Chapter 15: Almost Caught!

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Two more days to go before Ginny and Draco would be in Hogsmeade with Bill and Fleur. She couldn't wait to do something different. As she read the note again from her Mum, she began to wish she would be there too. Ginny knew it was just a trick to get her away from Draco. This is what her Mum had wrote:
'Dear Ginny. I wish you would let us know that you're ok. We are so worried about you. If you would just come home, we could sit down and talk about it. Please contact us. We miss you so much. All our love. Sincerely, Mum.' Ginny wrote this back to her: 'Dear family. Draco and I are doing very well. He made me breakfast in bed for my birthday. He is so wonderful to me! You would be proud of him if you knew how he takes care of me. I know you want me home, but that won't happen unless you accept Draco and I as a couple. I love him very much and he loves me. I will write again soon. Love you. Ginny and Draco.' As she was in her so-called own little world, Draco sat next to her. "What is it love?" He asked, placing his hand on her leg. "I just wish our families felt differently about us." She said in almost a whisper. "I know love. Maybe someday they will." He hoped. They went to the table to eat.
"Well at least we heard from her. We know she's all right." Arthur said. "He is no good for her. He already turned her against the family! She's not coming home." Molly cried. "I understand that, but we have a wedding to plan. Have you forgotten all about the happy things that are going on?" He reminded her. Ron had asked Hermione's dad for permission to take her as his wife and he told Ron it would be an honor to have him as a son-n-law. So now, a wedding needs to be planned. They still haven't set a date though. Hermione was hoping to have Ginny be her bridesmaid, but it didn't look too hopeful. At least not now.
Later that night, Draco and Ginny played a game of chess to pass the time away. As they were listening to muggle music, a news report came on. This time it wasn't about them. The Wizarding World of Ministry had announced the engagement of Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. "Oh my gosh! They're getting married!" Ginny shouted. "That's cool. You should send them an owl to congradulate them love." He told her. Soon after that, they went to bed.
Since Hermione was already with child, they decided to let them share the same room. They got up and went downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning love birds." Fred teased. George smirked. "Where is your Mum and dad?" Hermione asked. "They went out to Bill's to see if they could talk them into coming over for breakfast." George told them. "Ok so we wait then." Ron said. They all went outside to wait.
"Well thank you for the invitation Mum but we will have to take a rain check. Fleur is not feeling well today." Bill filled them in on what was going on. "I understand. Well, maybe some other time then." Molly told him. Her and Arthur said their goodbyes and headed back home. It was only a matter of minutes before they returned. "All right everyone! In the house for breakfast!" She shouted for all to hear. They rushed inside.
"Do you want the radio on?" Draco asked Ginny. "Sure." She answered. He turned it on and slowly walked over to her. She gave him a strange look. He held out his hand and she took it, letting him lead her to the middle of the room. He put his arms around her as they danced. "I love you." He told her. "I love you too." She replied. "There's something I've been wanting to ask you." He said. "What is it?" She waited for the question. Draco gazed into her eyes. "Ginny Weasley, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife someday?" He asked, with a serious look. Ginny was surprised. "Yes Draco Malfoy! I would love to be your wife!" She cried. He gently wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her.
Later that night, Ron and Hermione were lying down on the grass. He turned over onto his side, facing her and placed his hand on her stomach. "I can't wait to become a family." He told her. She smiled. "You say that now. Wait til the baby is here and crying all the time." She grinned. "That's what he has you for." He joked. "Oh really! Ok. I'll take care of the crying, but you are changing HER diapers!" Hermione laughed. Ron tickled her until she begged him to stop. The twins came walking up to them. "You know, that baby is going to take after us." Fred teased. "No way!" She yelled. They all laughed at the thought of another Weasley boy.
That night, Draco made supper. Ginny wrote a note to Fleur to ask what time to leave in the morning. "It's ready love." He said, making her plate and placing it on the table for her. She went into the kitchen. "Thank you." She said, sitting down. He sat across from her. "Did you finish writing to Fleur?" He asked, taking a drink of juice. She nodded with a mouthful of food. "Well, all we have to do now is wait for an answer." He said. "I am so anxious! I hope it's early in the morning!" She giggled. Draco grinned. "I'm glad you have someone in your family you can still spend time with. I feel bad about the rest of them love." He apologized, feeling like it was his fault. "It's their choice Draco. If they really wanted to spend time with me bad enough, they would." She stood up for him. A warm feeling touched his heart. "So are we going to pack some stuff tonight or wait til morning?" He asked. "Tonight!" Her and Draco both laughed.
"Feeling better hun?" Bill asked Fleur. She smiled. "Yes I am. It must have been the baby flu." She teased. "Well, we'll have to talk to him about that as soon as he is born." He teased back. Draco's owl appeared at the window. Fleur took the note and read it to Bill. "Dear Fleur and Bill. What time should we meet at Hogsmeade? We can be at the run-down shack in the morning. Let us know. All our love. Ginny and Draco." She sent a note back and the owl flew away. "Ginny sounds anxious." Bill grinned. "I don't blame her. They are always in that tent." Fleur replied.
Molly and Arthur were going over the invitation list with Hermione's parents. They were becoming good friends. "We will keep these in a box until the date is set." Molly told them. "Have you thought of a date yet?" Arthur asked them. "Not really. We were thinking sometime in the summer." Hermione mentioned. Ron put his arm around her. They finished going through the list and placed them in a box. "What about your sister Ron? I really want her to be there." Hermione told him when they were alone. "I know hun. So do I, but I don't think that is going to happen." Ron told her.
Corbin was at the window, waiting for Ginny to take the note. She entered the room a few minutes later. Noticing Corbin, she went over and took the note. "Dear Draco and Ginny. We are leaving at nine in the morning. We'll meet you at the run-down shack. All our love, Fleur and Bill." Draco looked at her. "Well you got your answer. If you want, we can leave a little early so we can do some shopping before they get there." He suggested. The look on her face gave it away! They were leaving early! "Well, we should get to bed then." He told her. Ginny agreed. Eventually, they fell asleep.
Ron put his hand on Hermione's stomach like he always did. "Do you think it's going to be a boy?" He asked. "I don't know, but Fleur has a way of knowing those things. We could ask her." She said, trying to go to sleep. "We need to come up with some names." He said, like it was something that needed to be done right now. "Ron, Honey, go to sleep. We can come up with names tomorrow." She mumbled. Ron put his arm around her and finally went to sleep. That night, Hermione had a dream that she had twins, a girl and a boy. They named them Roman Arthur Weasley and Fiona May Weasley.
The next morning, Draco and Ginny packed up the tent and apparated to the run-down shack. As soon as they got there, they put the stuff down and headed toward the stores. "Ok, we have twenty minutes before they arrive." Draco informed her. There was a small dark alley they had to go through. All of a sudden, a deatheater grabbed Draco and placed his wand against his throat! Ginny screamed. Another one grabbed her and did the same with his wand! "Well, what do we have here?" He placed his face against Ginny's cheek. "Let her go!" Draco roared. The wand was pressed harder against his throat. "You have not connected yet? We can take care of that. I'll connect with you." Ginny sobbed and squirmed to get away. "Don't even touch her! I will kill you!" Draco shouted.
All of a sudden, Bill looked over at Fleur. "Was that Draco?!" He asked. She nodded and they quickly took out their wands. They rushed around the corner. Using their wands to disarm them, gave Draco the leverage he needed. He grabbed his wand and ran over to Ginny. They threw their arms around each other. "You two ok?" Bill asked, his wand still out. Draco put his wand on the deatheater's throat. "I should kill you right now! Don't ever touch my fiance again!" He said in a vicious voice. "Draco don't, I'm fine!" Ginny pleaded. He put down his wand and they both disappeared. Bill and Fleur ran over to them. "It's ok. They're gone." Bill said, looking at Draco. "I thank you for protecting my sister." He shook Draco's hand. "But did I hear you right? I could have sworn I heard the word 'fiance' in there somewhere." He teased. "Yes Bill. Draco asked me to be his wife someday and I said yes." Ginny told him. Bill smiled. "Well, Draco, I only have one thing to say to you." Draco looked at him. Bill shook his hand and said, "I would welcome you into the family any day." Ginny and Draco smiled at each other.

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