Chapter 14: An Owl From Home

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Draco and Ginny stayed inside the tent as long as possible. When they needed to go somewhere, they apparated from inside and reappeared inside the tent. "Draco can we go somewhere far away so we can relax or do something fun?" She sighed. "A little bored love? I can think of something to do that would be fun and we don't have to go anywhere to do it." He teased, as he kissed her on the neck. "You're terrible!" She laughed, jokingly pushing him away. He giggled. "What? You have to admit love, it would be fun." He smirked. "And how would you know?!" She teased back. Just then, Corbin came to the window. "Perfect timing bird!" He joked, joining her at the window. She opened the note. "Dear Ginny and Draco. Bill and I want to know if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with us next week. We could spend the day together and get something to eat as well. Also, we were wondering how you both are doing. Please respond back and let us know. All our love, Fleur and Bill." She read out loud. Walking over to the table, she grabbed some paper and her quill. "Do you want to go?" She asked him, before writing the note. "Sounds like fun. It would give you some time to spend with family as well love. Let's go." He said. She wrote the note and tied it to Corbin, before he flew away. "Well, speaking of eating, I'm going to make us some sandwiches." Ginny said, walking into the kitchen. Draco's eyes followed her. He loved to see her happy.
"I was sure we would have heard something from Ginny by now." Molly pouted. Arthur gave her a hug. "We will. When she is ready, she will contact us. It pains me to say it but what Bill said about Draco keeping her safe, that's the only thing that gives me peace. Knowing that she's safe." Arthur admitted. Molly glared at him. "She will never be safe with a Malfoy! I refuse to believe that a Malfoy is good for our daughter!" She roared, as she stormed out of the room.
Ron and the twins came walking in. "Mum mad again?" Fred teased. George looked at his twin brother. "Malfoy is going to have a lot of anger thrown at him and he don't even know it." He replied. Arthur just gave them a look and shook his head. "Now is not the time to be joking around about this." He warned them. "Well, I'm going over to Hermione's house. I'll be back before supper." Ron let his dad know. "Why don't you invite her over to eat with us?" He asked. His parents always liked her. "I will." He said, walking out the door. Ron didn't know it but Hermione had plans for them and that's why she wanted him to come over. Her parents were gone for the week and wouldn't return for three more days.
Draco and Ginny were sitting at the table when that same news report came on again. "oh I wish we didn't have to hear that! It makes me nervous!" Ginny whined. Draco covered her hand with his. "We're going to be fine love." He assured her. Soon, the report was over and the muggle music was back. "Do you want to go lie down? You look a little tired love. You haven't been sleeping well either. Go ahead. I'll stay out here and keep an eye on things." He offered, concerned about her. "Maybe I will, for a little while." She agreed, getting up to go to bed. Draco kissed her before she left the room.
"Ron. Come in." Hermione told him, holding the door. After she closed it, Ron put his arms around her and they began to kiss. "Let's go to my room." She suggested, between kisses. They held hands as she led him to the bedroom. "What are we doing here?" He asked, remembering that her parents were gone. "Spending time together." She flirted with him, gently pushing him back onto the bed. He stayed there, watching as she removed her top and then her skirt. Ron swallowed and his eyes were very wide. She laid against him and they started passionately kissing. Ron removed his shirt and his pants. Their hearts beating faster and their breathing became heavier. Now, Ron was lying on top of her, his hands wandering. "I want to connect with you." She whispered in his ear. Ron stared into her eyes. "Are you sure?" He asked. As soon as she said yes, he gently removed the rest of her clothing and the rest of his. "You sure you want to connect? We know what can happen." He reminded her. Hermione looked at him. "I want to connect with you, Ron. Please, make love to me." She told him. Ron granted her wish. They connected.
Draco went in to check on Ginny. Sleeping soundly on the bed, he laid next to her. He brushed her hair away from her face with his fingertips. He kissed her cheek. "I love you, Ginny. I'll take care of you, I promise." He whispered, watching her sleep. He planned on asking her to marry him but he didn't know when the best time would be. He always wanted to ask the girl's father for her hand in marriage but considering the situation, he knew that would never happen. Draco ended up falling asleep beside her.
Hermione and Ron lied in each others arms for a while, before getting up to get dressed. Ron had to leave. He promised he would be home before supper. "My dad told me to bring you to the house for supper." He told her as he was putting on his shoes. "Oh Ok. I'll come with. It's better than staying here alone." She smiled. They walked down the street and apparated.
As soon as they walked in the door, Molly noticed a kind of glow on Hermione. She stared for a few seconds. "Hello there Hermione." Arthur said. "Hello. Thank you for inviting me." She replied. Molly got Arthur's attention and motioned him over to her. "Did you see her face? She's got a glow about her!" She whispered. He looked over at her. "She does, doesn't she? What do you suppose that's from?" He questioned. "Why don't you ask your son? I'm sure he will tell you all about true love and connecting!" She whispered, bitterly. Arthur whipped around and looked at Hermione. Finally, his stare ended on Ron. "After supper, have a talk with him. Ask him if he plans on marrying her!" She ordered. Arthur just nodded. He knew better than to argue with Molly on something about this. Eventually, they all sat around the table to eat supper. It felt somewhat empty without Ginny.
Afterwards, Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch, holding hands and talking. Arthur entered the room. "Ron, can I have a word with you outside?" He asked. Ron kissed her on the cheek, promised to be right back and then left with his dad. Arthur closed the door behind him. "What did you want to talk about?" Ron asked. "Well, your Mum wants me to discuss something with you." He told him. Ron just looked at him, having no clue as to what it was. "I need to ask you son, are you planning on asking Hermione to be your wife?" Ron picked his head up and looked at him in surprise. "Where did that come from!" He was a little shocked. "Well, your Mum knows more than you think." He hinted. "What do you mean?" Ron was a little nervous as to where this was going. "She knows that you are connected with Hermione and she has a glow about her. Now, a witch only gets that glow when she is with child, after a connection is made." He explained. Ron stopped walking. "Yea dad, we have connected. We knew what could happen. I was planning on asking her father for his permission to take his daughter as my wife, since they are muggles and that's the way they do things like that. I have to wait until they get back though. They are gone for the week." He admitted. Arthur smiled. "That's good, but don't let your Mum know they were gone. She would never have let you go over there to be alone with Hermione." He chuckled, as he put his arm around Ron. They went back inside.
The next morning, Draco and Ginny got a huge surprise. There at their window was Fawkes! "What is Dumbledore's phoenix doing here?" Draco asked. Ginny took the note and unfolded it. "My dear Ginny and Draco, I am happy to know that you both are doing well. The students will be heading to Hogsmeade in two weeks. The run-down shack just down the hill from there would be a good place to go when you want to visit with friends, don't you agree? Take care, Albus Dumbledore." She read to Draco. "He's helping us." He said. "Well, at least we can get out and enjoy ourselves for a little while." She sighed. Draco gave her a hug. "I know this is hard for you love. Anytime you want to go home just let me know." He told her. Ginny stared into his eyes. "Only if you were able to come with." She vowed. He leaned in and kissed her.
Just then, an owl screached at the window. Ginny gasped. It was Hedwig! She took the note off of him and he stayed there. She knew this meant that they were expecting a reply. Slowly, she unfolded the note. Staring at it, Draco walked over to her. "Who is it from?" He asked. Ginny looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. "My Mum."

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