Chapter 11: 16 And Happy

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"So do you know what you want for your birthday yet?" Draco smiled at her. She turned and looked at him. "Let's just go somewhere." She suggested. "Ok. Where do you want to go?" He asked. She thought about it for a few seconds. "Let's go to see the ocean." She answered, daydreaming about walking down the shore. "Then that's what we will do." He promised. They kissed. She knew what she wanted, but now that they were happily together, maybe they should hold off on connecting. Draco studied her face. "What are you thinking about love?" As she snapped out of her thoughts she said, "Walking on the shore together." He pulled her closer.
Bill and Fleur were playing a game when the phone rang. Bill got up to answer it. Molly was on the other end. "Did you hear anything from Ginny?" She asked. Bill could tell from her voice that she was really worried. "No I haven't Mum. I was hoping you did." He answered. "No. Nothing. I wish she would come to her senses and come home!" She began sobbing. "I'm sure she will contact one of us soon." Bill tried to make her feel better. They talked for a few more minutes and then got off the phone. "Well, what did she have to say?" Fleur asked, somehow, already knowing what it was. "Just wanted to know if we heard anything." Bill told her. He sat back down and continued the game.
Draco and Ginny were beginning to feel like a real couple now. Finally, they were able to be happy. He stared at her for a while as she was reading her book. "That must be a good story." He teased. "Yea it is." She smiled. Draco looked out the window. "Um Ginny, there's an owl here and it's not Corbin." He said, opening the window. She got up and placed her book on the table. "Palamar!" She cried. Draco remembered that name from what Corrina called her owl. She took the note and read it out loud. "Ginny. what is going on? Where are you? There's rumors going around saying you ran away with Draco. Is it true? If so, how are you both doing? Tell Draco I said hi. Please send a reply back to me. Love and miss you, Corrina." Draco smiled at her. "She is your best friend love. You have to let her know." He said, giving her a kiss on the cheek and heading into the kitchen. Ginny sat down with some paper and her quill. 'Corrina. I miss you so much. I am with Draco and we are doing great. Yes, the rumors are true but we had no choice. I will write more later. Love you, Ginny.' Is what she wrote.
"We searched everywhere, but the truth is, they could be anywhere!" Molly yelled. The twins covered their ears at the same time. "We will find her." Arthur said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you try sending her an owl? Only I wouldn't say 'come home right now' or 'how could you do this?' Start out by just asking her how she's doing and that you hope everything is fine. That way she is more apt to reply back to you." Ron suggested. She gave him a strange look. "I don't want to know EVERYTHING'S FINE! I want her HOME!" Molly cried. Ron left the house to go for a walk with Hermione.
That night, after supper, Ginny and Draco cuddled together on the couch. Muggle music was actually pretty good. Draco sang along to one of the songs that they liked. Ginny just sat there and listened to him. She loved him so much. The next morning, Draco made her breakfast and served it to her while she was still in bed. "Good morning love. Happy birthday." He said, placing the tray down on the night stand. He leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Ready for your breakfast?" He grinned. "Sure." She yawned. Draco waited for her to sit up and then placed the tray on her lap. "This looks so good." She said, smelling the food. "Wait til you taste it." He winked. "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?" He teased. She gave him a funny look, as she took a bite.
She had just finished her breakfast when Corbin showed up at her window. Walking over to him, she removed the note. 'Happy birthday Ginny! All our love, Fleur and Bill.' She smiled and put the note on the night stand. "What's that?" Draco asked, as he came into the room. "A happy birthday note from Fleur and my brother." She told him. Draco finished getting dressed. "My turn." She said, as she went to take a shower. Draco used that time to owl Bill. After he finished writing, he put the quill back on the desk. Grabbing the duffle bag, he started to pack some items to bring to the ocean with them. Ginny came into the room to finish getting dressed. "Almost ready to go?" He asked. "Yes, I just have to grab some stuff first." She said, before he held up the bag. Ginny laughed. They packed up the tent and then Draco held out his hand. Ginny grabbed onto it and then they were gone.
Fleur removed the note from the owl and unfolded it. She read it to Bill. "Bill and Fleur. Taking Ginny to the ocean for her birthday. Can you meet us there so she can see you? Draco." Fleur looked at Bill, who was smiling. "You know I am beginning to like him more and more." He grinned. "You want to go?" She asked. "I see no reason not to." Bill said. Fleur was happy with the idea. She ran upstairs to pack a few things.
Ginny and Draco arrived at the ocean. She gasped at the sight. "It's beautiful!" She shouted. Draco smiled, as he watched the excitement on her face. "I can't believe I'm here!" She said. Draco laughed. "Well, believe it." She threw her arms around him. All of a sudden, Bill and Fleur appeared on the shore about fifty feet away. "Look." Draco pointed behind her. As she turned around, she saw Bill and Fleur walking towards them. "Oh my gosh!" She screamed, before racing over to them. "I can't believe you're here!" She cried, giving them both a hug. "Happy birthday sis." Bill said. "Thanks but how did you know I was here?" She asked. "I owled them." Draco admitted, smiling. Bill shook his hand and Fleur gave him a hug. "Oh thank you!" She said, squeezing him tightly. They walked together down the shore. Bill helped Draco put up the tent. "You look so happy, Ginny. He seems to be really good for you." Fleur told her as they stared at him and Bill. "He is wonderful." She sighed. "Ok. Coming inside?!" Bill shouted, after they finished with the tent. They all went in. As they sat there talking and laughing, Ginny could not help but notice Bill and Draco were getting along so well. She was so happy. "This is my best birthday ever!"

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