Chapter 22

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I wake up completely disoriented. There's some chuckling and a hand wipes something off my face. Was I drooling?

With a soft groan I open my eyes. Thank God it's kind of dark. Terrence looks down at me with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry for falling asleep on you bro." he says. I smile. "It's fine, at least I know you got some sleep now." I reply and yawn.

"Can I have my pillow- I mean, boyfriend back now?" Colton asks. "Sure." Terrence chirps and gets off of me. He buries his feet in my side and starts slowly pushing me off his bed. I groan and soften my short voyage to the floor with my arms. "You're so mean. I thought we were having a bonding moment." I say, slightly muffled by the floor. A pair of arms wraps around my waist and pulls me up. Lips brush against the back of my neck. I smile. Colton. Then I notice how blurry everything is and frown.

"Where are my glasses?" I ask and softly push Colton away from me. "Here." I hear Terrence and turn around. The blurred figure of my brother stretches out its arm. I reach out to grab my glasses but get pulled away. "You can keep them, he looks better without them." Colton says while dragging me back to my room. I frown. "You look better without them too, prick." I mumble. Colton laughs. "We'll get them back later, you don't need your eyes for what we're gonna do anyway."

I smile and shake my head as we enter my room. Colton closes the door behind us. "Should I go get contacts instead of glasses?" I ask him. "Yes please!"

A chuckle escapes my lips. He leads me to my bed and we sit down. "But now, please sing that lullaby again."

My cheeks become warm and I tilt my head downwards. I can't believe he heard that. His hands take a hold of mine. "Please?" he asks. I bite my lip. "I'm a really bad singer." I mumble. I'm very sure I can feel him pout. I don't have to see his face, I just know. "I really like your voice." he says. "It's so light but also husky. Please, please, please sing for me?"

My cheeks become even warmer but I nod, albeit reluctantly. Then I start singing the lullaby again. Colton's thumbs trace circles on the back of my hands. He rests his head against my shoulder. When I finish the lullaby he pulls me down so we can cuddle. But I have a different idea.

I straddle him. Then I take a hold of his face, one hand on each side, and crash my lips against his. He kisses back with equal enthusiasm and I smile. My hands travel down his sides and up his back, underneath his shirt. I take my time exploring his mouth with my tongue. Then I roll my hips against his. My voice gets stuck in my throat. Colton moans. I break our kiss and brush my lips against his ear. "Where did we leave those condoms?" I whisper with a hoarse voice.

Colton freezes, his hands squeeze my thighs. "Are you serious?" he whispers. His voice is hoarse too, it makes me shiver. "Yes." "Fuck yeah."

He wriggles away from under me and starts searching around my room like a madman. I chuckle and lean back. My pants are too tight so I undo them and slide them down to my knees. Colton pauses for a moment when he sees this. "Hey! Don't do anything without me!" he exclaims. I laugh and lean back on my arms. "My pants were just too tight, no worries." "I'm honestly not surprised you're in pain so quickly, your dick is huge."

My cheeks burn and my crotch tingles. "Just find those condoms." I whisper. When he finds them we end up going at it twice, both of us giving and receiving once. It was clumsy and awkward. But it still felt like heaven. We even had a cringy after-sex talk in which Colton quietly admitted to liking receiving better.

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