Chapter 5

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We somehow ended up texting until a while past midnight. Diner was awkward. Terrence didn't believe I actually had someone to text with and tried to steal my phone. But like a true adult, I dropped my phone behind my waistband, successfully stopping his attempts to get into my business.

Needless to say I'm not in the best mood now due to the lack of sleep. But it's honestly okay. I wouldn't mind staying up this late every night if it means texting with Colton. It's impossible to remember all the topics we covered. There was a part about penguins though, I'm quite sure. And right now I am also quite sure I forgot to send him the running schedule. Well that sucks. I'll just fix it later.

After making my way downstairs I yawn, raising a hand to cover my mouth. My hands follow the familiar pattern of making a sandwich and getting hot chocolate. I honestly drink hot chocolate all year around. What would Colton think about that though? Maybe I should stop doing that, it's kind of weird now that I think about it.

A tapping sound pulls me out of my thoughts. It's coming from the backdoor. All I can see is a hooded silhouette. That's not creepy at all. My hand clutches around my phone and I pull it out in case I need to call the cops. With my thumb less than an inch away from the 'emergency call' button I freeze in place as the silhouette starts moving. They pull their hood back. A pale face framed by black hair that is even messier than usual reveals itself. Colton grins at me and taps on the door again. I roll my eyes and slip my phone back into my pocket, then go to open the door for him.

"What are you doing?" I deadpan, my voice a bit softer than usual due to the early hour. Somehow his smile widens even more. "I'm gonna make Terry breakfast in bed as an apology for yesterday because I value being alive." he says. I shake my head softly but step aside and let him in. "Frosties are in the top left cupboard and ketchup is in bottom of the fridge door." I tell him and make my way to the living room to watch some morning cartoons with my hot chocolate.

Turns out Terrence becomes very forgiving when given food.

Thirty minutes later I find myself waiting on the front porch for Pepper. Terrence and Colton pass by me on their way to the bus stop. Their chatter very confusing and energetic as usual. Suddenly Colton halts. "Wait it's friday." he says. Terrence nods, then his eyes widen and they burst out in a song as they continue walking. "Thank God it's friday cause fridays will always be better than sundays cause sundays are my suicide days. I don't know why they always seem so dismal..." And they're out of hearing range.

How can they sing depressing lyrics in such a happy way? And how come they're always on key? It must be some weird theatre kid magic. I wonder which play the club will do this year. Terrence tried going for the lead last year because it was Robin Hood. But the seniors were simply too good and he ended up in the background. The show was great though.

I sigh and plug in my earphones. A vague smile spreads across my face at the sight of the penguins. Colton likes penguins too. No, he loves them.

Pepper brings me out of my revery by pulling me along without a single word of warning. "You're becoming gayer every time I see you. Colton is a good influence on you." she says. I scoff. But inside my head I agree with her.

When we enter homeroom I am greeted by the sound of a camera going off and a phone being held up in front of my face. I frown as I watch the phone being lowered. Then Colton's face becomes visible. "I didn't have a picture for your contact yet." he says then sits down in his seat where Terrence immediately shows him some tumblr post he found and they start laughing. I blink and get seated too.

It's lunch and I'm playing around with my phone while Pepper gives me a verbal report on the latest book she read. But I can't pay attention. My eyes are trained on Colton and Terrence who decided to eat outside today. Pepper still hasn't noticed I haven't heard a word she's said. Eventually I find myself opening my chat with Colton. 'Running tonight at six?' I send. The response is almost immediate. 'Sure, you could've just walked these miserable ten feet over here to ask in person too you know'. I don't really agree with his grammar in text messages. But it's okay because it's Colton.

I look at where Colton and Terrence are sitting. We make eye contact. His eyes seem to become a lighter brown, almost hazel tint when the sun is out. Colton waves and I almost smile. Terrence says something to him with a malicious grin on his face which gets him a punch in return. Then Pepper pokes my shoulder. "You didn't hear a single thing I just said, did you." she says. "No."

The bell rings and I throw one more glance at Colton. We're going on our first run together. But first there's biology, AP physics and AP English literature to deal with.

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