Chapter 11

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"Mister Hill! Wait a minute." the english teacher yells. I turn around with one foot out of the classroom. I'm very tempted to reply with 'Yes, oh captain, my captain?' but settle for a normal "Yes, mister Swinn?" instead.

"Could you find some spare time to tutor Marie? As you know she moved here from France this year, so she needs some help with her English."

I, honest to God, did not know there's a new student. Especially one from France. "If she's French then why'd they put her in the AP class." I retort. Mister Swinn stares at me. "I have no idea. Strict parents or something? It's none of my business. Just tutor the girl and I'll give you extra credit if she doesn't fail my class." "Will do, sir." "Thank you Laurence, you may go now." First name basis? Wow, that escalated quickly.

When I leave school I see Pepper waiting for me. I make my way over to her while putting my earphones in. "Did Colton tell you about the track thing? I kinda forgot to." I tell her. She nods and we start walking. The rest of the way is spent in silence.

I come home to an empty house. It's weird to not have Terrence and Colton running around for once. The silence is appreciated though. I swear sound like a middle-aged mother with children. While I fill a glass with drink I think about the english tutoring of the French girl. I don't even know what she looks like. How is that going to work? And what was her name again.

Instead of going straight to my room I decide to plop down on the couch and watch some tv. There are some Big Bang Theory reruns going on and I like the show, so I'm not complaining. I set my glass of milk down on the coffee table and something catches my eyes. Terrence his phone is laying here. He never parts with it. This is very suspicious. I pick the device up and turn it over in my hand a few times. Should I try to hack his pin code?

A heavy weight crashes into me and I yelp. A second heavyweight follows right after the first one. But this time I don't have enough air in my lungs to make a sound. "Hello my dearest brother!" Terrence yells and clasps his elbow around my neck as he messes up my hair. Oh no. It's one of those boyish wrestle games. I am not good at those.

My glasses slip off my face and drop to the floor. A pair of hands finds its way to my waist and starts tickling me. I burst out into laughter. "Stop it! You assholes!" I exclaim, trying to regain my breathe. "Never!" Colton yells back. His hands slow down though. I open my eyes and look at his now slightly blurry face. "Do you beg for mercy?" he asks. Considering that Terrence his arm is still placed around my throat I nod. "Yes-" I start but get cut off by a cough. "I beg for mercy."

Terrence lets go of me. "Dude you're way too easy." he says as he picks up his phone from where I dropped it. I am never touching that again when I see it laying around without its owner. These ambushes are not my thing. Colton hands me my glasses and I carefully place them back on my face. He's smiling brightly as usual. "You look really good without glasses." he says softly. Terrence makes gagging sounds and heads for the kitchen. I swear he never stops eating.

"You wanna go for a run?" I ask Colton. He nods and helps me up from the couch. "Yo Terry I'm ditching you for your brother!" he yells as we make our way outside. "Alright you prick! Don't expect me to cover for you when our parents come home!"

Colton had to go about halfway through our run to pick up his sister, and when I got home it was clear Terrence had kept his word. "Son... Did you use protection?" mom asks when I enter the kitchen via the back door. My eyes slide over to my dearest brother who is trying very hard not laugh while watching some game show on tv. "Dude, there's a big difference between not covering and... Whatever you did!" I yell at him.

Mom looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Wait... So he lied? You're still a virgin?" she asks. I nod. "Yes mom, still a virgin." "Thank God, I really don't want to have the sex talk with you. I'll ask your dad to do it tomorrow."

At that very moment dad just so happens to be passing through the kitchen for a snack. "And I will ask my boss if I can make some extra hours tomorrow."

I am not quite sure this is how parenting is supposed to be done. "Alright. Thanks for the awkward talk. I'll go do my homework now." I say and rush upstairs. Behind me I can hear my mom telling me one more thing. "Just let me know if you need money for condoms!" I slam my bedroom door shut behind me. It doesn't stop me from hearing Terrence his excessive laughter.

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