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        Kurt sat in his last class, ignoring everything his math teacher, Mr. Martin was saying.

        "The 'i' stands for an imaginary number," Mr. Martin explained, Kurt had decided to listen in for this last part of the lesson. Kurt removed the glasses resting on his nose.

        "Woah, okay, hold up, there are imaginary numbers now? Are there unicorns in the next lesson?" His teacher let out an exasperated sigh as the bell rang. Kurt jumbled his things together and left the room. Maybe, if he showed up to his therapy session on time they wouldn't make him endure much more.


        Kurt arrived at his therapy session at 3:00 and his sesh was at 3:30. He sat down in a chair, put in his earbuds and waited as he hummed along with Dan Smith in These Streets.


        Blaine bursted into the Hummel household in a frantic rush.

        "Where's Kurt," he practically screamed when he found Burt in the basemant looking at some sort of book and crying. Burt wiped his tears and cleared his throat.

        "He, uh, he went to his therapy session, I thought you went with him," Burt cleared his throat again and swalowed hard. Blaine sighed and chuckled at Kurt's attempt to be sneaky.

        "I was supposed to but it seems as though he doesn't want me to. Why were you crying," Blaine gave him an small frown and walked over to his boyfriend's father.

        "I was just looking at pictures of Kurt when he was...happy. Oh, and Elizabeth, the magazine picture Kurt showed me when he asked for a pair o' sensible heels." Burt chuckled fondly at the memory. "Shouldn't you be getting to a therapy session?"

        "Oh, right! Bye, Burt, and thank you."


        Kurt looked at the ancient analog clock on off-white wall. He glance over to the door and saw a hobbit looking figure get closer. 

        Shit, Kurt thought to himself. He looked down at his phone and pretended to appear busy. He cranked up his music and scrolled through is music. He stopped on the first loudest song with a lot of screaming and pressed it. Suicide Season by Bring Me the Horizon. Blaine walked in and saw Kurt tapping something on his phone. Blaine walked over to him and tapped on his shoulder. Kurt internally sighed and took out an earbud. He turned around and saw Blaine. He opened his mouth to speak when a nurse called out.


        Kurt turned off his music and stood up. Blaine got up and followed, but Kurt turned around and put a hand up to stop him.

        "I need to do this alone," he whispered and pecked Blaine's lips with his before turning around and passing through the door to meet with his therapist.


        Kurt sat down opposite his therapist, Dr. Hollans. Dr. Hollans pulled out a notepad and began striking up a conversation with Kurt.

        "So, what kind of music interests you," she asked in a overly dulcet way.

        "Erm," Kurt said as he looked down at his shirt that read 'BANDS ARE LIFE!', "Alternative rock and metal?" He said questioning if she actually had a degree in psychology. 

        "Oh," she said cheerfully, "do you like ban--"

        "Yeah, I like bands can we move on. I only have an hour." He rolled his eyes.

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