Please, Forgive Me

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     Kurt woke up in a blinding white room. He heard a low beeping sound and looked around the room. He saw a dark haired figure outside the room. The door opened and Blaine walked in. Kurt hastily shut his eyes and let out a long sigh to act as though he was sleeping. Blaine pulled an acoustic guitar up from the floor. 

   Oh, great, an acoustic cover, he better not ruin a Skillet song or something, Kurt thought.

    Oh, the irony, Blaine started playing the chorus to Forgiven by Skillet and ventured into the second verse. They used to listen to this song together in the car. If Kurt had energy to cry, he would.

Now I'm in our secret place

Alone in your embrace

Where all my wrongs have been erased

You have forgiven

All the promises and lies

All the times I compromise

All the times you were denied

You have forgiven

Forgive me I'm ashamed, I've loved another

I can't explain 'cause I don't know

No one can take your place and there is no other

Forever yours and yours alone

    A tear rolled down Kurt's cheek and he fluttered his eyes open.

    "Blaine, that was beautiful," Kurt praised, "but I need to know what happened to me, I can only remember you telling me you had a new boyfriend and then me crying about it."

       Blaine sighed and told Kurt what happened.

      "You went...too...deep," Blaine drew out slowly.

    "What do you mean," Kurt asked as he looked down at his bandaged left wrist. Just as Blaine opened his mouth to answer when a nurse walked in. She was skinny, had darker skin and her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail 

      "Hello, Kurt! I'm glad to see you've finally come to. I'm Nurse Tallah." she said in a happy voice that matched her chipper disposition. "You cut yourself and went a little too deep. You can go home later today, but you will have to attend weekly counseling days and your friend will be going with you." She gestured towards Blaine who awkwardly smiled at Kurt. "I'll be back later with your paperwork and discharge forms," and with that, Nurse Tallah left.

     "Kurt, why di--" Blaine was cut off once again by Kurt.

    "Why didn't you make any attempt to call me. I've gotten two phone calls and three texts from you since you moved! I thought you were done with me! With us! That we were just some silly fling and would never have any chance in the future! Don't give me any 'I got a new phone number' shit, because I know as well as you do that you know my number by heart! Also, I did try to call you and text you, but you always said you were 'too busy'!" Kurt was seething.

    "Kurt, please, forgive me," Blaine pleaded, "I broke up with Sebastian after I saw you so torn up about it."

     "Why? Why shoud I forgive you?"

      "Because you and I love each other. I'll move back to Westerville, or, better yet, Lima. I'll have my parents move down the street from you. Please, forgive me."

      "Blaine, I do love you. But you hurt me, you hurt me so bad."

      The door was pushed slightly ajar and a tall, stout figure walked in. It was Burt.

      "Ready, Kiddo. You can come home now, I already signed the papers." 

     "Yeah, whatever, let's go," Kurt rolled his eyes and stood up. He wasn't in a hospital gown, which was weird but he just went with it.

     "Blaine, come to my house at six o' clock, we'll talk then," Kurt whispered to Blaine, then left the hospital feeling worse than he did when he checked in. 


       Kurt was going crazy, he was alone and his razor was calling him.

"I swear these wall have been talking to me" she said

"'cause all I hear are the devil's wishes"

         Kurt blared Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me the Horizon and got on some pyjamas. He went with his 2013 Warped Tour shirt and dark blue and black pants. He walked into his kitchen and got a shot glass and his stepmother's cherry vodka. He poured the shot glass to the brim and quickly swallowed. He did this about five times. He didn't drink enough to get drunk, just enough to numb the pain. He cleaned up the little mess he left and put everything back in its place before going to the family room to sit on the couch and await Blaine's arrival.

5:01, Kurt thought



5:50, ten more minutes



Right on cue, the doorbell rang.


"I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim"--Bring Me the Horizon

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