Chapter 5: 14 and Waiting

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Ginny could not wait to get to Hogwarts. She wanted to see Draco so much. Draco smiled at her quickly as he got on the train. The two of them stayed in touch all summer through their rings and nobody ever knew. Now they had the perfect cover-up thanks to Corrina. They owed her a lot. Ginny sat down next to Corrina. "After we put our stuff away, we can go over to the area to see him." Corrina whispered to her. They didn't want to take the chance of anyone hearing them. "Thank you so much, Corrina. You don't know how much this means to us." Ginny assured her. "Well, I just felt bad watching you and Draco trying to see one another and you never get a break. It just didn't seem right to keep you two apart. No matter how much your parents hate each other." Corrina smiled, affectionately. Ginny decided, this year she was going to buy Corrina something for Christmas.
After the train came to a stop, Ginny practically jumped off. Her and Corrina ran to their room. Draco did the same thing. "Hey mate. Why don't you just go see her? You can put your stuff away later." Goyle told him, knowing how much Draco wanted to see Ginny. "I think I'll do that." He said, lying his trunk on his bed. Goyle and Crabbe waved as he walked out the door. Walking rapidly to the main doors, Draco could not wait to see her. He was almost running on his way to the area.
"Ok. Everything is put away! Let's go!" Ginny screeched, as her and Corrina walked towards the door. They ran down the stairs and out the main doors. "I'll beat you there!" Corrina shouted. "I doubt that!" Ginny yelled back. Of course, Ginny had a bigger reason for getting there. She won by a few feet. "Whoa! Slow down love, you're going to fall and hurt yourself!" Draco laughed. Ginny went up to him and collapsed in his arms. "I missed you so much." She panted. "I missed you too love." They held each other for a while. Corrina smiled and went to her usual spot to be the lookout. Draco rubbed Ginny's back as they kissed. The feelings they had for one another were very strong now. Corrina could see the love in their eyes every time they looked at each other. She was always one for true love.
When they got back to the Great Hall for supper, Draco and Corrina sat together to make it look good. Ginny sat by Hermione. "Do you want to come to Hagrid's hut with us after we eat?" She invited Ginny. "I am really tired. I think I'm just going to go and lay down." Ginny lied. Hermione nodded and continued eating. "Well, at least you're over Malfoy! That was a nightmare!" Ron groaned. "Yea well, family knows best." Ginny cringed just hearing herself say it. She knew they agreed to act like enemies, but it was difficult for her. Draco kept glancing over at her. The best thing about it was Ron had his back to Draco so he couldn't see it. That was one thing Ginny was glad about. It made it a little easier.
That night, Ginny had a dream that her and Draco got married and had a baby boy. They named him Roman Alexander Malfoy. In her dream, her, Draco and Roman were at her parents house and everyone was getting along great. When she woke up, she smiled, thinking how nice it would be for everyone to get along.
Classes were a bit harder this year. Ginny and Draco had three classes together. Corrina was in four of Ginny's. After class, they went out to their area. "I wish we could be like a normal couple." Ginny told him. "I know love, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon." He brushed her hair away from her eyes. "At least we have this time together." She sighed. Just then, Corrina came running up to them. "It's Ron! He's looking for you!" She whispered. Ginny gave Draco a quick kiss. "Love you." She whispered. "Love you too." He returned. She rushed over to the opening just in time. "There you are." Ron said. "What's up?" She asked. "Mum messaged me. Charlie got hurt but he's going to be fine. Her and dad are coming to get us in two days. We're all going down there to see him. Bill and Fleur might be moving so if they do, Mum said their house is going to be locked up until the next one of us get married. I just wanted you to know. Mum said to be ready when they come and get us." He explained. "How long are we going to be down there for?" She asked, wondering how long she would be away from Draco. "About two weeks, so we will be going from there to home for Christmas break." He told her, a little suspicious by the look on her face. "Two weeks?!" She whined. "What are you so upset about?" He asked, since she was about to start crying. "Nothing. It's just that my classes are more difficult this year and I don't want to be away too long and get behind on them." She lied. "Mum is going to get all of our homework so we can still do it." He told her. "Ok well, I guess I'm going to finish studying for my test tomorrow. After that, I'm going up to my room to pack." Ginny said, hoping he would leave. "All right. I'm going over to Hagrid's with Hermione and Harry so I better get going." Ron excused himself, before walking away. Ginny waited until he was out of site and then ran back to Draco, crying. "Oh Draco! I don't want to go for two weeks!" She cried. He put his arms around her. "I know love, but it will be fine. We still have our rings." He assured her, trying to comfort her. For about the next ten minutes, she sobbed, burying her face in his chest.
Ginny and Corrina went back to their room. "I can't believe you're leaving for two weeks. Too bad your mum wouldn't let you stay here." Corrina complained. "I know. I think she is making sure I go because she doesn't want there to be a chance with Draco." Ginny grumbled. The two of them packed up Ginny's belongings and then went to bed.
The next day was very hard for her and Draco. They didn't want to be apart anymore. At least with her at Hogwarts, they could spend a little time together. Corrina was being the lookout again. "I don't want to go." She cried. "I know. I don't want you to go either love." He complained. They were lying down on the grass. Draco leaned over her and kissed her. He placed his hand on her stomach. Slowly, he moved his hand upward, under her shirt. Their breathing became heavy. Both heartbeats were pounding against each other. Draco decided to stop before their feelings wouldn't let them. "I would never hurt you Ginny. I love you." He told her, just before Corrina came by them. "Guys, I hate to interrupt but we are supposed to be in the Great Hall in fifteen minutes! Dumbledore wanted to talk to all of us remember?" Draco looked over at Ginny. "We better go." He frowned. They got up and he gave her one last kiss before heading out with Corrina. "You ready?" He asked her. "Yea. I'll meet you inside Ginny." She said, turning to walk with Draco. About five minutes later, Ginny began jogging up to the school.
Once everyone was in the Great Hall, Professor Dumbledore stood up to speak. "Hello students. Today I have some news to share with all of you. A new law was put into effect this morn. It is no longer Seventeen years of age for using magic outside of Hogwarts. The new age is now Sixteen. If anyone is at least this age, they are allowed to use magic when they go home. The reason for this is because a new class will be introduced at Hogwarts. This is called 'Environmental Magic'. It will be required to use magic in different environments. So that will be all for now. Please go on to what you were all doing." He announced. Draco glanced over at Ginny. He made it a point to go up to Corrina while people could see him do it. "Hey hun. You want to go for a walk to our favorite place? I have some good news to tell you." He smirked. "Sure thing." Corrina answered, knowing what he meant. Ginny left first and headed over to the bench. Five minutes later, Draco and Corrina showed up. He threw his arms around Ginny. "Do you realize what this new age means?" He grinned. She gave him a confused look. "What are you thinking, Draco?" Kind of curious as to where he was going with this. "At the end of next year they can't stop us from being together! Ginny, we will be able to apperate! To somewhere, ANYWHERE in the world!" He was practically yelling, he was so excited. Ginny placed her hands over her mouth. "Oh Draco! This is wonderful! We just have to get through the rest of this year and next year and we can be together all the time!" She cried. "I love you!" Came flying out of her mouth, as she threw her arms around him. Corrina was so happy for them.
The three of them didn't notice that Luna Lovegood was standing behind them. Ginny turned around and screamed. "Luna!" She gasped. Draco whipped around. "Don't mind me. I believe in true love. I won't tell anyone, I promise." She smiled as she walked away. "Do you think she will say anything to anyone?" Draco asked, with a worried look. "I really don't think she will. Besides, you are HER boyfriend remember?" Ginny grinned. "Oh yea right. So, Corrina, you want to do some snogging?" He winked. "Um sure but let's wait until our next life." She joked back. Ginny stared at both of them. "You both are lucky you're joking or that 'next life' would come sooner than you think!" She let them know. They all burst out laughing.

ginny and dracoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora