Chapter 21

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Sunday is spent on my bedroom floor as usual. But Pepper didn't show up this time. I should really ask her for her phone number tomorrow so that I can avoid unnecessary worrying at times like this. Or I should finally make some social media account. That doesn't sound very appealing though. And I like not answering to the normal expectations.

With a sigh I close my biology textbook and get up. For some reason I have a random craving for tomatoes. I wonder if we have those really small and sweet tomatoes. I really like them. If we don't have any I'll leave a desperate plea in the form of a note on the fridge begging for mom to bring some.

At the top of the stairs I hesitate and hold still. My eyes land on the door to Terrence his room. Should I check on him? I back away from the stairs and quickly make my way over before I can change my mind. I should tell him I taking kickboxing classes so that I deal with sucky people who bother him about the video.

I tap his door softly and open it slightly. Terrence is seated on his bed, his legs crossed and his laptop right in front of him. He looks so pale. Almost like a ghost. Has he been eating at all?

"Hey." I say softly. His eyes leave the screen in front of him and he looks at me.


His voice is so small and dry. It sounds like he's been crying again. I notice an untouched water bottle on his desk. After closing the door behind me I hand it to him. "You sound like crap." I tell him. He smiles. "I feel and probably look like it too." he says and takes a drink. I try to make myself believe that he looks a little bit healthier now that he's hydrated again.

My eyes land on his laptop screen. It's pornhub. A video titled 'Drunk brunette twink enjoys experimenting' is paused right at the beginning where nothing is visible yet. It has eight hundred thousand views and two thousand likes. I gulp. He's been checking the amount of views. I want to cry. But instead I just pick up his laptop and turn it off.

After laying the device down on his desk I join Terrence on his bed. We just gaze at each other. His eyes start watering. "Why am I such a fuck up?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper. But I hear him alright. I spread my arms. He crawls towards me and we hug. I rub his back in an attempt to comfort him, just like in the bathroom.

"I've started taking kickboxing lessons. I'll deal with anyone who bothers you. I've got you bro." I say. For a moment I think he didn't hear me. But then I catch the faintest 'thank you'. I smile sadly. "We're gonna get through this. The first step is for you to remember that you're more than just some pixels on a screen. You're way more than some video perverts beat their meat to. You're the one who taught me how to make a catapult. The one who helped me home when I fell from that stupid tree and wrecked my ankle when we were ten. The one who took the blame when I accidentally broke mom's necklace. You're Terrence Hill. You're my brother."

I'm really not one for emotional speeches. But I hope saying this kind of stuff somehow helps him. My shirt steadily grows wetter. Terrence keeps whispering 'thank you' and I keep shushing him. Suddenly an old lullaby mum used to sing us pops into my head. Yes, our mom was that cheesy. I'm not exactly a talented singer but I try my best and push the old tune out of my lungs. It actually ends up lulling Terrence to sleep. I keep holding onto him and close my eyes as well. Despite the shitty circumstances I have to admit I like having sibling moments like this again.

The soft click of the door opening pulls me out of my almost slumber. I open my eyes but don't move. Who knows how long it's been since Terrence had some proper sleep. My eyes meet kind, brown ones. Colton smiles at me. I send a sad smile back.

He enters the room without making a sound and closes the door behind him as quietly as possible. A bright grin spreads across his face. He pulls out his phone and snaps a picture of Terrence and I in our brotherly embrace. I mouth 'fuck you' at him and close my eyes again. Whether Colton waits around or not is up to him. This time I really fall asleep.

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