Nothing Without You

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        Kurt peeped out the window to see who it was. It was Blaine. 

        "Come in," Kurt called out as he ran to the main bathroom to spray on cologne and swish his mouth out with mouth wash. Kurt heard the door open then shut and he rushed out of the bathroom and into the hallway just in time. Blaine walked by nearly missing Kurt.

        "Are you avoiding me, Mr. Anderson," Kurt said alluringly. Blaine smirked and walked down the hall towards Kurt. He wrapped him in a warm embrace and pecked him lightly on the lips.

        "Glad you came back," Kurt smiled as he went in for another kiss.

        "Let's sit on the porch." Blaine nudged Kurt with his nose.

        ''Kay,' Kurt mouthed as he walked towards the front door.

        "Ah," Blaine stopped Kurt, "back porch." Kurt froze. Blaine never wanted to sit on the back porch. He left everything out.

        "It's a mess," Kurt lied and proceeded to the front door.

        "No, it's not. I know your dad keeps it spotless for barbeques. What are you hiding Kurt?"

        "Nothing," Kurt squeaked ashe turned around, sporting a huge grin. He quickly walked to the back porch door. He figured he could hide it all before Blaine caught up with him. He picked up the pack of cigarettes and hid them under a football. Why would Blaine look there? He did the same with the cup. He turned around and was face to face with Blaine.

        "What are you doing," Blaine asked. Kurt glanced to the football and back to Blaine. 

        "Cleaning," he blurted out hastily. Blaine scoffed and pushed past Kurt. Despite Kurt's protests, he picked up the football, revealing the contents. A couple tears built up in his eyes and he blinked them back. He brought the cup to his nose and sniffed. 

        Vodka and a mango wine cooler, Blaine thought. He picked up the cigarettes and turned around to face Kurt, who was gone. Blaine set the objects down and went to find Kurt. He searched everywhere. He was about to give up when he heard a sniffle come from the attic. He walked up the stairs and saw Kurt huddled in a corner, sobbing. He walked over and soothed Kurt for about ten minutes until Kurt calmed down. 

        "Kurt, why?" Blaine stared at Kurt with pure love and desperation to help Kurt. Kurt wiped his nose on his sleeve.

        "Finn brought back so many memories and I didn't know what to do!" Kurt sobbed. 

        "Shh. Kurt. It's going to be okay." Blaine fought back the tears and rubbed small circles on Kurt's back.


        After sitting in the dusty attic for an hour, Kurt and Blaine sat down in the living room and cuddled, listening to Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon. Blaine glanced down and saw Kurt and his arm.

        "Kurt, your arm," Blaine prompted.

         "Shit." Kurt muttered under his breath. "I, uh, I was angry and sad and I'm so--so...sorry." Kurt broke into a new set of tears.

        "Kurt, is this about the bullies?" Kurt nodded in reply.

        "Not just the bullies, I pretty much fucked up my whole future, all I have is you. Blaine, I would be nothing without you. I lost my dream of being on Broadway and there's no fucking way in hell I am getting into a college now. You're all that I have." Blaine sighed.

        "You don't have to know now. You can talk to Principal Figgins about redoing your senior year and reapply for colleges. You can apply to NYU or Yale next year. You and I are going to go far, Kurt. Do you want to know why?" Kurt looked up and didn't have to say anything, Blaine knew he wanted to know.

        "Because, we are Klaine. And we are strong, we will overcome this together." Kurt smiled and pulled Blaine down to his lips. He kissed him passionately and carefully. Kurt pulled back and stared into Blaine's eyes.

        "Together." He pressed another soft kiss to Blaine's lips.



“No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun! Look, it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one!” ― C. JoyBell C.

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