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        Kurt came back from his trip down memory lane. Blaine was right. They got through it together. Kurt was so happy he stopped cutting five months after that conversation. Yeah, he still drank, but what 18 year old boy doesn't, except for, like, Mormons. Kurt never touched another cigarette in his life. He was happy. Fifteen years later and he's got a great job, great husband, amazing daughter that he and Blaine adopted. She was fourteen now and was about to start her freshman year. Kurt looked at the picture on his desk of Blaine, Anna, and himself and grinned ear to ear. 

        "Mr. Anderson, your 6:30 is here." His receptionist said over the intercom. 

        "Send her in," Kurt chuckled. He had been waiting Quinn to come in all week. He was going to take a Dr. Hollans approach. The door opened and a 17 year old girl with pinksh-red hair, tastefully torn clothes, and heavy black make up walked in.

        "Have a seat, Quinn," Kurt gestured to the couch across from him.--He loved his job. After his struggle he knew he wanted--no he had to be a child psychologist. He managed to get his Ph.D and graduate from Harvard. He lived in Manhattan now.--Quinn plopped down and Kurt began with the questions.

        "So, Quinn, let me get to know you first. What kind of music do you like?" Quinn looked up, surprised he'd taken an interest to her.

        "I don't think you're preppy ass would know the music I listen to," Quinn quipped (Me::Hahaha "Quinn quipped") Kurt chuckled at this comment.

        "Try me," Quinn looked at him in shock..

        "I like older bands like Pierce the Veil, Asking Alexandria, BMTH, BOTDF, Panic! at the Disco. I highly doubt you've heard of them."

        "Sweetheart," Kurt sighed, "I own all of their albums." Quinn gaped at him and quickly shook her head,

        "Can we get on with this? I have a meeting on a roof I need to get to."

        "Oh, I see. So, you took a rebellious approach on you problems? Yeah, I took up cutting. Let me ask you this: do you drink?" Quinn nodded, shocked that he knew that and that he cut.

        "How did you know that?" Quinn asked.

        "I see a lot of myself in you, Quinn," Kurt shrugged as though it was obvious.

        "What happened that made you do...that," Quinn asked with raised eybrows. Kurt shrugged again.

        "My boyfriend moved to Columbus and I thought my life was over. This isn't about me, though. This is about you. What happened to you?" Quinn sighed.

        "I was head cheerleader, dated the hottest guy in school,I was popular,and got good grades. Then, in sophomore year, I cheated on my boyfriend with his best friend and got pregnant. He was kind of a dipshit so I told him he got me pregnant via hot tub, but that lie didn't last too long. He also told my parents before we broke up so I got kicked out of my house. Then, he started dating the most annoying girl in the school, then we got back together, then hedumped me at a funeral for the annoying girl again. After all of that my life went to shit." Kurt hurriedly scribbled everything down onto a piece of paper. Quinn looked around around the room and stopped at a picture of Kurt with his family. She pointed to it and spoke up.

        "Is that your husband and daughter?" Kurt looked up from his desk and followed her finger. He saw what she was pointing at and sighed contentedly.

        "Yeah, it is," Kurt smiled and continued writing.

        "So you got over that boyfrind that left you?"

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