Let's Play a Game (8)

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When there was a knock on my door, I didn’t hear it. My music was blaring so loud in my ears that it blocked all other sounds, which was just the way I liked it.

I didn’t even hear my door open when it did. My eyes were closed as I continued to lay on my bed, my head bopping ever so slightly to the music that was playing.

Suddenly someone swatted at my foot, causing me to sit up in my bed and tear my earphones right out of my ears. My eyes narrowed at Zach as he smirked down at me, and I wanted nothing more than to kick him right out of my room.

“Does your music really have to be that loud?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing at me now. “I can hear it through the earphones and through your closed door.”

“Why don’t you just close your door, then?” I questioned, rubbing at my foot that he had hit. “It would have been better than coming in here and interrupting my concentration. It’s not my fault the bed’s right by the door.”

“My room gets too hot when the door’s closed,” he shrugged, but then winked at me. “But not in the good way.”

I scowled at him. “Just leave me alone, will you?”

“What are you listening to, anyway?” he asked instead of responding to my demand. “You’re going to go deaf if you keep listening to it as loud as you were.”

I stared down at my iPod, not wanting to tell him that I was actually listening to a Disney song. It was embarrassing enough to tell him that I actually sang Disney songs, but what would he think if I told him that I actually listened to them just for fun?

Zach’s head cocked to the side while I bit the inside of my lip, unsure of what to tell him. Listening to songs that were pretty much made for little kids made me feel better when I was upset or stressed out, and I would have been feeling better by then if Zach hadn’t come into my room and interrupted me.

“Nothing important,” I shrugged, deciding I was going to save myself from his teasing.

“Just keep it down a little,” Zach now sighed, turning away from me and back toward my door. “Unless you want everyone to start thinking you’re like Blake Solo.”

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Who?”

“You know, the junior that listens to super loud music all the time? The one that’s obviously after Sean’s girl?” he asked now, and it still didn’t ring a bell. He then waved it away. “Never mind. Not important.”

He then turned and walked right out of my room, closing the door behind him and leaving me in piece. I pushed my earphones back into my ears, turning down the volume just a little so Zach wouldn’t come back inside and harass me. But before I could push play, a heard a voice.

"I need to take your father to the doctor, Zach," I heard Brianna tell her eldest son from the room across the hall. "Could you take Ethan to hockey practice for me?"

"Can't Elizabeth do it?" Zach complained back, and I rolled my eyes at his behavior. Couldn't he just do something nice for his mom? At least he had a mom. "I'm tired. I stayed up late last night working on a project."

"It's Saturday, Zach."

"I know. I'm taking a break."

I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, since I didn't have a project, but Zach and I didn't have every class together, so I guess it was possible that he had a project that I didn't have. But then again, this was Zach we were talking about, so he could have just been making excuses not to do something just because he was too selfish or lazy.

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