as it departed and was on its way.
Ginny took out a book to read and noticed a boy sit across from her. "So what is your name?" He asked, with a bit 'know-it-all' attitude. "Ginny, what's yours?" She returned. The boy smirked at her. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." He assured her. Ginny looked at him curiously. She had heard all about the Malfoy family and they were enemies of the Weasleys. Just then Ron Weasley walked in with his best friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. "What are you doing by my sister, Malfoy? I suggest you leave now." He ordered. Draco looked up at him. "Don't worry Weasley. I wouldn't waste my time on pathetic rats!" He announced, as he got up to leave. He took one last look at Ginny. "Sorry. Didn't know you were a loser too." He turned and walked out. Ginny put her head down. Ron, Harry and Hermione all sat down by her. "Don't worry about him. He's all talk. Not to mention, an evil little twit!" Ron assured his sister. She smiled and looked out the window.
The train came to a slow stop. Ginny glanced out the window. "We're here!" Hermione announced. With excitement and fear both, Ginny jumped up to follow them. One by one, they got off the train. "Hello students! First years over here please!" Rubius Hagrid bellowed. Ginny looked at her brother, frightened. "Go ahead Ginny. That's Hagrid. It's ok." Ron informed her. Suddenly, she didn't feel so afraid anymore. She heard them talk about Hagrid all the time. Waving at the three of them, she slowly walked with the rest of the first years. "Ok. Line up please. My name is Hagrid. You will be coming with me." He said, as he took one last look around to make sure that everyone was with him. He began walking over toward the boats and the students followed closely behind. "Everyone get in the boats one at a time please." He ordered. Ginny was one of the first to get in a boat. So was Draco. "This is crazy." He whispered to one of his friends. Ginny didn't say anything to him. She just sat there wondering what was next.
When they reached the shore, Hagrid helped all of them out. "Don't worry about your belongings. They will be brought up to your rooms for you." He told them. "Now follow me to the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall is waiting for you." One by one, they entered the main doors. Ginny could not believe her eyes. Everything was so big! "I bet i know what House you will be going into! You're not good enough for Slytherin that's for sure." Draco teased her, as his two friends laughed along with him. Ginny glared at him. "Shut up Malfoy! I heard all about you from my brothers!" She yelled in his face. Draco gave her an evil smirk.
"Welcome students, to Hogwarts! Come up here and line up please. We will be having you come and sit in this chair one at a time. The sorting hat will then be placed on your head and will announce what House you will belong to. After you are sorted, you will have a seat at the table with the rest of the students from that House. Now, shall we begin?" Professor McGonagall took hold of the hat and from a list she announced the first student. "Corrina Patens!" A brown haired girl slowly walked up and sat in the chair. The sorting hat was placed on her head. "Let me see, where to put you, I think it shall be,....GRYFFINDOR!" Everyone clapped and cheered. Corrina jumped up and ran over to that table. Professor McGonagall announced the next one. "Draco Malfoy!" He nudged Ginny as he worked his way through. When he sat on the chair, she put the sorting hat on his head. "SLYTHERIN!" It shouted before she even let go of the hat. He jumped up and put up his hands like they were cheering for him. "I knew it! There's no better place!" He shouted, as he glanced at Ginny. "Ginny Weasley!" She walked up and sat down. The hat was placed on her head. "Well now, I think I know just where to put you. Another member of the family I see....GRYFFINDOR!" Everyone screamed. Ron and her other brothers, Fred, George and Percy was clapping and cheering her on as she ran to the table.
After the sorting was all over, the meal was served for all the students. Ginny could not believe her eyes. Plates of food appeared out of nowhere. Empty glasses were filled with juice that never went empty! "This is so wonderful!" Ginny said, as she took some food. Not knowing what she would set her eyes on, Ginny looked around the room. All of a sudden, she found her eyes set on Draco Malfoy. He noticed her looking at him and he stuck his tongue out at her. "What a creep!" She whispered. Hermione heard her and followed her gaze to see who she was talking about. "Oh Draco? Yea he sure is! Don't mind him. He just thinks he is better than all of us." She said as she picked up her glass. Ginny knew that even though she didn't like Draco, this was going to be a very awesome year!
The students were allowed to go outside as long as they stayed on the grounds. Ginny looked over at Corrina. "Do you want to go for a walk and look around with me?" She asked, hoping Corrina would become a good friend. Corrina smiled, "Yea, let's go!" They both got up from the table and ran toward the main doors. Draco was standing outside with two of his friends. "Hey Weasley! Told you that you would be in that House! Slytherin wouldn't have taken you anyway!" He laughed, as Ginny and Corrina stormed passed. "Well, I can see why you are in Slytherin! You are nothing but an evil creep!" She returned, as they began to run down to the Quittich field. Draco gave her an evil look. "I'll get you Weasley Rat!" He yelled. "Come on let's go!" Draco and his friends walked on.
Later that night, Ginny and Corrina sat in the common room for a while. "Did you see his face when you called him an evil creep?" Corrina giggled. Ginny smiled at her and nodded. "Why do you two hate each other so much anyway?" She asked. "Well, I didn't know who he was until my brother Ron told me. The Malfoys and my family are sworn enemies." She explained to her. Corrina slowly nodded her head to let her know she understood. "Well, I'm getting kind of tired. You want to head up to our dorms?" She asked, as she stood up. Ginny did the same. "Yea. Let's go. I'm getting tired too." They walked up the stairs and entered their dorm room. About twenty minutes later, they were in bed. Ginny was so amazed by this place. She knew she was going to love it there. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
The next day, Ginny and Corrina walked to their potions class together. "I wonder what this class is going to be like." Ginny stated, as she stared at the door. "I don't know but I got a feeling it is going to be fun!" Corrina giggled. They entered the room and their smiles soon left their faces when they seen Draco and his friends sitting at a back table. "Oh great." Ginny whispered. They walked over to the other side and sat down together.
"Good morning class. Welcome to Potions. My name is Professor Slughorn. Today is going to be an easy class. We will be learning some of the ingredients that will be used during our time here. Also I will be talking about a new potion. So we will get started. Please take out your books and paper. Write down the notes on the board. These are the ingredients we will learn today." He opened his own book and stood by the board. All the students began writing in their notebooks. Suddenly, as Ginny was writing down notes, she felt something hit the back of her head. She looked on the floor and noticed a crumpled up piece of paper lying by her feet. Slowly she picked it up and opened it. "You are ugly. Weasleys don't belong in a magical world. They need to be banished!" Right away she knew who it was from. Glancing over at Draco, their eyes met. He showed his teeth as if he was snarling at her. Ginny just turned and went back to writing.
"Ok class. Now at the beginning of class, I told you that I would be talking about a new potion. Well, let's take a break from the notes and talk about it." Professor Slughorn said, as he closed his book. Everyone put their quills down and closed their books as well. "Now, the new potion is called 'The Draught of Beastly Appearance.' It is used to disguise yourself so nobody can identify you. Can anyone take a guess at maybe two of the ingredients that would be used for such a potion?" He asked the class with curiosity. Draco raised his hand. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy. What do you think are two of the ingredients?" Draco put his hand down and smirked. "Well Professor, it would probably be any type of dung and 1 Weasley." He snickered. Ginny whipped her head around and glared at him. "Now, now, Draco. That will be quite enough." Professor Slughorn corrected him, as he turned to the board. Ginny's glare was so filled with hate that it almost looked like her eyes were closed. She turned and watched the professor write something on the board. All of a sudden, the bell rang. "Well, that's it for today class. I'll see you all tomorrow." He said, as he dismissed the class. Ginny could not stand Draco and his friends were just as bad. Thinking about what he had said in class, she knew one thing for sure.....Draco Malfoy was her OWN sworn enemy!

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