Mordred in Captivity

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Mordred was a bit angry with his mother.

Not horribly so, of course. Morgan was one of the only people in the world he'd never lost his temper with- the only person he'd spent more than a month with without losing his temper around, without hurting.

But still. She'd gone and tried to spend her time at Seven's grave again. She knew how dangerous that was. The Hand pounced on her every time she tried it. And she hadn't even asked him to go with her.

So of course she'd ended up in the center of a circle of horrible people, and she'd had to start blasting them, but obviously there were two thousand of them and then some, and only one of her, and she couldn't make it back to the safe house.

This all meant that he'd had to pause his brand new video game to go rescue her.

So naturally he was a little upset.

He decided to direct his anger at the creatures who were attacking his mother, though. It wasn't really her fault she always wanted to see the grave. It was her husband, after all.

He made it to her easily with his mudmen's help. And then it was a simple matter to fight their way back out. The Hand was terrified of him. He wasn't sure why. And of course, with him to watch her back, his mother was unstoppable. Sometimes he wondered why she never killed any of them. It would make things so much easier. And less crowded.

She'd tried to explain it to him, once. He hadn't understood.

"Well," Morgan said, when they were back home safe, "Thank you, Mordred."

"You're welcome, Mother," Mordred said, kissing her on the cheek. "Do you think you could take me with you next time? Please? It's so much easier."

"Yes, of course," she told him with a small smile.

He shook his head as he went back to his video game. She wouldn't take him. She never did. Maybe he could make it another two levels before she got herself in trouble again.

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