Part One

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Tia's POV

It started off a pretty normal day, but we never expected what would happen over the course of the next 2 days, well... at least I didn't anyway.

We're walking out of church, my brothers with me side by side, they both light up cigarettes at exactly the same time, I hate it when they do things like that it creeps me out.

"I do believe the monsignor's finally got the point." Connor said whilst looking to the road. "Aye" Murphy and I said at the same time, I guess its not just the boy's that do that. After they took a few draws of their smokes we started walking down the road.

Later that day we were at the meat plant, they didnt want to leave me home since I'd been bored out of my mind the last few days so they let me come with them.
"Hey Connor!" Murphy shouted. Connor walked in not seeing me and murph against the walls at each side of him holding slabs of meat in our hand, "ssh" murphy hushed everyone. Everyone was looking at him, "what?" He said high pitched, within seconds me and Murphy slapped him in the face with the meat we held, we were proud of ourselves and threw our hands up in victory, Connor laughed and picked me up but I wiggled my way out of his arms and then he pinned Murph onto a table full of meat and started slapping him with meat, which led to me on the floor crying with laughter. "Who's the master?!" Connor screamed.
Its the little moments like this that make me forget how sh*tty life is.

A little while later Connor pissed off a woman when she told them about how it used to be legal for men to beat their wives as long as it was with a stick no wider than their thumb, I just knew Connor was going to come up with some sarcastic comment, I was right. "Can't do much damage with that then, can we?" Connor said holding up his thumb, "perhaps it should have been a rule of wrist". And with that, the bitch kicked my brother in the nuts. Which set me and Murph off, murph punched her and I pulled her hair and threw her into a wall.

A few hours passed and we were home, we sat down on our beds and got changed into comfier clothes, mines being one of Connor's white t shirts and a pair of pair of dungarees, and some white shoes.

Shortly after we went Down to mcginty's pub so celebrate St.Patrick's Day, although I'm only 15 Doc doesn't mind me being in there, but as long as i either sit behind the bar with him or right next to my brothers for protection. I've never drank alcohol though, although I'd like to I'm too scared to.

I was drawing in my sketch book while conn and Murphy were chatting away to doc, "Hey f**k A** give me a beer!" I looked up to see Rocco, I ran up and hugged him and he lifted me off the ground " Hey bambi!" He said, that's something he's always called me, I have no idea why he calls me it but I like it, "hey Roc! Oh my God you'll never guess what happened in school today!" I said, my brothers looked over to listen too, " oh my God tell me what happened like I totally need all the deets!" Rocco mocked in a sassy American female voice, "so there's this boy a-" I was cut off by Rocco, Murphy and Connor all saying at once "BOY?!" they said loudly, Protective Mode - Activated. At this point I realised I'd already said too much, " relax guys, he's 2 years older than me and he's just a friend, I promise!" I laughed, "better be" Murphy mumbled, "what's his name, age and date of birth?" Connor asked. "Umm..." I said confused, "haha! I'm joking..." Connor said with a straight face.. "maybe" Murph said.

Hours and hours had passed, it was just me, Rocco, my brothers and a couple of other regulars left, I was sitting on Murphs lap leaning against the table still drawing, "listen boy's, I've got some very bad news. Im gonna have to close down t-t-the bar. The Russians are buying up buildings all over town, including this one, F**K A**, and they're not letting me renew my lease." Everyone complained at once, "let me talk to my boss, m-maybe he can do something" Rocco said upset, "what the f**k's your boss gonna do?" Connor said to Rocco.
"Hey hey hey hey hey, listen fellas, I don't want anyone to know, so you keep your traps shut! You know what they say: 'people in glass houses s-s-sink ships'" doc said. Everyone laughed, "hey doc, I gotta get you a proverb book or something, this mix and match s**t's gotta go" Connor said laughing. "What?" Doc said confused, "A penny saved is worth 2 in a bush isn't it" I said. "And don't cross the road if you can't get out of the kitchen" Murphy said. We all laughed, then a group of large men came in through the door, everyone stood up, Connor looked at me and said "love why don't you go to the back room and get us a bottle" knowing there was nothing even in the backroom but he wanted me out of then way of these strangers, I walked to the backroom and started listening through the door then noticed a hole I the door and started looking through it. "I am Ivan Checkov, and you will be closing now." The man in the middle said, "checkov, well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock we got us an away team." Murph said sarcastically, everyone laughed, one man stuck up his middle finger. "Me in no mood for discussion. You" he said pointing at Rocco "you stay, the rest of you, go now" he said, doc coughed making everyone look at him, while no one was watching the Russian man ordered his men to go to the back room where I was, but I didn't realise that's what he was ordering them to do, so I stupidly walked away and turned my back from the door to go fix my hair in the mirror the was on the wall, next thing i know I see 2 men behind me in the reflection, my heart starts racing, I knew exactly what their intentions were, I've saw this kind of look in.. well just someone I know's eyes but that was only hurting me, I could tell these men wanted a little more than that. They wanted to kill me.

Murphy's POV

Doc coughed so I turned round I didn't realise everyone else did too, and when we turned back around we never even noticed that his 2 men were gone, "why don't you make like a tree, and get the f**k out of here!" Doc hissed. " you know he's got until the week's end, right? You don't have to be hard asses, do ya?" Connor said, "yeah its saint patty's day, everyone's Irish tonight. Why don't you just pull up a stool and have a drink with us?" I said trying to reason with the man.

Connor's POV

I came to a realisation that Checkov's men weren't here "where the f**k are your men?!?" I said panicked, knowing exactly where they are, me and Murphy immediately ran over to the back room door, but we couldn't get in because one of the men were holding it shut by leaning on it, we stood back for a second to figure how to break down the door, then we heard Tia let out the most heart breaking cry for help "CONNOR! MU- MURPHY!", and with that Murphy and I ran towards the door and crashed into it and breaking it down, leaving us falling to the floor, we got up straight away and beat the guys up, pretty sure we killed one of them, she couldnt walk because he hurt her leg and he cut her face with a knife then she passed out, we yelled on Rocco and he came and carried her through whilst me and Murphy beat the living shit out of checkout, or whatever his name was, after that we tied him up and went over to our little sister, she was lying there with her eyes closed and we thought she had died and bolted over to her "Relax guys she just passed out, I think he broke her leg" Rocco said whilst calming us down, Murphy then picked her up and carried her to a table, and we tied checkbox to the bar and set his ass on fire.

Murphy's POV

we went back over to tia, we all sat around her, and our friend that was here at the pub was a doctor or a nurse or something said her leg wasn't broken it was just sprained, and that she passed out from fear probably, I guess that's better, she didn't have to see us beat up these 3 men, Did those men try to kill her? I just can't stand the thought of something like that happening to my baby sister

Macmanus Sister ~ Tia's Secret'sHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin