Chapter 12: The Visitors

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As time went on Ginny thought of her best friend more and more. She really missed talking to her. She was deep in thought when Draco came in the room. "Something wrong love?" He asked. "Huh? Oh sorry. No nothing's wrong. I was just thinking about Corrina." Draco walked over to her. "I have an idea." He grinned. Glancing at him, she asked, "What is it?" He took her by the hand. "It's Saturday right?" He asked, grabbing some paper and the quill. "Yes." She answered, with a curious look on her face. "Write a note to her, telling her to meet us at the edge of the grounds by the forbidden forest. I will do the same to Crabbe and Goyle." He told her. Ginny loved the idea and started writing. After they both were finished with their notes, they sent Draco's owl. "Ok now, let's go wait for them." Draco said, holding out his hand. Again, she took his hand and they were gone.
As they reappeared at the edge of the forbidden forest, they hid behind some brush so nobody would see them. Draco's owl was just getting there. "It won't be long now." He whispered, keeping an eye on the path that led up to the school. A few minutes later, Ginny saw Corrina running down the path. She was about to get up and run to meet her when Draco grabbed her arm. He shook his head. "We need to stay here. We could be seen." He reminded her. All of a sudden, Crabbe and Goyle were on their way down the path as well. Draco's eyes lit up. Finally, they made it over to Ginny and Draco. "Where the bloody hell have you been mate?" Goyle asked him. "Around." He smirked. Corrina gave Ginny a big hug. "So you guys want to come with us for a while?" Ginny asked them. They all said yes at the same time. All of them apparated back to the tent. Running inside, Crabbe yelled, "This is so cool!" Corrina went into the bedroom with Ginny so they could talk. "So how was your birthday? Sorry I had to miss it." Corrina pouted. "It was great! Draco took me to see the ocean and he owled Bill to meet us there." Ginny told her all about it. "Enough about me. Did anything change at school? Anything new I should know about?" She smothered her with questions. "Not really. It's been really boring with you not there. Nothing much to do." Corrina looked sad for a second.
Later that evening, they were getting ready to head back. "Why don't you guys just spend the night and go back tomorrow?" Draco offered them the spare room. "Well I suppose we could." Goyle said. "This is going to be great! Just like having you back in the dorms!" Corrina cheered. So it was settled. They were staying. That night, they played many different games. It was nice being together with their friends again.
Early the next morning, they all got up and ate breakfast together. "This is really good Ginny." Goyle mumbled. "Thank you. I used to help my Mum in the kitchen all the time." She told them. Draco noticed a little twinge of sadness in her eyes. He rubbed her arm. "So what are we doing today?" Draco asked everyone. "Why don't we play a guessing game?" Corrina suggested. They all gave her a funny look. "Explain please." Crabbe ordered. "Well, there are five of us. Two can be partners and the other two can be partners. The one left over can give three clues about someone in Hogwarts and the teams have to guess who the person is. The first team to get it right, gets a point." Corrina explained. "That sounds pretty cool. Let's try it. Ginny's my partner." Draco announced. Goyle and Crabbe ended up being partners as well so Corrina gave the clues.
They played for two hours before realizing what time it was. "What's for lunch?" Crabbe whined. Everyone looked at him and laughed. Ginny made some sandwiches and cut them in halves. They all grabbed one and continued playing the game. They were having so much fun. Later that evening, they had to apparate back to the edge of the hidden forest and return to school. They said their goodbyes and promised to get together again soon. Draco and Ginny went back to the tent and went to bed early. "That was so much fun." Ginny yawned. "Yea. We all had a great time. It was nice hanging out with them again." He agreed. He held her in his arms as they drifted off to sleep.

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