Chapter 5

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The one week interval Gilgamesh specified the first and last time we met so far went by quicker than I would have thought. I don't think it is needed to describe those days because they were nothing special. I mostly sat in front of my window and gazed outside to observe people's lives. I could see see many things I didn't pay attention to before and all the happiness made me feel a bit morose. For example, I never seemed to notice that my 'next door' neighbors were a man and a woman until yesterday. They decided to get married that day and I was bushed. The wedding was so convivial and inviting at the same time I almost wanted to join all the people having fun. 

It was already late afternoon when I realized that this is the day the king will come back and I was in suspense. I found myself feeling uneasy about when he is going to attend and announce that we are leaving. I was sitting on the ground while counting the cracks on the walls. I wonder, if this guy will ever let me go and I come back home, will this house be standing as a whole as it does now or I will find it in ruins because the walls just decided to collapse? I shook my head, it doesn't matter. My life will change and I may never come back to this place ever again.

The only thing I may find worthy of telling is the fact that I started to listen more carefully to what people on the street were saying and I realized that our king is a really... interesting figure. By interesting I mean, crazy. It feels so strange that I will live with such a person most certainly until the end of my life, and if we talk about him, that end may come quicker than expected. I've been through a lot, definitely, but this sends some shivers down my spine. I'm not used to living with tyrant kings, who may decide whether I shall live or not, an will gladly act if they suppose the latter is correct.

It started to get darker and darker because the sun is already planning to set. I don't mind the night, it makes me feel more relieved, but meeting the king in obscurity seems a bit more scary than in daylight. I sighed. It doesn't really matter, if he wants to kill me I can't object or escape, regardless of the specific time of day we may be in. He is a god, after all. 

It would be nice to learn more about him, though. Besides the fact that he is some posh demigod who has tendencies to obliterate human specimens or whatnot. It would be rude to ask him about this, even if it seems like he likes to talk about himself. I should have prepared more for this encounter... oh well.

Just when I finished wondering about this important matter of mine, I turned my head and saw something unusual, which I'm extremely sure wasn't there before. A pile of golden dust, glittering softly in the last rays of sunlight. My eyes widened as I stepped one step closer to the gold, but then I realized how familiar it actually is and quickly stepped back. This looks exactly like the pile of dust Gilgamesh left behind when he disappeared.

Suddenly I saw a figure forming in front of me, from the dust and after a few seconds there he was, in all his might, standing in front of me in that golden armor he must be fond of wearing (even if it seems heavy as heck).

"Have you finished gazing outside into the desert from that stupid window?" he asked in an impatient manner, while crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Is this a thing humans do when they have more important things to deal with? It's annoying so stop it, woman."

"I'm... sorry." I said with a sigh, trying not to get mad because he referred to me as woman. I am one, cool, but it doesn't mean that my name is insignificant.

"I shall forgive you... for now. Even if I absolutely hate to wait." he pointed out a detail about himself. I think I have to write a book of some sort to keep all these details in mind, or at least to carve them into stone.

"I've already appeared here once, but you were too busy-" he looked at the window "to notice. Anyway, let's not waste my precious time anymore, woman." he turned away, not even looking at me. 

I nodded as a reply, which he knew even if he wasn't looking. Or didn't care about my point of view, which seemed equally as possible.

"Are you ready to leave?" 

A/N here:

Sorry to keep you waiting for so long :c

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