Fun Sized

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No one was quite sure how it had happened, but suddenly the Grimm family was several years younger. This wasn't too strange, though. Odd things oftened happened to them. The unusual thing was that none of them had noticed.

They were just going about like this was absolutely normal, like Sabrina was supposed to be seven, Daphne four, and Basil a todder just beginning to speak, even though that put them all at entirely too close to the same age, and like Henry and Veronica were supposed to be new young parents, and Relda and Canis neither of them looked over fifty, and Red and Puck were young, too.

The running theory was that some well-intentioned fairy godmother had decided to give them a second chance, to make up for everything they'd lost as a result of the Everafter War, and she'd just... overcompensated a bit.

Regardless, the Grimms had no idea what was going on. They were just going about their lives, oblivious to the fact that they should all be at least half a decade older. Their friends had to do their best to keep acting like things were normal, too, just in case.

So when Sabrina and Puck showed up in Snow's first grade class on the first day of school, she did her best not to act surprised.

Her best wasn't very good.

"Oh, Sabrina, I didn't realize you were... going... to be... in... my class... this year," Snow said, her eyes widening at the sight of the small blonde standing in front of her desk.

"Hi, Mith White!" Sabrina said, smiling at her first grade teacher and revealing two missing teeth. "I'm theven now, tho I get to go into firtht grade!"

"Oh, it must have slipped my mind!" Snow exclaimed, "When you're as old as I am, you lose track, you know."

Sabrina giggled, and Snow fought past the oddness of Sabrina giggling to tell her, "Take a seat, all right?"

"Yeah, it'th just I wanted to give you thith," Sabrina said and held out a pear.

"That's sweet of you," Snow said, glad that Sabrina at least still knew that she hated apples.

Sabrina grinned at her with a big gap-toothed smile and ran to sit in the second row.

Puck, who had been standing by the door, and was also missing a tooth, though he'd lost it without gaining a lisp, sat down next to Sabrina with a mischievous grin.

"Puck!" Sabrina stage-whispered, "Go thit thomeplace elthe!"

"Why?" Puck asked, and Snow was astonished at how little he'd changed. Aside from being shorter and less angular, he looked about the same, and acted the same as he always had.

"Becauthe you're mean," Sabrina said, "And I want to make friendth thith year. You alwayth keep me from making friendth!"

"Aren't I your friend, then?" Puck asked, faking a look of hurt.

"No," Sabrina said, sticking out her tongue, "Mean people aren't my friendth."

Puck pouted. Apparently, as much as he'd been teasing, he had wanted her to call him her friend. He'd probably hoped she would so he could make fun of her, Snow decided.

"All right, class, settle down!" Snow called, giving Puck a pointed look.

Puck grinned at her but folded his hands on his desk where she could see them.

Snow proceeded to explain how things would work to this year's batch of first graders, and to tell them all a little about herself. They were mostly quiet through this, with the only upheaval being Puck poking Sabrina a few times. But then Snow decided it was time for get-to-know-your-classmates games.

Things went fine until they got to Puck's turn to introduce himself, whereupon he said, "I am Puck, and I'm a prince, and I'll-"

Snow started forward to shush him, but Sabrina beat her there, shoving her hands over his mouth.

The other kids stared at them while Puck yanked her hands off his mouth and demanded, "What was that for?"

"You know we're not thuppothed to talk about thtuff like that!" Sabrina said to him, in what was evidently supposed to be a whisper. A very angry, very loud whisper. "Not where everybody can hear uth!"

"Stuff like what?" one of the other children asked, peering at them with interest.

Sabrina and Puck both froze and looked at the kid who'd spoken with deer-in-the-headlights expressions.

Snow intervened and said, "Puck, do you have anything else to say?"

Puck thought for a minute and said, "I don't live with my parents, and I like jokes."

"All right, thank you," Snow said, but she wasn't sure if she was thanking Puck for his introdiction or thanking a deity for a crisis averted. Forgetful dust was too hard for her to get her hands on.

"Puck's a funny name," One of the other children, a girl named Samantha, said.

"So is Samantha," Puck retorted. "I didn't pick it."

"Children," Snow said wearily.

Sabrina was next. She said, "I'm Thabrina Grimm, and I live with my parenth and my grandma and my younger thithter and brother and my uncle and my grandma'th friend and hith granddaughter and him," she said, pointing at Puck. "I like thports and I can kick your butt."

One of the boys snickered at the idea of this tiny gap-toothed blonde who, if Snow looked at her from outside, looked a bit angelic, all things considered, beating him at any sport, let alone 'kicking his butt'.

"Watch it!" Sabrina said, glaring at him. "I can hurt you."

"Sure you can," the boy told her, grinning.

"Playground," Sabrina said, "Receth. You and me, behind the thwingth. I'll thow you."

"Sabrina!" Snow interrupted, giving the girl a panicked look. She couldn't have this boy's parents showing up and getting upset when he got hurt!

"What?" Sabrina asked, looking at her.

"You can't fight at school," Snow told her, "It's against the rules."

"But Mith White, he inthulted my honor!" Sabrina protested, pointing at the boy. "I have to rethtore it!"

"Well, you can't do it at school," Snow said, "And you can't do it where I know about it. You'll get us both in trouble."

"All right," Sabrina said, crossing her arms and pouting.

Snow sighed, and let the children continue to tell about themselves. That was the last crisis until recess.

She had thought things were going smoothly until she heard a loud shouting in the corner of the playground. She hurried over, unsurprised to see that, at the center of the crowd, was Puck. He was yelling at the boy who had laughed at Sabrina, whose name was Matthew.

"What's all this about?" Snow asked, glaring at the boys.

"I challenged him to a race," Puck explained, grinning up at her, "And he lost. And Sabrina beats me, so if he lost to me, Sabrina could kick his butt. He doesn't believe me, though."

"Puck?" Sabrina asked, pushing through the crowd. "You did that for me?"

Puck nodded at her, smiling proudly.

"That'th the niethetht thing you've ever done for me!" Sabrina exlaimed, staring at him. "It'th prolly the nithest thing you've ever done for anybody!"

Puck nodded, still grinning.

Sabrina gave him a hug and said, "I can't believe you did that for me." She kissed him on the cheek.

As she did so, she and Puck were suddenly much larger, a pair of seventeen-year-olds standing in a crowd of first graders. They looked around in confusion, then turned to Snow.

She just shrugged at them, eternally grateful that they were now back to normal, and that she would have her class the way it should be. Though Puck and Sabrina had made an adorable pair of kids.

Sabrina looked at the little kids again, all of whom were staring at her and Puck wide-eyed, and said resignedly, "I'll go get the forgetful dust."

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