Starting Over

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      Kurt and Blaine spent the rest of the day sharing war stories of lonesome times and chaste kisses. The music eventually stopped, but no one bothered to put on anymore. The silence was blissful.

     Burt came home and walked up to Kurt's room to find the two boys snuggling on the bed. Neither were asleep and neither acknowledged Burt's presence. Burt walked out with a small smile across his lips. He was happy to see Kurt genuinely happy again.


       Kurt couldn't stop himself from grinning like an idiot he was so happy. Not a worry in the world for once. Kurt knew he wasn't going to be happy like this forever. He knew something was going to happen when he went back to school tomorrow. It was the last week and he didn't have to go for the last couple days. Just the last day really. Graduation. He couldn't wait to graduate. He didn't have any big plans to go to New York anymore, but he wouldn't mind staying in Lima. He sighed as he thought of leaving high school. Rachel and Mercedes leaving. They were his best friends after all. He knew he lost all chances of going to college the moment he started letting his grades fall.

         He didn't care.

        At the moment all he cared about was being happy.


        Blaine left at 10:00, knowing Kurt had school the next morning. Kurt saw him to the door then hopped up to his en suite bathroom. He took a showe and did his skin care regimen. Tomorrow he would have to face the bullying. He looked at his wrist as he threw on some pyjamas. He hated the people who pushed him to the point of hurting himself. He jumped into bed and prepared himself mentaly for the day ahead.


     Kurt woke up the morning and followed his usual routine: skin, hair, clothes, leave. Simple. Today he decided on something a little happier. A light grey Black Veil Brides shirt, black skinny jeans, and plain black converse. Of course, sliding on a couple bracelets. It's his last week of school, there's no way he's going to get Baker Acted now. He already had a therapy appointment this afternoon. At last he got to lave school early.

         Kurt hopped into his car and played some music off of his phone When the Day Met the Night by Panic! at th Disco. Kurt sang alone with it

When the moon fell in love with the sun

All was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night

When the sun found the moon

She was drinking tea in a garden

Under the green umbrella trees

In the middle of summer

When the moon found the sun

He looked like he was barely hanging on

But her eyes saved his life

In the middle of summer

In the middle of summer

All was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night

Summer, all was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night


Golden when the day met the night

So he said, "Would it be alright

If we just sat and talked for a little while

If in exchange for your time

I give you this smile?"

So she said, "That's okay

As long as you can make a promise

Not to break my little heart

Or leave me all alone in the summer"

Well, he was just hanging around

Then he fell in love and he didn't know how

But he couldn't get out

Just hanging around then he fell in love

In the middle of summer

All was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night

Summer, all was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night


When the moon fell in love with the sun

All was golden in the sky

All was golden when the day met the night


In the middle of summer

In the middle of summer

In the middle of summer

In the middle of

        Kurt was really going to enjoy this Summer.



“First best is falling in love. Second best is being in love. Least best is falling out of love. But any of it is better than never having been in love.” ― Maya Angelou

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