Chapter 3: The Truth Comes Out

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Christmas break was over and the students were back in school. Ginny thought about Draco all during break. She seen him on the train but they didn't speak to each other. "So what did you get for Christmas?" Ginny asked Corrina. "Well, let's see, I got a new dress, a necklace, a notebook diary and an owl!" She listed. "Wow! That's great! I got a new dress too. Mum got me some new make-up." Ginny said, as she held it out to show her. After they finished admiring the gifts, they went down to the Great Hall to eat. They sat with Hermione, Ron and Harry as usual. Ginny lifted up her glass when her eyes met Draco's. He had a small grin on his face. Ginny smiled back. Corrina caught her and nudged her on the arm. "Make sure Ron doesn't see that." She warned her. Ginny put her cup to her mouth and glanced over at Ron. She had nothing to worry about. He was filling his face with food as usual.
Draco and his friends went to the common room after they finished eating. "So did you tell Ginny that you like her?" Goyle teased. Draco looked at him. "Why in the world would I do that?" He chuckled. "Oh I dunno. maybe because you do!" Goyle announced, more serious now. "I'm going to bed." Draco stated, as he got off the couch and headed upstairs. Crabbe and Goyle just sat there exchanging looks. As Ginny lay in bed, she thought about Draco and the mistletoe. She wondered what he did with it and could not help but wonder if there would be another kiss. She drifted off to sleep while this was on her mind. Corrina was going to say something to her but she noticed that she was sound asleep.
The next day, the girls went to their study spot. About an hour later, a voice was heard. "Has anyone ever told you that you study too much?" They both looked up. "Draco." Ginny said in surprise. Corrina looked at both of them before making an excuse to leave. Draco sat down on the bench beside her. "How can you concentrate on your book?" He grinned. "It's easy, why? Are you not able to concentrate?" She teased. "Uh, a little." He laughed. "Ok so what are you thinking about?" She questioned him. "Well, there is one thing that I would like to see happen again." He smirked. "And what would that be?" She asked, hoping it was the same thing she wanted. He looked into her eyes. "This." He whispered, as he slowly brought his face close to hers. "I really do like you, Ginny." Staring into each others eyes. "I really like you too Draco." They shared a gentle passionate kiss, as he held her in his arms.
When they decided to go back to the school, Ginny left first. Draco waited twenty minutes before he went back. Corrina was waiting in the common room. She ran up to Ginny with a huge smile on her face. "Well? How did it go?" She was practically jumping in place. "He told me he really liked me, I told him the same thing and then we kissed. After that he just held me in his arms." Ginny whispered. "Oh my gosh! How in the world are you both going to keep this a secret?!" Corrina was concerned for both of them. She knew that nobody could find out.
About a month later, Draco and Ginny tried to find the opportunity to be together every day. As time went on, their feelings were growing stronger and stronger for each other. "I can't believe it's almost the end of the school year." He said, brushing his fingers through her hair. "Don't remind me." She replied sadly. Draco knew what she meant. It would mean a while before they could be together again. Summer was going to drag on forever!
There was a quidditch match that was about to begin. Everyone headed to the bleachers. Draco took this chance to be close to Ginny. He sat behind her and they held hands underneath his robes. Nobody could see a thing, and they wanted to keep it that way. "Ladies and Gents! Welcome to our match of Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff! Let the game be good and fair and let us begin!!" Everyone cheered. Ginny leaned her head back. "Who are you rooting for?" She yelled so he could hear her. "Doesn't matter to me!" He answered. "Hufflepuff Scores!" Half the people cheered. The game went back and forth for a good forty-five minutes. "Regina caught the snitch! Ravenclaw wins the game!!"
After the game the students were allowed to do whatever they wanted because it was the weekend. Draco squeezed Ginny's hand. "The bench." He said, before walking away. She knew what he said was, 'Meet me at the bench.' They were beginning to understand each other's codes more and more. Ginny reached the place first. Draco snuck up behind her and placed his hands over her eyes, making her jump. "Guess who?" He joked. "Oh, my favorite little enemy?" She giggled. Draco removed his hands. "That would be right." He smirked. Draco sat next to her. They spent the next hour snuggling and kissing. Suddenly, they pulled apart when they heard a noise. "What was that?" Ginny asked, searching for any sign of what made the noise. "I dunno." Draco got up and looked the area over. As soon as they were convinced nobody was there they decided to head back to the school. As usual they went at different times.
Corrina, Hermione and Harry were in the common room when Ginny walked in. "Hey Ginny. Did you see your brother? He is acting very strange and he just left without saying a word." She was kind of surprised by the news. Usually her brother told them whatever was on his mind. "I don't know. I haven't seen him." She stated and sat down on the couch. Draco walked into the dorm room, and Crabbe and Goyle looked up at him. "So where did you disappear to? Or need I ask?" Goyle grinned. Draco stuck out his tongue at him. His friends laughed. After he got into bed, he took his magic quill and thought of what to say to Ginny. The quill read his mind and wrote everything down on paper. When he finished with his thoughts, the quill laid down next to the tablet. He leaned over and grabbed the paper. This is what it wrote:

My Dearest Ginny,
I never thought I would find someone who made me feel so much for her. The time we spend together, I will cherish in my heart forever. I hope that someday we can show the world how we really feel. I will always be there for you. My heart belongs to you for eternity.
All my love,
your favorite little enemy,

He smiled as he finished reading the last sentence. He was planning on giving it to her the next day. He put the paper down and closed his eyes to go to sleep.
The next day, Harry and Hermione caught up with Ron. "Hey mate. Where were you?" Harry asked. "I went to talk to Dumbledore about something. I asked him for some advice on how to handle it." Ron explained. "Like what?" Asked Hermione. "I will tell you later. I really don't want to think about it right now." They gave him a confused look. "Listen, I will catch up with you two later. I have to send an owl message to my parents." He told them, as he walked away. They knew something was bothering Ron. It was obvious by the look on his face. "I wonder what it could be." Hermione said, looking at Harry as if he had the answer."I don't know. He acted this way ever since he came back from his walk around the grounds yesterday." Harry replied, as they continued walking to the library.
Ginny was supposed to meet Corrina in the Great Hall, but she was running late. As Corrina sat at the table, a hand came over her and an envelope fell on the table. She looked at it and then saw who it was from. She understood that it was for Ginny. She nodded at Draco and hid the letter in her hand until Ginny got there. "Sorry I'm late." Ginny apologized as she sat down. Corrina gave her the letter. "What's this?" She asked, opening it. "A letter from your admirer." She teased. Ginny ripped it open and read it. Draco glanced over at her and noticed she was smiling. He got up and walked behind her. Pretending he dropped something, he bent down to pick it up. "The bench" He said loud enough for Ginny to hear. Then he left the room. Corrina told her to go ahead since she had some research to do anyway. As Ginny got up to leave, she noticed Ron staring at her. It seemed kind of strange though. He looked like he was glaring at her. She decided to ignore it and talk to him later. She had somewhere to be.
Draco sat there waiting for her to arrive. He never felt this happy in his life and he owed it all to a Weasley. It made him laugh when he thought about it. "Waiting for me?" She asked, walking up behind him. He stood up. "There you are." He held out his arms for a hug. As he kept his arms around her, he gave her a kiss. "So did you like your letter?" He grinned. "I loved it Draco." She answered. "That's good. Does Ron suspect anything?" He asked. "I don't think so. Although he did look angry when I left the Great Hall." She admitted, a little concerned. Draco just shrugged his shoulders and kissed her again.
In the Great Hall, Ron walked up to Crabbe and Goyle. "Hey, where's Malfoy?" He asked, with bitterness in his voice. Goyle looked up at him. "Dunno. Probably in the common room. Why are you looking for Draco?" He asked. "We have something to discuss." Ron gritted his teeth. Crabbe and Goyle exchanged glances. "Well, when you see him, tell him I'm looking for him." Ron snarled and then walked away. They watched him, wondering what that was all about. "Do you think he knows?" Crabbe asked Goyle. He shook his head. "I don't see how. They both have been pretty careful about it." He answered. They left the room. "What is going on Ron? You're acting funny!" Hermione scolded him. "You'll find out soon." He promised.
Meanwhile, Corrina was in the library, looking at some books. "I'm back." Ginny whispered. Corrina looked up. "Hey, how did it go?" She winked. Ginny sat down. "Just perfect. Everything is just perfect." She sighed, as in a daze. Just then, the Gryffindor Prefect, Adam Creenie walked up and handed Ginny an envelope. As she looked at the front, she knew what it was. "Oh no! This isn't good!" She exclaimed. Corrina looked at her. "What is it?" She asked. "It's a howler! And it's from my Mum!" Ginny cried. She got up and ran to the bench. Finally, she took a deep breath and opened it.


Ginny's eyes began to fill up with tears. 'How could they know? How did they find out?' She wondered. Hesitantly, she went to Dumbledore's office. Draco, on the other hand, took his letter outside to the quidditch field. When he opened it...


Draco closed his eyes. "How?!" He voiced loudly. On his way, he made up his mind that he was going to tell the truth and confess his love for Ginny. Standing outside the door, Ginny was shaking. She didn't know what she was going to say. Carefully, she knocked on the door. It opened. There stood Draco's parents and hers, along with her brother Bill. Molly faced her with her hands on her hips. Her face was burning fire-red. "Well?! What is this I hear you are seeing Draco Malfoy?!!" Just then, Draco walked in. "It's not like that." He found himself lying to protect Ginny. "We came to an agreement that we would not say or do anything vicious to one another while we are in school. Sort of a truce. It makes it easier to deal with while we're here." He explained. By the look on Ginny's face, it was a good lie. "Then what is this I heard that you and her were by a bench kissing?!" Lucius questioned his son. "What?! Who said that?!" He asked, almost yelling. "Now you listen, and listen good. We will NOT have this going on! If it continues, we will make sure you are placed at a different school!" Lucius ordered. "That goes for you too, Miss! No more or we will take you out of here!!" Molly bellowed. "Don't worry. Nothing happened!" Draco tried to assure them. Ginny couldn't take it anymore. She ran out of the office, crying and gasping. Draco wanted to go after her, to comfort her, but he knew now there was no way he could. He walked slowly out the door with his head hung low.
The next day was the last day of school. Ginny vowed to stay in her room all summer. She could not imagine not being able to spend time with Draco. This was going to be the longest summer ever! As for Draco, he did have plans. Some of them DID involve Ginny.

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