Chapter 17:The shit hits the fan....

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Mom: “Heyy everybody look who finally came!!” We looked up and indeed it was him!

Me: “ANDRE!!!??”

I looked at Liz to see her already looking at me with a look saying ‘Oh shit he’s here’……….

-End Recap-

Skylar’s POV

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. He’s here. The same person who took my innocence, the same person who I couldn’t stand to be around, the same person that makes me sick to my stomach when I hear his name or see his face, the same person I hate with all my might was standing right in front of me in live and living color!

I haven’t told anyone, besides Liz, about what Andre did to me. I know its not good to keep your feelings bottled up, but sometimes you have to. I wonder how long he’s been around. I remember when I was 18 him and my mom broke up and lost touch. When I was 19 I started wrestling in FCW so I’m not sure how long it has been.

Andre: “Hey everyone!” He said. Sapphire looked up and jumped down from her seat, ran and hugged his leg. He smiled and picked her up.

Sapphire: “Uncle Andway!!” 

Andre: “Hey Sapph! Ohh I missed you”

Mom: “You’re just in time. Skylar is home for a couple weeks and we were just about to have breakfast” When he heard my name he looked towards the table. His eyes scanned everybody’s face until they landed on me. I saw a twinkle and a hint of lust in his eyes as he scanned over me, most likely undressing me with his eyes.

Andre: “So she is…Come on Sapph, lets go eat.” As he set her down and walked over to the table, his eyes never left my face. I lose my appetite and ask to be excused from the table. I get up from my spot quickly feeling a lump in my throat and my eyes getting watery. I walk through the house out the back door into the backyard. I walk through the grass and as soon as I'm out of sight from the house, I fall to my knees and let sobs out. How can I let him get to me like this? After all this time I thought I was stronger than this, but I'm not.

After sitting in the grass for about 5 minutes, I feel someone come from behind and sit with me. They put their arm around me and I layed my head on their shoulder. I could tell by the scent that it was Jeff. 

Jeff: "What's got you down Oreo...??" 

Me: "It's nothing....I just....I just missed being with my family..."

Jeff: "...Okay.....Now tell me what the real problem is.." Should I tell him..?? I mean its not like I dont trust him...I just dont want nothing to pop off while I'm here. This was supposed to be a drama free visit. Jeff was supposed to spend time with Sapph and I was supposed to catch up with my mom and siblings. But no he just had to show his unwanted face. Well sometimes to get to the drama free, you gotta go through the goes nothing...

Me: "When I was little....about 9 or 10...My mom had been going out with Andre for almost year....Well one night...Andre came into my room while my mom was at work...I was just on my bed reading a book when he took it out my hands...He said he wanted to play a game..a game that was just between me and him, nobody, not even my mom, could know about...He made me pinky promise not to tell being a child I didnt know any better...

So I latched my pinky with his...when our pinky's released he kissed me...he shoved his tongue in my mouth..I tried to scream but he slapped me and told me to shut up...He then removed my clothes...then his clothes...the he took my innocence without another word....he continued for the next 7 years until I went to train in FCW...I havent seen him since then until today..the only other person I told was Liz..."

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