Chapter 6: Hurry Back

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Ginny could not believe that it has only been one week since they came down to see Charlie. She wanted to get back to Hogwarts in the worst way. "Draco Malfoy, I love you." She whispered over the ring. Shortly after that she heard, "I love you too, my love. Miss you." She smiled, as she closed her eyes to go to sleep. In no time at all, she was in dreamland.
Molly was enjoying the time at Charlie's place. His kitchen was huge. Molly had so much space to make the meals. As breakfast was just about done, Ginny came down the stairs. Ron was sitting in one of the chairs with Hermione on his lap. Ginny sat down in the same room. "Hello Ginny. Did you sleep ok?" Hermione asked with a grin on her face. "I slept fine." Ginny answered. Ron gave her a funny look. "All right everyone, come and eat." Molly told them. Charlie was doing so much better now, from being attacked by a baby dragon. Everyone sat around the table.
"Draco. You have to study! You're going to fail." Corrina scolded him. She promised Ginny that she would keep him in line. Draco glanced over at her. "Sorry. I just can't concentrate. I miss her so much." Corrina had a sad look on her face. "I know you do. She misses you too. You need to do this or she will kick BOTH our butts when she gets back!" She giggled. Draco grinned. "You're right. Let's get started." For the next hour, Corrina was able to keep Draco studying and doing homework. Ginny was going to be proud of her.
Later that night, Ginny whispered back and forth with Draco, using the ring. It wasn't as good as being with him but at least it was something. There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Ginny asked. "It's Fleur." The voice on the other side of the door answered. "Come in." Ginny told her. The door opened and Fleur came in, wearing her night gown. "Can we talk?" Ginny looked up at her. "Sure. About what?" She asked, sitting up on her bed. "About Draco Malfoy." She whispered. "There's no need. I'm staying away from him. Did Mum ask you to come in and get some information for her?" Ginny asked, a little offended. Fleur shook her head. "No. Actually, I came to tell you I know how you feel. My father told me that I couldn't see Bill because he was not from France. As you can see, you and I are more alike than you think." She giggled. Ginny smiled. It made her feel better. "Now, I know that if I was you, there is no way I would let my parents tell me not to see him. I would find a way. I can tell by the look on your face you love him. Am I mistaken?" Ginny shook her head. "You're right. It just hurts. We want to be together so bad. I just wish there was a way for our families to get along." Ginny told her. "Well, I don't know if they will ever get along, but I do know that if you need some advice, you can always come to me. Even if you just want to talk. Ok?" Fleur assured her, smiling. "Thank you Fleur. I will be taking you up on the talks." Ginny promised her. She tapped Ginny on the shoulder before getting up to leave the room. "Wait Fleur. There is something I do want to ask, but I'm afraid you wouldn't tell me the answer." Ginny crinkled her nose. She always did that when she was a little worried about the answer. "What is it?" She asked, walking back over to the bed. "If you were me, and you wanted to see him, how would you go to him without being caught? I mean, I can't do apperation until the end of next year." Fleur smiled. "No. You couldn't do that, but if I were you, I would just use FLOO transportation." She winked at Ginny. Ginny's eyes got very wide. "I never thought of that! Wait, I couldn't do that either. There is no place in Hogwarts to enter." She put her head down and looked very sad again. "Well, I shouldn't tell you this but there is one place to enter." Ginny began to get very excited. "Where?!" She was so anxious to hear the answer. "You know that girl that died in the bathroom?" Ginny thought for a second. "You mean Moaning Myrtle?" Fleur nodded. "It is in the bathroom. It's her stall." Fleur whispered. "But you didn't hear it from me." She winked. Ginny threw her arms around her. "Thank you so much, Fleur. You don't know how much this means to me." "Yes, Ginny, I do." Fleur whispered. "Just one thing." Ginny put her hands together like she was praying. Fleur gave her a patient stare. "I don't have any FLOO powder and I can't really ask Mum for any. Do you know where I can get some?" She hoped the answer was yes. Fleur smiled. "Let me see what I can do." She winked and then gave her a kiss on the cheek. After she left the room, Ginny closed the door. As she jumped on her bed, she whispered over the ring. "Draco Malfoy, I might be using FLOO powder to come see you!" A few seconds later she heard, "What?! How? " They chatted back and forth for a while and then Ginny went to sleep.
The next day, the family had plans to down to Dragora Fields where they keep the dragons that Charlie trains. Fleur talked Molly into letting Ginny stay behind with her. "Ok everyone, let's go!" Molly ordered, as she held the door open. The only ones that stayed behind were Ginny, Fleur and Bill. Ginny was relieved. It would be difficult to talk about Draco with everyone there. Bill came walking out of their room, carrying a small pouch. He walked over to Ginny. "This is for you." He said, handing her the pouch. With curiosity, she opened it and looked inside. "FLOO powder!" She was surprised Bill would be involved with this. She stood there, looking at him. Bill smiled. "Ginny look, Fleur and I had a discussion about it last night. Even though I don't like this you and Draco thing, I won't stand in your way." He promised. "Thank you Bill." She cried, as she gave him a huge hug. "Now use only a handful to get there and a handful to get back. Today is Sunday, which means that all of the professors are in their offices all day. There's an old chimney place upstairs in the den. Use it to get there but say 'Moaning Myrtle's stall' very clearly or you will end up standing inside the toilet! I know Dragora Fields is a huge place and they will probably be gone for about three hours, so make sure you are back here in an hour and a half. Now hurry." Fleur advised her, pointing to the stairs. Ginny gave her and Bill a hug, before running up the stairs and into the den. Quickly, she took a handful of powder and stepped into the chimney place. "Moaning Myrtle's stall." She stated clearly and dropped the powder. Suddenly, all there was left was a huge cloud of dusty smoke! Ginny was gone.
Draco and Corrina were sitting in the library when he noticed his ring glowing. He held his hand to his mouth. "Open." He whispered. He heard, 'I'm in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Love you." He quickly looked up at Corrina. "We have to go!" He told her, standing up and grabbing his books. Corrina did the same. Rushing down the hall, she asked, "Where are we going?" Draco didn't even look back at her. "Ginny's here!" He smiled. When they got there, Draco pushed the doors open, causing them to slam against the wall. "About time." Ginny teased. "Ginny!" They rushed into each others arms. "How in the world did you get a hold of FLOO powder?!" He asked her. "Bill and Fleur gave it to me! He said he's not happy about us but he isn't going to stand in our way." She cheered. Draco gave her a huge hug.
A while later, as they were cuddling together, Corrina came walking back in. "You're still here?" She asked. After she found out what time it was, she jumped to her feet. "Oh my gosh Draco! I have to go! I'm a half hour late!" Quickly she grabbed a handful of powder. With one last kiss and one more 'I love you', she was gone.
"Where is she? They are going to be back soon!" Fleur was getting frantic and pacing the floor. "She'll be here. She knows she can't risk it." Bill assured his wife. Just then, there was a cloud of smoke in the chimney place. It was Ginny. "What took you so long? I was going crazy, thinking they might get back before you!" Fleur yelled. "I'm sorry. I lost track of time. But thank you so much for this. It was great!" Five minutes later, the rest of the family returned. Fleur put her hand on her chest and gave Ginny a 'that was close' kind of look. Ginny was so happy she was able to spend time with Draco and that Bill and Fleur knew, but the best part .... nobody else in the family did!

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