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"Hey, love," Daphne said, coming up to Mustardseed and kissing him on the cheek.

She and Mustardseed had been dating for over a year, and they were both very happy in their relationship. They were going to separate colleges in New York City, Mustardseed for law, and Daphne for her fifth degree of her three hundred years of life, Natural History, but they made a habit of studying together in the public library.

"Hey," Mustardseed said, smiling up at her. "How was your day?"

"All right," Daphne said, plopping her books on the table. "I talked with Sabrina."

Daphne's tone suggested that this was important in someway, different from the way she talked to Sabrina every day.

Mustardseed recognized this, and he asked, "What did she have to say?"

"She went on a date," Daphne told her boyfriend.

Mustardseed held back a sigh, wondering why females could never say anything straight out, and always had to dance around the subject. He didn't ask her to explain this, though, because she'd just get offended, and it would take even longer for her to get to the point, so he just asked, "Who with?"

"Wendell Hamelin," Daphne told him dramatically.

Mustardseed wasn't sure how he should react to this. He knew Daphne had wanted Sabrina and Puck to get back together after their divorce half a century ago, but he wasn't positive that she still wanted that, or if she simply wanted her sister to be happy, so he asked, "And what did you say?" in a carefully neutral tone.

"I told her we should double date," Daphne said.

Just happy, then, he decided. "All right," he said, "What did she say?"

"Thursday," Daphne said. "We're going to that Hispanic place on twenty-second street you like."

"All right," Mustardseed agreed.

"Good," Daphne said, "I just hope Wendell will be all right with it."


Sabrina was looking forward to her second date with Wendell. It had taken her ages to get over Puck, and she'd had some catastrophic dates during that time, but she was now officially ready to move on with her life, and to accept that, while what she and Puck had had was good, they'd just turned into two very different people after those hundreds of years together, and who they were now was too different for them to make it work. She sort of felt that maybe, if she'd been a human, it would have been better. They'd have had their lives together, and then she'd have died of old age before they had a chance to change so much that all they had left was their love, and not even enough of that to hold them together.

Of course, the date she was looking forward to was a double date with Daphne, and that could be a problem.

But still, she liked Wendell. He'd been helpful with her cases, he treated her nicely, and he was a step down on the personality scale from Puck's weirdness that didn't mean he was boring. And he got along with her kids.

So she'd put on a nice-ish dress and some makeup and headed for NYC for the date in high spirits.

Wendell met her outside the door and smiled nervously. "Hi."

"Hey," she said, smiling back. "Daphne and Mustardseed here yet?"

Wendell shook his head and said, "Thank God."

"Why?" Sabrina asked. "You look seriously nervous. What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid they're going to kill me," Wendell said, and he sounded so serious that Sabrina almost laughed.

"Why?" she asked, trying her best to be serious. "Daphne likes you, and Mustardseed's never met you."

"Because they both like Puck. I mean, one's his brother, and he was practically a brother for your sister. And I'm his replacement."

Sabrina smiled and said, "Relax. Mustardseed always understood that Puck and I were over, even before we knew. And Daphne just wants me to be happy."

"You sure?" Wendell asked doubtfully.

"Positive," Sabrina said firmly. "And you're not a replacement."

"Really?" Wendell asked. "Then what am I?"

"Something new," Sabrina said, "Something different. I'll never stop loving Puck. You can't replace him. But that doesn't mean I can't love you, too."

"You still love him?" Wendell asked. "Even after fifty years?"

"Yeah, definitely," Sabrina said with a nod. "He was my first everything. But he's... he's not who he was. And I'm not who I was. And eventually love wasn't enough. If we'd stayed together longer..."

"So why me?" Wendell asked.

"Because you're what I need right now," Sabrina told him. "And because I have more in common with you than affection."

"Aww, isn't that sweet?" Daphne said, coming up from behind the duo and hugging them both.

"Hey," Sabrina said, hugging her sister back and pulling Daphne's arms off of Wendell, who looked very uncomfortable. "How long have you been hiding?"

"Long enough," Daphne said, winking at her. "We should go in."

"Hi," Mustardseed said, smiling at them both. "How've you been?"

"Good," Sabrina said. "How's the law degree coming?"

"It's harder than I expected it to be, honestly," Mustardseed said. "But I enjoy the work."

"I'm glad," Sabrina said, "Tell me about it. What's changed since I passed the bar?"

That conversation carried them through the ordering process and into the appetizer, and then they discussed Wendell's music firm for a while. All was going well until Daphne asked Mustardseed, "So how did Puck's date go?"

The table went silent for a minute, Wendell freezing, Mustardseed glaring at Daphne, and Daphne's eyes widening slowly as her face reddened when she realized what she'd said.

Sabrina broke the uncomfortable silence by saying, "Oh, he told me about that! It was with Mary the Contrary, wasn't it?"

"Yes, actually," Mustardseed said. "He had a good time. Said she reminds him of you, actually."

Sabrina rolled her eyes and said, "I was never that bad."

"You came close," Daphne said.

Sabrina laughed and said, "Well, good. I'm glad he's happy."

"I didn't realize you still talked," Daphne said.

"Sometimes," Sabrina said, "Not very often. We do better as casual friends."

"Should I be jealous?" Wendell joked.

"Oh, no, nononono no no no," Sabrina said. "Even if we didn't fight half the time, you're a much better kisser than he ever was."

"Ew," Daphne said, "Did not need to know that."

"Sorry," Sabrina said with a shrug.

That was the only blip in the night, and everything else went well. Sabrina considered it a success, but she wasn't quite sure, so on the way out, she asked Wendell, "So?"

"All right," he agreed, "It was fun."

"See?" she grinned at him, swinging their hands together, "They don't want to kill you."

"Yeah," Wendell said, "I guess that means I can do this for real."

"Do what?" Sabrina asked.

Wendell turned to her and, taking both her hands in his, looked into her eyes and said, "Sabrina, will you try to live happily ever after with me?"

Sabrina smiled at him and said, "Sounds like a plan."

And then she kissed him.

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