Chapter 29

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I go to school earlier than usual today. All the tips and tricks Jason pumped into my mind yesterday are swimming around in my head as I wait around the place those gorillas always occupy. It's not as though I magically turned into a professional kickboxer in just about four hours. But Jason assure me I should be able to handle an untrained high school bully. So here's to hoping I get to one on one the ringleader and that he isn't trained.

For a brief moment I reflect on the geography test I'm supposed to have today, which I ended up not studying for. That's never happened before. It should be okay though. I'm quite sure I'll be suspended for the stunt I'm about to pull. Mom's going to have a great time reminding me of this horrible idea for years to come.

A group of guys enters my line of sight and I just know they're the gorillas. I can feel it, in my belly. Why am I quoting a kid's movie at a moment like this. I must be more nervous than I thought.

They walk closer. The ringleader and I stare each other down. He comes to a halt in front of me and smirks. Jason went soft on him. He has a split lip, but no black eye. I'm about to change that. I send him a friendly smile as his friends just watch us like a bunch of curious monkeys. Then I punch him in the face.

People gather around us and start cheering. Phones are being pulled out of pockets to start recording. The ringleader is recovering from my first punch. I don't really give him the chance to and kick him on the knee. He stumbles backwards and clutches it. He screams. He's probably still sore from the beating he received yesterday. So I guess I have an unfair advantage. But I'm not going to complain about that.

He suddenly lunges at me at tackles me to the ground. I seriously allowed myself to get distracted? That's the one rule Jason stressed on the most. The ringleader straddles me and punches my jaw. I don't make a sound. He's allowed to land on a second blow but I twist my head to the side. His fist grazes the back of my head.

Somehow, he ended up not pinning my arms while straddling me. What a noob. I swing my arm and nail him in the temple. He rolls to the side. Now it's my turn to straddle him. I do remember to lock his arms under my knees. My fist lands on his chest. Then I hit him in the stomach. And then I go for his face again. His head snape to the side. He stops struggling. He's not unconscious but breathing heavily. There's quite a big chance I managed to give him a concussion.

I lean back and look at the crowd around me. The adrenaline is starting to wear off already and I can feel my jaw throb. He only handed one hit on me. I'm very proud of myself to be honest.

The spectators move apart and the principal appears. And damn that woman looks pissed off. I lean forward slightly to the ringleader's ear. "Stay the fuck away from my brother." I hiss at him. Then I get up and voluntarily walk over to the principal. The suspension will so be worth it. But breaking up with Colton isn't. This had to be done though. My insides are tearing themselves apart.

While walking inside the school with the principal I somehow end up making eye contact with some blonde guy with grey eyes. Unlike the other students he doesn't seem fazed. He averts his eyes. I turn my head forward again.

I end up being suspended for three days. I don't spill a single word about why I beat the senior up. Coach Vernon is going to kill me for missing a week's worth of track. At least I get to go home early. Having to face my parents their rage when they return from their business trip kind of kills that small bit of positivity though. During my walk home all I can think about is how this was not worth losing Colton. Sure there's the slightest bit of satisfaction. I did beat up the guy who's trying to ruin my brother's life. But it's not even close to outshining the stabbing pain in my chest when a familiar pair of brown eyes crosses my mind.

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