Chapter 1.Wanna go to dinner?

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Heyy there my name is Skylar Nolon, but you may know me has Skizzie Grey in the WWE!! Yeah I know, I know my new storyline is kinda crazy but heyy, its fun!!, oh you don’t know about my new storyline? No problem I’ll tell you. See Mr. McMahon knows about my bisexuality so he put me in a storyline with Victoria (she’s still here). See we have to pretend to be a couple and help each other out in the ring and getting wins over the other diva’s. I have been here for about as long as cena has, about 10-11 years, and this is my first storyline with a diva, its actually pretty cool. The Superstars think it’s pretty hot when they see me and Tori(Victoria nickname) make out in the ring, they always make googly eyes when we come from our matches and promos.

 But anyways I’m sitting here watching listening to my music when CM Punk comes up from behind me and scares the hell outta me

Me:“OMG PUNK!!! Don’t do that shit again” I yell

Punk: “hahahaha you shoulda seen your face it was funny as hell” he said

Me: “really, well I was wondering what your face would look like when I chop you dick off?! Wouldn’t you like to see your face too?”

Punk: “sorry Skiz, but I need that to make love to you!”

Me: “in your dreams Phil”

Punk: “oh trust me I dream about it, then I take a cold shower cause of it”

Me: “eww, anyways I have me a woman, and she’s all I need!” I smirked

Punk: “yea that’s for a storyline though, come on Skizzie you haven’t dated anyone since Adam(Copeland) che-“ I cut him off

Me: “say it an I’ll chop off your lips in the process!! And I know that but he really hurt me when he slept with that slut, after all me and lita had been through, I was there with her when we were with Jeff and Matt, and even when he broke up with her, and that’s how she repays me for being there for her. I even thought that she would try and take Jeff from me!!”

Punk: “oh please when you and Jeff were together nobody could ever separate you two, you guys were in love love. Well heyy why don’t you get back with Jeff?”

Me: “NO!” I say quickly “I can’t get back with Jeff, we’re just friends like we were when we were growing up.” I say and my phone rings

Look in my eyes what do ya see? The cult of personality-

I blush and answer my phone without looking cause of how embarrassed I was

Me: “Hello?”

???: “Skiz!! I’m so glad to hear from you again” I recognized the persons voice it was my ex from a long time ago

Me: “Chris ummm…..heyy”

Chris: “heyy!! I’m glad you answered your phone, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight after the house show yall are doing?”

Me: “uhh…Chris don’t you think the paps would be on the look for you since you are who you are?” Punk nudged me and asked who it was I mouthed Chris brown, yes Chris brown is my ex

Chris: “its ight babe I’m at the show and you can meet me in the parking lot”

Me: “you’re here?”

Chris: “yeah, so it that a yes?”

Me: “I don’t know Chris, I’m kinda busy” all of a sudden punk starts kissing my neck I mouthed him to stop put he kept on going

Chris: “aww come on Skiz, I know you want to” I could tell Chris was smirking by the sound of his voice. Punk kept kissing my neck when he hit a soft spot, which wasn’t a very good idea, cause when that happens I moan pretty loudly. Punk smirked as he started to nibble the skin on my neck making me bit my lip hard, trying not to moan, and my lip started to bleed

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