Chapter 4: 2nd Year at Hogwarts

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Summer was difficult for Ginny but Draco found a way to see her twice. Once was at Hogsmeade in the back of HoneyDukes and the other time was at a professional quidditch tournament that both the families went to. Two of the best whole days of summer.
As Ginny got on the train, she spotted Draco. Oh how she wanted to run up to him. "Hey Ginny! Over here!" A voice came and she turned to see Corrina. "Hi." She returned, as she sat down. "So how was your summer?" Corrina asked. "Boring. I only had two really good days but I will tell you about that later." Ginny promised, when she seen Ron coming her way. "Hey sis." He said, as he, Harry and Hermione sat down with them. Corrina noticed the look on Ginny's face. It was somewhat anger and also disappointment. She knew that Ginny would tell her later when they were in their rooms.
Soon, the train came to a stop. Ginny was glad. She couldn't stand sitting by her brother any longer. Not after she found out that it was him who told on her and Draco. He truly was a Weasley RAT! As she got off the train, she seen Draco walking with his friends. Right before Ginny entered the main doors, an owl came to her with a message. She took it and petted the owl in thanks. "Who would be owling you I wonder?" Ron gritted his teeth. "It's not who you think it is Ron! Leave me alone!" Ginny yelled, as she ran away crying. Corrina ran after her.
Draco went to his dorm room and put his belongings away. When he was finished, he decided to go for a walk to the bench. He always felt closer to Ginny there. As he reached the area, he heard someone crying. "Ginny? You ok? What happened?" He asked, as he took her in his arms. "Oh, it's my stupid brother Ron! I wish he would stay out of my business!" She sobbed against Draco's chest. "I hate it when you cry. It makes me angry!" He roared. Draco held her in his arms until she stopped crying. They both agreed that they should get back. "Before we head back, I want to talk to you about something. I think I have a way to get Ron off your back but you have to agree to it." Draco told her. "What is it! I'll try anything!" She begged him to tell her. "Remember when we first met? How much we couldn't stand each other? Well, we have to make him believe we can't stand one another. I'll call you Weasley and you call me Malfoy and tell me to get lost. Stuff like that. If we continue to do that for a while, then maybe they will be convinced that we 'supposingly' hate each other." Draco suggested. Ginny looked into his eyes. "Ok. I guess it's worth trying. But one thing before we go back." Ginny said, just before she put her arms around the back of his neck and kissed him. After that, they headed back.
When the girls were in their dorm room, Ginny told Corrina all about her two great days of summer. That night Ginny slept very comfortable and visions of Draco filled her dreams. She woke up twice and every time she fell back to sleep, it was Draco that she would dream about.
This year seemed like it was going by faster than the last. Ginny was getting good grades again and was able to see Draco once or twice a week, with no problems. Acting like they hated each other was actually working. Ron was starting to back off and not follow her around as much.
One day, all the students went to Hogsmeade to go Christmas shopping just like last year. Corrina bought a few items for her parents and Ginny bought for her family as well. She even bought something for Ron. Then she thought about Draco, when she seen a beautiful bracelet. She also had something engraved on the back of it:


She could not wait to give it to him. Soon, everyone was back at school. As Ginny was in the dorm room, wrapping Draco's gift, the owl returned with another note for Ginny. This time it had two words, 'the bench'. She smiled and finished wrapping the gift. Quickly, she grabbed it and headed to their area. Draco was pacing back and forth. He was anxious to give her the present he bought for her. "There you are." He said. Ginny went up to him. They hugged and kissed. "Merry Christmas Draco." She smiled. "Merry Christmas Ginny." The gesture was returned. As they exchanged gifts, Ginny told him to go first. She was excited to see what he thought of it. He began to unwrap it slowly. Once the paper was off, he opened the box. "Oh wow! It's great!" He told her as he took it out. "I had something engraved on it." She pointed to it. Draco read what it said. "I love it." He said in a low voice, before kissing her. "Your turn." He said, almost as excited as she was. She ripped the paper off of it and there was a box. When she opened it, she gasped. "Oh Draco! It's beautiful!" She choked. Draco took the ring out of the box. He gently placed it on her finger. It was a silver band with two hearts entwined. The hearts were made of diamonds. "It's a promise ring. It means I will be there for you and you will always have my heart. If you whisper my name over it, the hearts will open and it will make my ring glow. It's a way for us to reach each other when we are apart." He explained. A tear fell down her cheek. "I love it. Thank you." She cried. He gave her a gentle kiss. "I love you Ginny Weasley." "I love you too, Draco Malfoy." He held her in his arms.
The next day, all of the students got on the train to go home for the holidays. This time, Ron didn't think it was necessary to sit by his sister. Ginny was glad for that. As far as everyone else knew, the ring was a friendship ring from Corrina. It was her idea. Soon, they were off the train. Ginny went straight to her room. As she sat down on her bed, she put the back of her hand to her mouth. "Draco Malfoy." She whispered. Just as he told her, the two hearts opened up. Two minutes later, they opened again, but this time there was a faint whisper. "I love you Ginny." She laid down and curled up with her pillow.
"Hey Gin! Get up! Breakfast is ready!" Ron yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Ginny sat up and looked around, realizing she slept through the whole night. Quickly she got up and headed downstairs. Everyone was at the table. "Morning Honey, come sit down and eat." Molly told her. She sat next to Hermione. "Hey look! It's a Malfoy!" Fred joked, pointing towards the window. Ginny whipped her head around. There on the window sill was an ugly crow. "Hey, you're right Fred. I believe it is!" George laughed. Ron decided to join in on the joke. "Actually, I think that's better-looking than Malfoy!" The three of them laughed. Ginny couldn't take it anymore. "Shut up!" She screamed, jumping up and running up to her room crying. They all stared in shock. "Eat your breakfast everyone." Molly ordered, as she left the room to check on Ginny. She fell on her bed and cried into her pillow. How could they be so mean? They have no right to say how mean the Malfoys are! There was a knock at the door. "Go away!" She cried. "Ginny open this door." Molly demanded. Realizing who it was, Ginny went to unlock the door. Molly opened it. "I think we need to talk." She said, looking at her daughter. Ginny had such a sad face. "First of all, are you still seeing Draco Malfoy at school? Be honest with me." Actually a little afraid of the answer. "How can I? Ron follows me around everywhere! I don't even have any privacy! One day, Draco walked passed me and said hi, that's all and Ron jumped down my throat!" She tried catching her breath because of crying so hard. Molly sat on the bed next to her. "I understand how you feel Ginny, I do, but we do not associate with the Malfoys. They are evil. I do not want my daughter to be anywhere near them. Now you need to stop seeing him or we will be removing you from Hogwarts!" Molly stated firmly, as she stood up. "I suggest you pull yourself together and come back downstairs." She told her before walking out the door. Ginny sat on the edge of her bed. She put her hand to her mouth. "Draco Malfoy." She whispered, watching as the two hearts opened. Two minutes later she heard, "I'm here, love." She smiled, as she wiped the tears from her face.
As soon as they got back to Hogwarts, Ginny felt more at home. The words that her mum said kept repeating inside her ears. "I just don't understand it. She says she knows how I feel but how can she? She was never told to stay away from dad!" She whined, as Corrina sat there and listened. Ginny plopped on her bed. "Did you have a chance to tell Draco yet?" She asked, feeling sorry for her. Ginny just shook her head and turned over on her bed. She found herself too exhausted to stay awake any longer.
Draco was sitting on his bed wondering what Ginny was doing. "Why don't you owl her?" Goyle suggested. "It's late. She's probably sleeping. I'll try tomorrow." Soon after, he fell asleep. That night he had a dream that he took Ginny to a hiding spot he found and they stayed there. Nobody in their families knew where they were. They were free to do whatever they wanted and didn't have to watch over their shoulders every second, afraid of getting caught together. It was great to have the girl of his dreams and nobody to tell him he couldn't.
The next day, Ginny went to the library with Corrina. The owl brought her a message. She took it off the owl and sent him on his way. After she read it, she could hear her mum's words again. "Well?" Corrina waited for Ginny to get up and leave. "I can't go. If anyone in my family finds out they will take me out of Hogwarts. I don't want to risk it." She cried. Corrina felt so bad for her best friend. She closed her books. "Come on! I have an idea!" She took Ginny's by the hand and began pulling her along. "Where are we going?" She moaned in pain from her hand being pulled tightly. "What did the message say?" She asked. Ginny told her what it said which meant Draco was at the area with the bench. "So he's there waiting for you?" Ginny shakingly nodded her head. "Good! Come on!" Corrina yelled, pulling again. "Corrina wait! I can't!" She cried. Stopping in their tracks, Corrina looked at her. "Yes we can! You're not going there to see Draco. We are going there to see, 'my boyfriend'." She made quotations with her fingers as she said 'my boyfriend'. "What are you talking about?" Ginny was confused. "You'll see!" She giggled, forcing Ginny to run the rest of the way.
When they got there, Draco was surprised to see Corrina with her. "Ok listen you two!" She panted, all out of breath. "You both need a way to be together without getting caught and I am the only option you have left. I will come here with Ginny, you can spend time together, but when we are in the school, we have to make it look like Draco and I are a couple. Everyone will see us together and it will take the attention off of both of you. Nobody will think we're coming here for you two to see each other. So what do you say?" Corrina waited anxiously for a response. Draco and Ginny both stared at her for a while. Then Draco spoke. "Ginny, I think she has a good idea!" He said with approval. "Ok, let's try it your way." Ginny agreed. Corrina smiled. "Great well, start spending time together! I'll wait over here!" They all laughed. They began kissing. Corrina had her back to them. All of a sudden, she could hear voices. It was Ron, Harry and Hermione coming their way! Corrina ran over to Draco and grabbed his arm. "What the?!" He stuttered. "I am so glad you ask me to be your girlfriend Draco. I've liked you for a long time. Let's go for a walk down by the boat house my love." Corrina played, holding onto his arm. The others got closer. Draco then realized what she was doing. "Sounds good." He said, winking at Ginny. They walked right toward the others. Ron had an astonished look on his face when he seen them together. "Hi guys! Draco and I are going for a walk to the boat house to be alone." She said in a believable way. "Really? How long have you two been a couple?" Ron asked, sarcastically. "None of your business Weasley! And that goes for your sister as well!" Draco played along. He actually sounded vicious for a moment. It worked. They seemed to have fooled them. They walked away arm in arm. "Can you believe him?! He tries to get my sister and when he realizes he can't, he moves on to her best friend!" Ron was furious at the thought of it. "Come on Ron. Let's just go to Hagrid's." Hermione said, as she grabbed his arm. They continued on their way. When it was clear, Draco and Corrina went back to the bench where Ginny was. "It worked! I can't believe it!" Ginny cheered. Draco threw his arms around her, giving her a loving kiss at the same time. "Don't mind me guys. I'm only the girlfriend." All three of them laughed. Draco let go of Ginny and looked at Corrina. "Ok you deserve this." He smirked as he gave her a hug and a little kiss on the hand. She blushed even though it was all in fun.
Well, their little scheme worked for the rest of the school year and Ron stopped following Ginny. Nobody had a clue! This was great! Now they have a way to be together! Let's just hope it stays that way...

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