I Did Say "Above All: Sarcasm" Didn't I?

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I woke up the next day and was surprised to see that I had slept until 10. I mean you always hear about going to a new place and not being able to sleep very well. Yeah well apparently none of those people have ever slept in a Tony Stark bed. Because this bed is literally like the comfiest thing ever. Honestly like sleeping on a cloud. Ya know if people actually slept on clouds.

I sat up and looked around. My room was way to big. I missed the coziness and homely feeling of my own room. I sighed. I didn't want this. I didn't want my mom dead. I didn't want to leave home. I didn't want to leave Kayden. I didn't want to go to a new school. I didn't want to live in a massive, empty tower. The only thing I did want was to meet Tony and figure out if he would make a good dad or not. Cue yet another sigh.

"Guess I should take a shower."

"Would you like me to start the water awhile Ms. Renton?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. Right. Jarvis.

"Gosh. Warn me before u speak Jarvis."

"My apologies Ms. Renton."


"My apologies Ms. April. Would you like me to start the water?"

"Uh sure?"

"Would you like the jets on or off?

"Um off I guess?"

"Would you like your spray to be rinsing, massaging, or soothing?"

What? "Um rinsing?"

"What temperature would-"

"Hey Jar? How bout you just make the settings as close to a normal shower as you can. Okay?"

"As you wish ma'am."

I flopped back on the bed. When did figuring out a shower become so exhausting? Oh right. When I moved into a high tech tower designed by Tony Stark. I hopped out of bed and started the trek towards the bathroom. I'm one of those people that once I'm up in the morning I find it hard to fall back to sleep.

Normal shower my butt. That was like the most amazing shower I've ever had. I changed into jeans, super comfy slippers, and a sweatshirt with my old schools's mascot on the front.

"Hey Jarvis what time is it?"

"It is currently 11:07."

Cool. Got some time to explore.


It's currently 12:30 and in the past hour and a half I have managed to explore 3 floors.

Let me allow that some time to sink in.








Seriously people that's 30 minuets a floor!!! Do you know how insane that is? I could do my entire house in 10!!!

So in these 3 floors I discovered a pool and hot tub area. There were freaking water slides and diving boards for the pool. I mean come on. The hot tub area was super nice and calming. The bubbles had about 50 million settings to choose from. The second floor I decided to explore was basically a movie theater. Super comfy recliners with heated seats. Massive viewing screen. Popcorn machine and soda dispenser (ya know one of those fancy ones called a freestyle machine). A huge selection of movies plus a sign that said Jarvis could queue up any movie that you wanted to watch. The last floor that I randomly selected a number for in the elevator turned out to be a bowling alley. 3 lanes. Balls of all weight. Vending machines that dispensed bowling shoes. Honestly I have no idea how someone can have this much money. I currently was making my way to my room for lunch, with Jarvis' aid of course. Hey no making fun of me. You try and not get lost in a massive tower. So yes, in order to get food, I am willing to ask for assistance from an Artificial Intelligence system. And I'm going to my room instead of the kitchen because I discovered that I have chefboyardee. And yes I am such a child that I love that stuff and your mockery will not change that.

"Next door on your right miss."

I opened the door to my room. "Thanks Jar."

I was halfway through my lunch when there was a knock on my door.

"You can come in." Pepper walked into the room but didn't walk over to the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Tony just called. He won't be coming home until tomorrow. My apologies."

Figures. Can't bother coming home on time like he promised. Oh well. I was actually kind of relieved. I mean now I didn't have to face him until tomorrow.

"Oh. Okay."

Pepper's brow furrowed and she pinched her lips together. Clearly she wasn't sure how to react just like I wasn't.

"Happy will be taking you to school tomorrow. He wants to leave at 7:20 sharp." I nodded my head. Right. School. The one thing that wouldn't be changing all that much and it's the one thing I wish would change. "I have to leave for a meeting but feel free to explore."

I gave one of the fakest small smiles I have ever given and nodded again. Pepper left and I leaned my head back and groaned. I heard the speaker crackle before music started coming through.

"All by myself."

"JARVIS!" The music stopped.

"Yes miss?"

"Oh don't you play all innocent with me. You know darn well what." I started laughing. It was pretty funny. Especially considering this form of humor had come from artificial intelligence.

"What are your plans for the afternoon miss?"

Hmm hadn't thought about that much. I had planned on meeting my dad, but now...

"More exploring I suppose. What floors does Tony use most often?" Figured this would be fun to see what he was into when he wasn't surrounded by paparazzi.

"Mostly his bedroom. Guests rooms are fairly popular as well. And level 2B."

"What's that?"

"It's the atelier."

"I'm sorry at a lee aye?"

"My apologies miss. An atelier. More commonly known as a workshop. Please give me a moment while I dial my vocabulary down to the level of a 12 year old."

Oh no he didn't.

"You know what Jarvis?"

"Yes Miss. I am an artificial intelligence system so I will 'know what' to any question you ask."

I grabbed the closest thing to me, which happened to be a pillow, and chucked it at the ceiling.

"Excellent use of the throw pillow miss."

"Yeah nope. I'm done. I'm out. I'm leaving and never coming back. I'm over you Jarvis!"

I walked out of my room and turned right towards the elevator.

"Wrong way miss."

And turned left towards the elevator.

I hated this AI system. Little smart alec.

So I wrote something!!!! Hope you like it and please feel free to comment anything you would like except swearing of any sort. Thank you for reading and for the few of my 3K viewers (I have no idea how I have this many but thank you!!!) who are avid readers special shout out to you and I should have another update sometime again over Christmas break.

Ok I have to rant here. So my term paper was due Thursday and halfway through printing it Wednesday night at 11:30 my printer runs out of ink. That is my life.

Anyway Merry Christmas everyone!!! And please try and stay off electronics this Christmas and spend some time with family. In fact I challenged you to go at least 2 hours straight without any electronics. Thank you guys and stay awesome!!!

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