Chapter 26

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When we arrive at school the next morning the gorillas don't do much. The ringleader stares angrily. I send him a sultry smile when our eyes meet. Colton notices. "Oi, don't challenge them." he whispers. I drop my smile and nod.

While walking to English class I contemplate whether I should eat my lunch earlier, which means now, out of boredom or wait another two periods. But the choice is taken out of my hands by a weird scene unfolding in front of me.

This girl I don't recognise pushes Marie against a locker. There are two other girls standing nearby but they just laugh. What the hell? Girls do bullying?

I walk over to them with a frown. "What's going on here?" I ask the girl who pushed Marie. She turns around to face me, a scowl present on her face. Then the scowl turns into a smile and she scans me with her eyes. I don't like her smile. It's so empty compared to Colton's grin.

"Why hello cutie. There's nothing going on here. We're just helping the new girl out." she says while spinning a lock of hair around her finger. I grimace. "I don't think being pushed against lockers helps anyone with anything." I reply. Without waiting for a reaction I sidestep her so I can take a hold of one of Marie's hands and pull her along to English class. "You okay?" I ask her while releasing my hold on her hand as we round a corner. She smiles. "Yes. I am fine." she says. I don't believe her. But I let it go.

After school Colton and I planned on going for a run. But we end up not leaving my room. He's learning his lines for the school play while I revise biology and geography. It's strange how he can memorise the whole scripped fairly easily while math formulas and such just slide out of his memories like water off a water repellent surface.

An hour or so has passed. I've moved on to some physics problems whereas Colton seems to have moved on to staring at me. It's weird but I leave him be. He's probably just dozing off with his eyes accidentally aimed at me. When he suddenly joins me on the bed and softly pushes me onto my back I have to take my earlier statement back. He was not staring at me by accident.

"Did you know that you rub your lower lip with your thumb when you're lost in thought?" he whispers. I gulp. My throat is suddenly very dry. I can feel his breath on my neck as he leans in closer. "It's hot."

I place my hand on his stomach and slowly slide it up his chest, then to the back of his neck. I pull his head down and we start kissing. This time he's the one exploring my mouth. Something between a hum and a moan leaves my throat. The pitch of my voice is higher than usual. Colton smirks against my lips.

His hand travels south and he rubs me through my jeans. I shift my hips in discomfort as they're getting too tight and he unbuttons them. We break away from our kiss. He leans back and pulls both my jeans and boxers off. His tongue wets his lips as he watches me. He grabs me. I gasp and prop myself up on my elbows. My mouth is slightly agape and my breathing is heavy. His hand starts moving up and down slowly. I bite my lip. A blush spreads across my cheeks as I watch his eyes take in my appearance. "Fuck Rence." he moans. My breathe hitches in my throat.

Colton chews on the inside of his cheek. His hand is still moving up and down slowly. We make eye contact. "Can I..." he trails off and clears his throat. "Can I take a picture of you?"

I feel hot all over. My eyes focus on his hand. "You mean right now?" I ask. He nods. That's kind of... Weird. But also exciting. I nod. "Sure."

He releases his soft grip on me and picks up his phone. The camera is aimed at me. He pushes my shirt up so it reveals my stomach and part of my chest. I'm panting. He taps the screen of his phone and I hear the camera sound. He doesn't put the phone away though. His hand starts moving up and down on me again. I start softly thrusting into his hand and throw my head backwards with a moan. When I lift my head again the phone is still aimed at me.

"Why are you still holding your phone?" I ask. He bites his lip. His blush grows darker and his hand moves faster. "I'm recording." he whispers. That actually takes me by surprises. But somehow it makes me even more excited. Colton licks his lips again. That's what sends me over the edge.

I sit up properly and pull him into a heated kiss. My lips travel along his jaw and neck. "What are you gonna do with that footage?" I mumble. "Service myself when you're not around. Don't worry, I'll put a password on it." he says and pulls me into another kiss. I trust him.

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