After That STUPID Epilogue

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Daphne had expected this. Even though she hadn't been able to talk to Puck, even though she hadn't seen him once since Granny died, she'd expected him to show up at Sabrina's wedding.

She'd hoped he wouldn't show up in the middle of the ceremony to make a spectacle of himself, but at least he hadn't gone for the stereotypical 'I object' while running down the aisle. But of course he'd pick the most dramatic entrance. He always had to show up everyone, and if it was Sabrina's big day... Well.

She was a bit glad he'd come, even if part of her wished he'd just stayed away, since he'd been gone for so long. She'd seen what losing him did to Sabrina, and she'd hate to see what seeing him again would do to her. But she also knew as well as Sabrina did (better, really) that the oldest Grimm child wasn't really over Puck, and would never be until she saw him again and had a chance to do what she was doing just now- yell at him.

"Five years, Puck!" Sabrina was shouting, "Five- freaking- years! You never called, never wrote, never came back- and now you show up at my wedding day? What kind of idiot are you?"

"I thought-" Puck had lost his smirk and was now standing on the pulpit and leaning away from the wrath of Sabrina Grimm.

"Thought what?" Sabrina snapped. "Thought you could come back after half a decade and it would all be okay? No!"

"Um... Sabrina?" Bradley interrupted, "What- who-?"

"Oh, sorry," Sabrina said, and her ready blush was back on her face, for the first time that day. "Bradley, this... is Puck. Puck, meet Bradley. My fiance."

"Wait," Bradley said, realization dawning on his face. "This is the ex."

"Yeah," Sabrina said shortly.

"The ex. The one that ripped your heart out and stomped on it and left you behind." Bradley expounded. He looked at Puck and shook his head, saying, "Wow, man. If I were you, I wouldn't have had the guts to come back. I'd be too terrified she'd kill me."

Puck gave him that easy smirk and said, "She won't kill me. She loves me."

"Loved," Sabrina corrected, glaring fiercely. "Loved you."

"Love's forever, Sabrina," Puck said, walking closer to her. "If you did once, you still do."

He stepped forward, and Sabrina backed up, stepping on the hem of her wedding gown. She stopped. Puck kept walking forward. Daphne turned away from the scene to look at everyone else. They were all frozen. Some of Bradley's guests had fainted. Everyone was watching the three people on the stage like it was a play.

Daphne's attention was brought back to her sister as she whispered, "Don't." Puck was very close and leaning in closer, and Sabrina had her back against Bradley, who was against the wall at the side of the church.

Puck paused, confused, and asked, "Why not?"

"I'm afraid..." Sabrina trailed off, swallowed, looked up at Bradley guiltily, and said, "I'm afraid if you kiss me, it'll be like nothing ever changed."

Bradley and Puck locked eyes over Sabrina's head. Puck grinned. Bradley looked sad. He put a reassuring hand on Sabrina's shoulder.

Sabrina put her hand on Bradley's, turned to him, and said, "I don't think I can marry you today, Bradley."

Bradley looked at her even more sadly, but didn't say anything.

Sabrina took a deep breath and continued, "I thought I was over Puck. I really did. I thought you'd helped me move on. But today's shown me that I'm... I'm not. Not yet. And I love you, but I can't marry you until I'm sure. It wouldn't be fair to you."

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