Chapter 8: Not Again!

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It was now after Christmas break and the students were all back in school. Ginny was getting ready for her Environmental Magic class. Corrina walked with her until they reached the door of the classroom. "I'll see you later Ginny." Corrina said, as she walked away. Ginny waved and entered the room. Draco was already there and Bill was sitting at his desk in the front of the room. Draco walked up to her. "Well, you ready to sit next to me?" He grinned. "Of course." She said, as they went over to a table and sat down. It seemed a little strange to be able to sit next to him when other kids were around. Bill looked up and noticed everyone was there. "Ok class. Today we are going to go over a few things and also take notes." Bill informed the class. He walked over to the board and wrote down a set of rules. When he finished, they were told to write them down. Ginny thought it was great to have Bill as an instructor. Especially when he was the only sibling to not try and stop them from having a relationship.
Class only lasted two hours but it was nice to be able to work on certain things with Draco. After class, Ginny went up to Bill. "Hey Bill, how are we supposed to work and study together outside of class? I mean if Ron sees us he will run to Mum." Ginny told him. "Yea, I thought about that too. If you want you can use this room." Bill offered. Ginny and Draco both agreed that using the classroom would be best.
"Well, how did it go?" Corrina asked her. "It went very well, but it felt weird sitting next to Draco and not getting in trouble for it." She laughed. They went up to their room to go to bed. "I just hope it works out for you two and I hope Ron doesn't find out. It is going to be hard to keep it a secret that you're working together in class though. I'm sure if he found out, he would go straight to your mum." Corrina stated, as she climbed into bed. Ginny knew she was right. Ron would definitely tell on them that's for sure.
As Draco got up the next morning, he realized someone put shaving cream all over him and his bed. "All right, who did this?" He yelled, grinning. "Happy Birthday!" Crabbe and Goyle laughed. Draco was now sixteen. He smiled as he thought about being able to do magic now. Ginny was waiting at their area. "Waiting for me love?" He asked, leaning over to give her a kiss. "Happy Birthday." She whispered. "So what do I get as a present?" He teased. She stood up and took his hand. She laid down on the grass, with him lying next to her. Slowly, she began to unbutton her blouse. Draco could not believe she was actually doing this. He looked into her eyes. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." She said back. The passionate kissing and the gentle caressing almost took them to a whole new level. That is, until they heard a noise coming from the opening. Quickly, Ginny buttoned up and Draco jumped to his feet. "Hey guys." Corrina said, walking up to them. Draco and Ginny looked at each other and laughed.
Later that night, Ginny had a dream that her and Draco were alone in a house that was very familiar. It was Bill and Fleur's old house. Molly and Arthur gave it to them! When she woke up, her eyes filled with tears. Oh how she wanted that dream to come true. Hermione came into Ginny's room to relay a message. "Bill is in Dumbledore's office and wants to talk to you." Ginny sat up on her bed. "Ok thanks." She yawned, as she got up to get dressed. Hermione left the room. Corrina walked with her until they arrived at his door. "Let me know what happens." Corrina told her, as she turned to leave. Ginny nodded, as she knocked on the door. It opened for her and she saw Bill standing next to Dumbledore. "Hey Bill. You wanted to talk to me?" She asked, walking in. "Yea, I'll see you later Professor." He told him, as he walked towards Ginny. "Come with me." He ordered, exiting the room. They hurried down the hall and entered the classroom for Environmental Magic. "Ok I wanted to let you know that Ron seen you and Draco together, as you were doing research for class. He came and told me. He didn't tell Mum or Dad because I told him I would take care of it." He smiled. "So how are we going to continue working together without Ron being a spy?" She cried. Bill put his hands on her shoulders. "Don't worry about it. I told you that you and Draco can use this classroom. If it becomes a real problem I will figure out something else." He winked. She knew she could trust him. "All right. I will let Draco know." Ginny told him, before giving him a hug and leaving.
With a heart filled with anger, she found Draco. "We need to talk. Meet me at the bench." She said, as she walked away before Ron could see them. Draco knew something was up. He left the table and went out the doors. "So what happened?" Corrina asked her. "Ron tried to get Draco and I in trouble again!" Corrina's eye widened. Draco was just arriving and he overheard what Ginny had said. "What happened?!" He demanded to know. Ginny gave him a hug. "Bill said that Ron seen us together when we were doing some research for class. He told Bill. He didn't tell our Mum and Dad because Bill told him he would take care of it. So he said from now on we can use the classroom and if that causes a problem he will figure something else out for us." She explained. Draco gave her a hug. "It's fine. Sounds like Bill has it under control. We just have to be careful from now on." He warned her. Ginny agreed. That night they used their rings to talk back and forth for a while before they fell asleep.
As time went on, Draco and Ginny were using the classroom with no problems. That is, until one day. "Ginny, Draco, can you stay after class? I need to talk to the both of you." Bill informed them. They stayed behind while the rest of the class left. "What is it Bill?" Ginny asked. "We need to go. I talked to Dumbledore and he gave me permission to take both of you with me." He told them, as they left the room and headed down the hall. "Where are we going?" Ginny asked with curiosity. Bill opened up the bathroom door. "My house." He answered, as he pulled out the FLOO powder. Ginny and Draco looked at each other. "Come on! We don't have much time!" He roared, pushing his sister into Moaning Myrtle's stall. "Just say 'Bill and Fleur's' and that's where you will go." Ginny went first, then Draco, then Bill. The three of them brushed themselves off when they got there. "What's going on Bill?" Ginny insisted. Bill looked at her and then turned his glance to Draco. "Ok I brought you here because Ron threatened to go to Mum and Dad if he sees you two together again. Dumbledore gave me permission to keep you two here until the end of the class. In the meantime, we need to figure out some arrangements." Bill told them. "Arrangements?" Draco asked. "Yea, we only have one spare bedroom. There is no way I am letting you two in the same room. That's not all. Our parents are going to find out eventually. You both need to decide what you want to do. Is this relationship worth it? What are you planning on doing when they find out?" He asked, expecting an answer to every question he threw at them. "Bill, look, I love your sister with all my heart. I would never hurt her. I want to be with her for a very long time, if not for the rest of my life." Draco told him. Ginny looked at him with tears in her eyes. "Ginny, is this how you feel too?" She looked at Draco again. "Yes." She cried. "Ok Well, I will try to help as long as I can. If Mum and Dad show up looking for you, I have no choice but to tell them you're here. Draco, if your parents ask, I'll have to tell them too. Understand?" He warned them. They both nodded. "Good, now let's go downstairs and get something to eat." Bill suggested, walking out the doorway.
Later that night, Bill allowed them to share the bedroom. "One, behave and two, I don't want to be an uncle quite yet." He teased. "Bill!" Ginny yelled, as she threw a pillow at him. Throwing it back, he laughed.

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