Chapter 9: And Away They Go!

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The plan that Bill came up with was actually working very well. Nobody knew they weren't at Hogwarts except Bill and Dumbledore. Ginny didn't even have a chance to tell Corrina. At least Ron won't get the chance to see them together again.
One day, Bill left them at the house and went shopping with Fleur. They were told not to answer the phone. They cuddled on the couch and listened to Muggle music. "Can I ask you something?" He asked. "Go ahead." She said, turning to look at him. "If our parents found out and tried to stop us from being together, what would you do?" He asked. "I'm not sure, but I know what I WANT to do." She told him. "So what do you want to do?" He was curious. She looked into his eyes. "Well, I want to stay together." She answered. "How bad? I mean, how far would you go to stay together?" He grinned. "What are you thinking?" She asked. "Well, we might have to take off if we want to stay together." He mentioned. "If that's what it takes." She said, with a serious look on her face. He sat up and his eyes were wide. "You would really be willing to take off with me?" He asked, in a low voice. "In a heartbeat." She whispered, as she leaned in for a kiss.
After a while, Fleur and Bill returned. "You two behaving?" Bill teased. They smiled at him. "Leave them two alone!" Fleur told him, slapping his arm. Ginny offered to help Fleur put the groceries away. They went into the kitchen. Bill took Draco to the basement to put some boxes away for Fleur. As they were down there, Ginny used that opportunity to talk to her. "Remember when you said I could talk to you anytime I wanted?" She asked. Fleur turned to look at her. "What is it Ginny?" She asked, knowing there was something on her mind. "I have very strong feelings for Draco and I want to be with him but it's something I want to do on my birthday because then I'll be sixteen." She revealed to Fleur. "Ginny, are you talking about sex?" She asked, almost dropping the bottle of milk. "Yea. I want to be with him now but I'm only fifteen. Is that so bad?" Fleur looked at her with concern. "I'm going to ask you a question and I need a truthful answer. Have you ever heard of a witch and wizard connecting?" She asked, in a whisper. Ginny shook her head. "Well, when a witch and wizard love each other, and I mean true love, they connect by making love. They are usually married first, although, they can still connect if they're not. Once the connection has been done, the witch, IF it is true love, will be with child. Now as I see it, what you and Draco have is true love, so be very careful in making the decision to connect." She explained. Ginny could tell there was something else to it. Something Fleur was keeping from her. "I understand. It just seems like you're not telling me something. Is there something else to this connection thing?" She wanted to know everything. "Ok Ginny, do you honestly want to spend the rest of your life with Draco?" She thought about it for a few seconds. "Yes, I do." She answered, smiling. "I'm going to tell you, even though I shouldn't. When a witch and wizard connect, it's like a bond that holds them together forever. Nobody can come between them. What I mean is, your parents cannot stop you. No matter how hard they tried. You would be connected for life. That is the only true thing that will stop your parents and Draco's from keeping you both apart. IF it's true love." She explained to her. Ginny's eyes widened. Finally there was something that could keep them together! "I don't want you rushing into this just because your parents won't be able to keep you apart. Promise me you will think long and hard before making that decision." Ginny looked at her and promised.
Later that evening, while her and Draco were lying next to each other, she couldn't help but think of the words Fleur said to her. Part of her wanted to turn over and make it happen right now, but she was determined to wait, at least until her birthday. She also would have to tell Draco about it first. "Goodnight, Love." Draco whispered. "Goodnight Draco." She returned, kissing one last time. He kept his arm around her while they drifted off to sleep. She had a dream that they connected and their parents found out. They tried to kill them in order to keep them apart! Draco was awakened by the jolting back and forth. "Ginny, Love, wake up." He whispered, gently shaking her. She opened her eyes and held him tightly. "Shh, It's ok. It was just a bad dream." He comforted her. A few minutes later, she was fine and they both went back to sleep.
A week later, Bill informed them that it was time for a final exam. They needed to do some research at the library. "Bill, how can we go to the library? We can't be seen." She stated. "I know. We might have to have Fleur get the books for you and bring them back here." He suggested. Fleur agreed to do it. The next day, she came back with four books. "Thank you Fleur." Ginny said, as she took the books. "You're welcome." She returned, leaving the room.
About an hour later, the phone rang. Bill answered it. "Oh hi Mum." He said, placing his finger to his mouth for Ginny and Draco to be quiet. "No that's not what happened. They both are in my class. I would know if something was going on. They once bumped into each other when they had to do some research for class and that's when Ron saw them. He thought they were together. You know how Ron can be, always jumping to conclusions." He made a fake laugh. Ginny could feel her heart pounding. Draco put his arms around her to give her some comfort. For the first time, Bill seen exactly how much Draco truly loved his sister. He hung up the phone. "Well, that was scary. She still thinks you're at Hogwarts. She was just wondering what was going on because Ron had a talk with her. He also told her that he hasn't seen you two together since." He relayed the conversation to them. They all laughed. There was only two more weeks of school left and eleven more days til Ginny's sixteenth birthday.
That night they were lying down and Draco brushed her hair away from her eyes. "You never did say what you wanted for your birthday." He reminded her. "I don't know." She lied. "There's gotta be something you want." He said. "Yea, just to be with you without any problems. That's all I want." She told him. Finally they fell asleep.
The next morning, they were awakened by Bill. "Hey! Get up! Take this and go to our old house! Mum and Dad are here! They know you're not at Hogwarts! He tried to whisper. They jumped up and got dressed. Taking the FLOO powder and a bag that Bill gave them, they thanked him for all the help he gave them. As they were getting ready to leave, Molly barged in the room! "What in the bloody hell is going on?! Ginny Weasley! You are coming home with us right now!" Just then, Draco grabbed her arm and just as quick, they apperated! They were gone. Molly could not believe her eyes.
As soon as they reappeared, they found themselves at Bill and Fleurs old house. "Are you ok?" He asked her. She nodded. A few seconds later, Ginny opened the bag that Bill gave them. She gasped. "What is it?" Draco was a little worried. "Galleons!" She cried. He pulled it out of her hand. There was a piece of paper inside. He took it out and unfolded it. "Ginny and Draco, take care and good luck. All our love, Bill and Fleur. Galleons are to help you, in the amount of 1,000,000!" He read in a loud voice. Ginny started to cry. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked just to make sure. "Yes I do, but we can't stay here. Mum will come here for sure!" She told him. He nodded. "I know where to go." He put his arm out and she grabbed a hold of it. Draco apperated...and they were gone again!

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