Chapter 13

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Thursday brought along a very interesting English class after which I started tutoring Marie, the French girl I forgot exists, during munch. "So there's 'there', 'their', and 'they're'. You see the difference in spelling?" I ask. Marie nods. I'd honestly rather be outside with Pepper under our usual tree while she talks to me about her latest book.

A sigh escapes my lips. "I honestly don't get why the teacher made me do this. I can't teach for shit."

Marie giggles. Did I say that out loud? Oops. "You're doing fine." she says. He 'r' makes me want to amputate my eyeballs with a pencil. Or maybe it's just my boredom that causes that. "Thanks." I mutter and pull out my earphones. My fingers start playing with the blue rubbery parts as I look at the small penguin drawings on them and smile.

The bell rings and I turn my head in the direction of the door. I get up and sling my bag over one shoulder. "We'll continue this... Whenever. If you're lucky you'll actually get to learn something next time." I tell Marie while I leave the classroom. Her laugh echoes after me. "Bye monsieur Hill!"

Colton appears besides me. "Why is my boyfriend leaving a classroom with a giggling girl in it?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. He's not smiling so I frown. "Mister Swinn's making me tutor her. It's bullshit. Who even puts a foreigner in an AP English class?"

His smile returns and he laughs. "What the fuck, that really sucks. I'm glad you're not cheating on me though."

I furrow my eyebrows and slow my pace since we're nearing my next class, but this conversation seems to be too important to stop now. "Why would you think I'm cheating?" I inquire. "Well I didn't know where you were. Pepper didn't either. And then I saw you walking out of a classroom with some girl giggling behind you." he mumbles and looks down at his shoes. "Wait, I forgot to tell you about the torture- I mean tutoring?"

Colton nods. I frown. "I'm sorry. I thought I did. I've been complaining about it inside my head since tuesday so I thought I'd done it out loud as well." I say. He laughs and shakes his head. Even at our slow pace we have now reached my next class. "I'll see you later dork." he says and winks, then he leaves for his own class.

"Did Colton Harris just wink at a guy?" I hear some girl whisper yell at her friend while I pass by their seats. "It's probably nothing. Terrence Hill and him are like that with each other all the time. And isn't that Terrence his brother?" "Oh yeah, I guess you're right."

Their conversation makes me frown deeper than usual. Should I tell Colton about it later? Maybe he doesn't want people to find out about him this way. Or maybe he doesn't care. Maybe I'm the one who cares too much?

The teacher strides into the classroom with a steaming cup of coffee and nods at the present students. He takes a sip from his drink and hisses, burning his tongue. Common sense is so far away sometimes. It's worrying. About five minutes later class starts. We get a research assignment. But luckily enough it's to be done individually.

After classes ended for the day I find myself wandering over to the auditorium instead of the parking lot where I usually meet up with Pepper. She'll be fine walking home on her own. She's a big girl now. I sound like a parent again. I wonder if I'm a better parent than my parents at my age already. It does feel like that.

The auditorium is uncharacteristically quiet. I thought theatre club meetups were every thursday though. Terrence was jumping all over the place this morning because the teacher would reveal which play they'd be doing this year. So it has to be today. It would be awkward if I tried to be the cute boyfriend that waits for their significant other at their club activity... On the wrong day. But soon the sound of loud cheering reaches my ears and my doubts melt away. I guess the theatre kids like the play their teacher came up with. I can't wait to see Colton get all excited about it. Excited has become such a nice word lately. I blame hormones.

An hour later I find myself walking to the bus stop with Terrence and Colton. And Colton is indeed excited for the play. "We're doing Dear Evan Hanson! It's gonna be so awesome! I think I'm gonna try out for the lead. We went to see the show last year for my sister's birthday and it was just... Wow. I really want to play Evan! Argh! We gotta go running more often Rence, I need to be in top shape if I want to stand a chance. Don't underestimate acting-"

"Wow, wait. Rence? You call him Rence?" Terrence interrupts Colton's high paced monologue. My brother admitted to not knowing the play, so he doesn't share the others their excitement as much. Colton blushes. "Yeah I do..." he trails off quietly and I smile. "That's so fucking adorable!" "Shut up!"

The Hills (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora